
Chapter 141 - Beep Beep

"Zhenyi!" Long Jie shook her as he slipped his arm under her waist and pulled her close to his chest. He was rocking her like a baby. 

She was attached to many machines. Needles poking her soft skin. How painful was it for her? 

They hooked her up to monitors once inside and…nothing. Nothing but a flat line, and the sound of a machine alarm.

He didn\'t know what changed all of a sudden but he indeed heard the most beautiful noise in the world. The beeping of the ECG machine. 

"Keep talking to her!" Someone shouted at him, though the voice was familiar but it didn\'t register in his brain before someone else begin barking orders.

The doctors didn\'t argue because they had already pronounced dead in their heads. But she was not dead. There was a heartbeat even if it was very faint and fading. But it was there...

A nurse shifted Zhenyi from his hold and laid her on the bed. The doctors began nursing her. He had no idea what was happening around him but he did know one thing that they were urging him to keep talking to her. 

Words were meaningless. She doesn\'t trust his words. She said his words are as frail as dry leaves. Meant to be crushed under his own foot. He was not able to keep his words with her. She was right words without actions are useless but he was hell-bent on making her listen to him this time. 

She was dying and he would die every day without her. 

She would leave him and would never look back. 

She had no pulse but he was the dead man.

She was fading before him and he was withering a piece by piece. 

No. No. No. She would not die. She could not. He would never allow anyone to take her away from him. Not even the God himself. 

He would believe in His existence if he saved her today. He would never blame Him for his miseries ever if He brought her back to life. He just needed a chance from the Almighty to hold her once again. Healthy and happy. Even if it meant she would never give him any chance. He was willing to exchange anything for her life in return. 

Anything. Take anything away from him but save his wife. 

"Mr. Long, keep talking to your wife. She is listening to your words," the other doctor spoke. 

He had been telling them to let him go inside. She needed him but they didn\'t listen to him. Now look, how she would wake up listening to his words! 

She would, right? 

Xin Yichen patted his shoulders as if urging him to go on. If he saved his daughter today, he would do anything he asked him for saving his daughter. He was a helpless father. If today, someone asked him to believe something as absurd as this, he would agree if it could bring back his daughter. 

Long Jie nodded. He straightened up and kissed her forehead as he said in a broken yet soft, " Love, come back to me. I promise I\'ll do whatever you want me to do. Come back." His voice turned raw and cracking. He was trembling from the fear and panic but he didn\'t let anyone aware of it. " If you won\'t come then take me with you. Don\'t leave me here to die moment without you. I can\'t imagine my world with you gone. Love me, hate me, fight me, accuse me or even kill me but just hold on."

"I still need you." His voice cracked up, his vision blurry. 

He held her burned cold hand close to his lips and kissed it several times. 

There was a time when he didn\'t know if he would ever be able to speak, his ghosts had cut him so deep that uttering even a single world was traumatizing for him. Besides, his Tourette syndrome was so severe that he never thought he would be able to live a normal life where he could speak and express himself without the ticking sound. So, words became useless to him. He demanded more than words and he longed to give her more than just words but circumstances never allowed him to no matter how much he tried to. 

It was not an excuse for his failure, it was the reality. He agreed that he was a coward but he was scared that she would leave him. 

Now he refused to give up. If she came to come back to him just hearing him speak he would never give her his silence. He would offer her his words and keep them even if he had to pay the price by his life. He would.

He was even willing to trade his life for her. Life without her was meaningless anyway. 

"Can you hear me screaming don\'t leave me? You\'re not the only one dying, I\'m dying too, each passing second. Feel my pain and come back to me; to life. You\'re the only one who can save us. Hear me." Long Jie snapped." Please."

A baby. 

Yes. A baby. Their baby. She had to live for the baby. 

Suddenly, the beeping sound increased . The doctors ran here and there. One gave her chest compressions and another was stitching her bleeding wounds. It was the scene he never wanted to keep in mind.

"A pulse," Someone shouted, and just like this life came back to Long Jie. 

He knew she had heard his unspoken words. She would live. She had to. For the little life inside her. For him. 

And just like this he realized he loved them beyond words. 

This novel is a contracted work with W e b n o v e l. c o m (remove spaces). If you\'re not reading \'The Typhoon\'s Dangerous Wife \' on W e b n o v e l, it has been stolen. It\'s very heartbreaking to see pirates profiting from my hard work. Please support the original author,(tanu_sam).

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