
Chapter 130 A Solemn Promise

Marcellus sat in his room and sighed. Tensions were escalating on the borders, and just recently an assassin sent by Yazdegerd tried to claim the head of one of his most powerful subordinates. This was a clear and present attack on the West’s sovereignty, and it needed a response. However, Marcellus did not want to hastily move into a war. One that he felt unprepared for.

Instead, he had dispatched a message to Alaric, informing him to do nothing for the time being. Marcellus knew that a war was on the horizon, and if he wanted to win this war, then he needed to mass produce three devices.

First and foremost was the trebuchet. Such siege engines were unlike anything his enemy had access to, and if his dreams were correct, they would prove to be vital to his victory over the east. Second was the crossbow.

Though already under production, Marcellus was not able to issue them to his troops quick enough. Largely because these crossbows required a decent amount of crucible steel in their manufacture, and making steel in this day and age was not an easy task.

Finally, Marcellus needed to create specially designed armor piercing bolts. These bolts mimicked the medieval bodkin points, but they were to be case hardened for extra effect. The eastern roman, and Sassanid armies had a large amount of lamellar issued to their troops. Such armor was extremely effective against projectiles, and if he wanted to kill the enemy soldiers, he would need specially designed munitions to do so.

These three things were already undergoing production, but the time it was taking to manufacture them was too long. After all, he still needed to outfit his newest troops with arms and armor. If he could stall the war from occurring for another three months, he would easily have 250,000 men in his ranks. All equipped with the best weapons and armor he could manage.

While Marcellus was debating with how he should produce more trebuchets, crossbows, and bolts, a knock resounded on his door, followed by a familiar voice.

“Marcellus, dear, can I come in?”

Marcellus merely sighed before responding to Placidia with a gentle tone.

“Sure, I’m not exceptionally busy at the moment.”

The door opened to reveal the flawless appearance of the Roman Empress; she was dressed in the finest silks, and was practically glowing. Weeks had passed since she first announced she was pregnant, and Marcellus had spent every hour he could spare with the woman.

With Placidia’s pregnancy, Marcellus had also made a vow to put a baby in Sigefrida, who became incredibly jealous when she heard the news. Because of this, he was no longer pulling out of the woman.

Placidia had a warm smile on her face, and a tray in her hands. Which was filled with cheese and milk.  She placed the tray down on Marcellus’ desk, before sitting in the chair in front of him. She looked over at the documents in Marcellus’ hands, and immediately switched to a worried expression.

“So, it’s true, this war is unavoidable?”

Marcellus sighed as he nodded his head, before explaining to the woman exactly what was going on at the moment.

“Yazdegerd has sent his assassins after my Legates, all while he continues his military buildup on our borders. Our spies report that he is building a large navy as we speak. His plans for war appear to be a two pronged assault. One in Illyricum, and the other on Italian soil…”

There was a hint of worry on Placidia’s pretty face as she asked the question on her mind.

“So, what is our plan? How are we going to win?”

Marcellus smiled when he saw the girl was taking an interest in the topic and quickly leaned back into his chair and sighed once more before revealing his plan.

“We dig in our heels and defend our land. The technological advancements I have made to our army heavily favor a defensive strategy. At least from the onset. The eastern romans and their Sassanid masters will crash against our fortresses like a tidal wave, and they will break against our defenses.

After we crush the enemy’s initial onslaught, we will send our troops into Constantinople and take the city. Once the eastern capital is securely in our hands, I will bring your nephew back to Rome as my ward, and declare the Empire united once more.

As for Yazdegerd, he is likely to slither back into his barbarian Kingdom, assuming he survives. Where I will spend the next few years bringing the Sassanids to heel. After what that bastard has done, I can’t allow his empire to continue to exist. One way or another, I will have his head.

You don’t need to worry, my love. This war will not affect you, I promise. You can stay here in Rome, under the security of the Palatini, and go through your pregnancy in peace. This war shall be over before you know it.”

Despite his words of assurance, Placidia still looked quite anxious, as she grabbed hold of his hand, and asked him about his own safety.

“What about you? You are Emperor now, you don’t need to go out and fight yourself. What am I to do if you die? Who will guarantee my survival, and that of my child?”

In response to this, Marcellus merely smirked and shook his head, before pointing to his armor that he wore, even within his own palace.

“I am Imperator. It is my duty to lead my men to victory. You can rest easy. My enemies haven’t found a way to kill me yet. I will endure, as I always have, and return to your arms. I refuse to sit by and watch the Empire burn as your brother had!”

Placidia knew that Marcellus had a deep-seated hatred for her brother, Honorius. Even after his death, the man did not seem to let this grudge pass. Since Honorius was so inactive during his reign, Marcellus sought to be the antithesis, and actively take part in the wars that Rome fought. That was to be suspected, since he had spent a lifetime at war already.  In the end, Placidia could only sigh in defeat as she demanded a solemn promise from the man she loved.

“Promise me you will come back to me in one piece, okay?”

Marcellus had a confident grin on his handsome face as he nodded his head and agreed to the woman’s terms. He had no expectations of dying on the battlefield. However, he could not stand idly by while his soldiers fought without him. Thus, he could make such a heavy promise with absolute certainty.

“I promise…”

After hearing this, Placidia felt more comfortable with the situation, and talked with Marcellus for another hour before letting him get back to work. Marcellus had to set the priorities of his manufactorums if he wanted to wage a proper defensive war. Thus, he ordered for crossbows, trebuchets, and bolts to be the primary focus of his military industry.

As for Alaric, despite his orders, he was scheming of a way to get back at Yazdegerd for the attempt on his life. He would be damned if he sat back and did nothing after such a bold move. Perhaps the Gothic King would kick-start the war before Marcellus was ready. Only time would tell.

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