
Chapter 405 Cleansing the Galaxy

Chapter 405 Cleansing the Galaxy

The Germanic Armed Forces were deployed across the galaxy, utilizing its vast network of soldiers and automated logistics to lay siege to every insectoid world that existed. Meanwhile, the combined naval forces of the Asuran Cabal, Ennead Theocracy, the Svartalfheim Federation, and Alfheim Dominion worked together to get rid of the Naraku Scout Fleets.

Naturally Erich used the excuse of his military being the "least powerful" and "smallest" of the five major powers as an excuse to take out the Naraku's vassals. But the reality was that this was his way of testing the strength of the Naraku and the abilities of his allies.

It was true that the Germanic Navy had the ability to engage a Naraku Hive Fleet one and one, and emerge victorious. Hell, their stealth technology was beyond the capabilities of anything that the bugs had ever seen.

But this wasn't public knowledge, instead the other galactic powers genuinely believed that the Germanic Star-Empire was the weakest link in their alliance, despite its newly crowned Emperor being the one whose diplomatic efforts were responsible for its creation.

This was a misconception that Erich wanted to continue among his allies, as he wished for them to not only understand the true depth of the enemy they faced, further uniting them in cause, but also to weaken their own forces, rather than his own. As it would ultimately be the Germanic Armed Forces, that would prove to be most pivotal for the day when the Naraku finally invaded the galaxy in full force.

Tia, of course, monitored the various battles that were being waged across the galaxy, commenting on how it was a useful experience for Erich's soldiers to gain by fighting less powerful and intense insectoids on their own homeworlds.

"Master will be pleased to know that after gaining experience while fighting the Naraku's various subjugated races, the Germanic army will gain an estimated +25% efficiency at terminating hive worlds when the Grand Crusade finally begins.

Erich nodded his head in agreement with Tia's analysis of the situation while watching his own heavily armored troops deploy their forces to these insectoid Hive Worlds, where they breached the nests beneath the surface and cleared them out, bug by bug.

The losses were less significant than if they had been fighting in a Naraku infested world. As these insectoids were not necessarily devouring swarms, and thus were not biologically engineered to wage war against their opponents, but rather made us of their own advanced technology similar in design to what was seen among other life forms across the galaxy.

Still, the act of smashing bugs, and forcing your way deep into the planet's crust just so you can wipe out the Queens, the eggs, and the larvae in a genocidal operation, was one which could be learned from.

Every soldier who took part in these operations gained much experience in how to invade a Naraku Hive World, which would be the ultimate goal of the Germanic Star-Empire after the Naraku had been repelled from the Milky Way Galaxy.

Even those men who died in battle, so long as they were within the range of the resurrection network, could be brought back with memories of the failures that had led to their deaths. Failures they could learn from and improve upon.

Tai ultimately concluded that within two to five years, the last remnants of the various subjugated insectoid races across the galaxy, and even those who were not loyal to the Naraku would be exterminated.

She then said this before shifting the view on screen to a foreign battlefield, one taking place in space between the Alfheim Fleets and the Naraku Scout Fleet known as Behemoth. There was an almost disdainful tone in her voice as she expressed her thoughts on the matter.

"It would appear that your allies are less capable than I initially estimated.... They may need reinforcements soon with the way the battle is going. But this doesn't surprise me, after all they did lose in the initial battles with Terminus all those years ago, and Terminus was a splinter fleet of Behemoth, not even big enough to be considered what we now classify as a full-fledged scout fleet.

With Master's approval, I will dispatch the 173rd Fleet to aid our Elven allies. They should arrive just in time to prevent heavy losses. Shall I proceed with this plan?"

Erich watched the dominion ships that were being torn apart. The major galactic powers made a grave error in the production of their warships over the last million years. They made the ships massive in scale as a sign of grandeur and domination. But their substantial size, which was as large as some celestial bodies, made them incredibly vulnerable to attacks.

The Germanic warships were much smaller in size, but packed a substantial punch due to the focus being on military capabilitiy both against larger craft, and in terms of point defense systems which protected all areas of the vessel against smaller fighter craft, or for example Naraku Drones.

Erich couldn't help but shake his head as commented on this disparity between the other Galactic Powers and his own.

"The time for these grand vessels has come to an end. Let their destruction be a reminder that utility comes before aesthetics and luxury. When Lunaria starts complaining about her losses, as well as the others, advise her to begin building more practical warships. Let this defeat be a reminder of her failed mindset, one that the Naraku has taken advantage of for these past few million years."

Tia was surprised by the callousness in Erich's tone, as she was quick to ask for clarification on what he meant.

"So is Master saying to abandon his allies to certain defeat?"

Erich just simply nodded his head. He truly believed the wasteful way which these Dominion ships were constructed would need to act as a reminder of what was important at the moment.

And thus while his forces had begun to rapidly destroy the Naraku's insectoid subjects within the Milky Way, the other powers began to sustain heavy losses against the Naraku Scout Fleets. Losses that would need to be replenished with more modern and efficient warships.

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