
Chapter 404 Devastation

Chapter 404 Devastation

The Naraku operated via a hierarchy that was known only to them. Each hive had its own queen, but those hives were connected together via the Empress. It was unknown to what extent the Naraku Empress held power, whether it was only over a galaxy\'s worth of Naraku and their scout forces. In other words Andromeda, and the Milky Way. Or the entirety of the Naraku species, only she really knew the answer to this question.

Then again, it was truly unknown how far the Naraku were spread across the universe. Evidence collected in the Naraku Galaxy suggested they were not native to Andromeda, and recent data collected by the strike team on the Hive World suggested they may have significant control over many galaxies.

But there was simply no way to really know, at least not with the current amount of data. Regardless of the unknown, what was certain was that the Germanic Star-Empire had dealt a significant blow to the Naraku in Andromeda. So much so that nearly three months passed before the hive mind regained control of itself.

During this time the drones and other bugs which were feral without a connection to the hive mind turned on one another, causing the three month long civil war within Andromeda, and the Milky Way between the Naraku, one that had disastrous consequences for the Naraku Empress.

Eventually, however, she regained control over the hive mind, and asserted dominion over the more feral bugs in her hive. The Naraku Empress was furious, furious that the dregs in the Milky Way had managed to launch such a devastating blow to her and her kind, without her even being able to detect them. As a result, she was currently complaining to her generals.

"How was this possible? For millennia, our scouts have reported a stalemate in galactic politics within the Milky Way, and that our proxies have been using their influence to keep the technological development within the neighboring galaxy in a state of stagnation.

Yet only a few years ago, these surveillance probes started spying on us here in andromeda. And now they managed to launch a direct attack against one of our hive worlds without us noticing?

I thought they were in a state of stagnation. What has changed so suddenly to allow for an entire hive world to be destroyed and so suddenly at that?"

The insectoid generals appeared nervous as they silently debated with their eyes about who should give their Empress a proper. In the end, one of the weaker generals spoke to the woman, knowing that he would be devoured for doing so.

"Our scouts reported strange movements within the Milky Way, the Ghimderi Trade Union who previously held a stranglehold over the Milky Ways\' resources self destructed, and as a result the other major powers began to cooperate overnight, at least in the form of trade.

However, there were no reports of them cooperating in military matters, or suddenly deciding to advance their technological development at a new and increased rate. Perhaps the scouts are to blame for failing to detect this sudden change...."

The Naraku Empress was outraged when she heard this, and lifted the insectoid general up by the neck, placing her mandibles near its throat as she demanded an answer from him.

"What!?!?! Why have I not been informed of this matter until now? And what are our proxies doing? Are they not supposed to be reporting on the efforts of the galaxy\'s various powers? Why did they not inform us of these technological developments?

What is going on in the Milky Way? You do understand that thanks to this attack, and the following chaos quadrillions of my children are now dead! It will take fifty years in the least to recover from these losses!"

The general did not have an answer to this question. While it was true that various insectoid races across the Milky Way had decided to save their hides by swearing fealty to the Naraku and acting as spies on their behalf. Erich knew this and actively isolated all insectoids from important galactic matters.

Not only did he do so, but when informed of this matter, Daelia, Lunaria, Kali, and Ra also decided to isolate every single insectoid race within their space. Regardless if they had known ties to the Naraku or not, if one was insectoid they could not be trusted.

In fact, Erich had begun the plot to purge the galaxy of all Insectoids over the coming years in an attempt to rid the galaxy of any potential Naraku Influence. But the Naraku did not know this.

They were completely unaware that the major galactic powers of the Milky Way were now teaming up to completely annihilate all insectoids, including the scout fleets in a crusade against all lifeforms remotely resembling bugs.

Because they did not know that their proxies had been discovered, and that all insectoid life was now being discriminated against within the Milky Way Galaxy, the General had no answer for his empress. And when she realized this, she devoured the general for his incompetence, directly in front of his peers.

Once she had finished with this meal, the Naraku Empress had a very specific message for her generals.

"I want to know what\'s happening in the Milky Way... Send word to all of our proxies and scouts that they need to double... no triple their efforts! As for the rest of you, I believe we have several million more broods to breed...."

The generals, of course, did not disobey their Empresses command, and began their efforts to replace the substantial losses that the Naraku in Andromeda had suffered as a result of the unexpected attack.

Meanwhile the various powers in the Milky Way Galaxy were gathering their forces to begin a crusade against all intelligent insectoid life within the galaxy. One which Erich was the mastermind of.

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