
Chapter 406 An Advanced Warp Drive

Chapter 406 An Advanced Warp Drive

The losses which the four great powers who once went unchallenged across the Galaxy were substantial, losing most of their naval power during these conflicts. As for the Germanic Military, they focused their empire\'s might on the small fries.

Waging grand campaigns against a thousand different Insectoid species, penetrating deep into their hives, and destroying all life within. It was nothing short of an absolute genocide. One intended to cripple the Naraku\'s spies within the Milky Way, and to gain experience for the Grand Crusade that was to come in the near future.

During this time, Mirage continued to command the secret intelligence agency she was responsible for in their efforts to monitor the Andromeda Galaxy. While doing this, the GSE had begun to send deep space probes in all directions outside the Milky Way. Their objective was simple: determine how many galaxies which surrounded the Milky Way actually had a Naraku Presence.

It was very quickly determined that the Dwarf Galaxies that revolved around the Milky Way were entirely unaffected with the Naraku Menace, but it would take some time before those probes even reached Triangulum Galaxy, which was 2.73 million light-years away from Earth.

Over the past few years, since Erich began his second attempt at life. Tia had been experimenting with warp drive technology, and other means to cross space in small amounts of time. She had a good starting point. With the technology the Alfheim Dominion had at its disposal, it took roughly 24 earth standard hours to travel between Alfheim and Germania.

Both of which were on opposite ends of the Alfheim Quadrant, which was roughly one fourth of the Milky Way, or had been prior to the Germanic Star-Empire gaining its sovereignty. But Tia\'s vast intelligence and knowledge which covered every single bit of information available in galactic record. Was able to actively advance this technology, and significantly so.

She never rested and always had some process dedicated to advancing certain key aspects of technology. For example, at the moment, her holographic projection appeared outside a test facility on some barren moon she used for technological experimentation.

Inside this facility were a bunch of robots, all of which were fulfilling their jobs. And these robots were, of course, under Tia\'s control. Standing beside Tia was Erich, who gazed upon a particular piece of technology that he thought was quite interesting to look it.

"Master, what you see here is the fruits of Tia\'s decade long efforts to effectively bridge the gap between the Milky Way and its neighbors. Until now, we have been relying on small prototype variations of this engine to propel probes and small drop ships between the Milky Way and Andromeda. But no longer!

This is an incredibly advanced Warp Drive, one capable of sending your warships from Earth to the Pegasus Galaxy within the span of roughly two standard Earth weeks. Mind you, the Pegasus Galaxy is roughly 3 million light years away, while Andromeda is roughly 2.5 million Light Years away from Earth.

To put it simply, with this warp drive, your warships will be able to travel at 75 million times the speed of light. Which at the very least should be sufficient enough for you to traverse the Local Group of Galaxies, and spread your banner across its many, many worlds.

I will begin retrofitting all current war ships within the Germanic Navy with this Warp Drive, starting immediately if the master approves it. Rest assured, master, the Warp Drive has undergone extensive testing across all classes of warships currently within inventory. It is perfectly safe to begin employing en masse."

Erich was baffled by this information. This Warp Drive was significantly more advanced than anything remotely fielded across the Milky Way. During his previous life, when he had travelled to the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy, the distance between it and Germania took him several years to get there and back.

Yet now it would only take two weeks to get from Earth to Pegasus? It was absurd, but then again, Erich had some recollection of a similar warp drive existing within an old science fiction franchise from back in Earth\'s pre-interstellar history.

It was definitely an absurdly powerful warp drive, one that would allow Erich to easily traverse the local group of galaxies, who until now had no real contact with one another. It would also allow him to bring the fight to the Naraku within the local group of galaxies and expand his power significantly.

After all, Erich intended to eventually bring the Milky Way into one empire where his people reigned supreme. But it would still be several decades before this could be accomplished. As he needed the Naraku to invade and weaken his so-called allies before he could stab them in the back.

Still, it was good to know that the Banner of the Black Sun would soon spread far and wide. With this in mind, Erich tried to pet Tia\'s holographic hair, and though he did not feel anything, she still smiled and acted as if she was being petted. All the while, Erich complimented her.

"Keep up the good work Tia, one day soon, this Galaxy will belong do us. After that we will take the fight to Andromeda, and after we have purged Andromeda from the Naraku, and claimed its world for our own, we will set out sights on the Local group. This crusade of ours will last an eternity if it has to, and you will be my true Empress...."

Tia smiled when she heard this. All of her hard work had not been forgotten, and Erich had seemingly said something that he didn\'t realize the significance of. He had essentially told her that all the other women in his life were insignificant compared to her. Or so that was what Tia had heard.

It would be years before Erich could put his ambitions of Galactic Conquest into motion, let alone Extra-Galactic conquest, but this warp drive was the start of what would come, and Tia had delivered directly into Erich\'s hands.

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