
Chapter 129 The Enemy Strikes

Alaric leaned against the ramparts of a watchtower. He was currently on the border of the Eastern Roman Empire, investigating the military buildup that Yazdegerd had begun not long ago. A total of eight legions consisting of roughly sixteen thousand men were currently standing by on this section of the border, waiting for the inevitable war to break out.

Thousands of Sassanids troops supported these eight legions. If Alaric had to guess, there were roughly twenty-five thousand men sitting across from him, waiting for their chance to pounce on the Goths as if they were tigers eying their prey.

In the barbarian king’s hands was a crossbow which he was playing with. The weapon was designed by Marcellus and had been issued to soldiers in the Western Roman Army, specifically those who acted as defenders of military structures.

Alaric aimed down the weapon at the enemy, who sat behind their own defenses and sneered in disdain. Though the crossbow wasn’t loaded, the Gothic King figured it would take one pull of the trigger to instigate an all out conflict. Still, he did not intend to do so, though he knew the war between the East and West was inevitable. He was unprepared for such violence at this point in time. While  Alaric was messing around with the crossbow, one of the warriors beneath his command approached and quickly recounted what the scouts had reported to him.

“For the time being, the Eastern Roman troops are behaving themselves. They don’t appear to want to instigate a conflict between our two forces. As for the Sassanids, their behavior is a lot more volatile. They seem to be engaging in petty acts of provocation with our troops. However, I can assure you if those swarthy bastards dare to cross the line, we will make them pay for their arrogance!

As for the Castra, we are continuing efforts to construct them across Illyricum, with the hopes that they can provide a solid defense against the eastern roman army, and their Sassanid allies. I have to say I disapprove of the Imperator’s defensive strategy. If we were to attack these roman dogs, we could cut through them with ease. We should be given the order to invade already!”

Alaric narrowed his gaze at the warrior who had given such a belligerent report, before backhanding the man across the face. He had slapped the gothic warrior so hard that the man had fallen to his knees. When the man’s sight returned to his King, he could see the wrath in Alaric’s eyes, which was verbally espoused in the next moment.

“Insolent Fool! We do not have the men to contend with the east at this moment. The last thing I need is for you idiots to fall prey to the enemy’s provocations and spark a war between the East and West.

This isn’t a mere dispute between a bunch of filthy romans. This is our home now. Our people have settled the region and tend to the fields. If the eastern romans and their Sassanid dogs were to invade, it would be the Goths who suffer the most! You tell the men that they are not to attack the enemy unless they themselves are attacked first! If I see one of you assholes starting a fight, I will personally remove your head!”

The Gothic warrior was surprised to see his king so upset. He had not thought of the consequences that would occur in Illyricum should the Gothic Warriors and the Western Roman Legions come to blows with their eastern counterparts. Thus, the man could only bow his head and submit to his King.

“Yes, your highness…”

With that said, the warrior departed and left Alaric alone to gaze over the wall. He sighed heavily as he contemplated whether his deal with Marcellus was worth it or not. Either way, his people had settled Illyricum, and were now charged with its defense.

However, had he known that his warriors would be used as the primary force against the Eastern Roman Army in what could be considered a civil war, he likely would never have agreed to Marcellus’ terms.

Alaric continued to stand on the watchtower and gaze upon the enemy forces until the sun went down, which is when he descended from the staircase and returned to his quarters. After shutting the entryway behind him, Alaric was nearly sent to the afterlife, as a throwing knife narrowly missed his neck and embedded itself in the thick wooden door.

He felt as if a few of his beard hairs were trimmed from the attack. However, rather than gaze in shock at the assassin who had been sent to dispatch him to the fiery depths of hell, he instantly unsheathed his seax, just in time to avoid the strike of the enemy’s blade which darted towards his heart with swift speed..

Alaric barely managed to parry the sword blade aside as he grabbed onto the Assassin’s shoulder and drove his knife into the man’s gut. However, the small blade of the seax was not enough to pierce through the iron lamellar vest which was concealed beneath the enemy’s shrouded clothing. He could only snarl like a beast as he headbutted the man, sending him tumbling to the ground.

When the assassin fell to the floor, Alaric tossed his knife at him, causing the assassin to parry it with his sword. Though it failed to kill the enemy, this action had bought enough time for Alaric to unleash his spatha, which he did not hesitate to drive down towards his opponent’s chest with a vicious thrust. Unfortunately, the assassin once more parried the blade, causing it to stick into the wooden flooring ever so slightly.

The enemy used this time to get to his feet, where he struggled to eliminate his target with a wicked slash towards Alaric’s head which was easily countered by the veteran warrior with a powerful kick to the chest, sending the man backwards and into the dresser. With the quick swing of his blade, Alaric decapitated the would be assassin with little effort. Having severed the man’s head from his body, the Barbarian King unmasked his opponent to reveal the swarthy features of a Sassanid.

Alaric sighed heavily, as he realized that Yazdegerd saw him as a threat, and had tried to silently eliminate him within his own quarters. Such a vicious attack could not be allowed to go unpunished. He had no choice but to make a move of his own, or else his pride as a warrior would be diminished. Just what plot he would use to strike back against the Sassanid King had yet to be seen. However, one thing was certain: Alaric’s vengeance would be swift and brutal.

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