
Chapter 410 - Seashore Demon Gods


However, they did not know their true origins nor intentions, and Araba, the only God which they could speak with for now didn\'t know about this place because he was a Neet… they only knew that there were more cults about other Gods with strange names and divinities, but that was it…

It seemed that Seashore was an enormous city filled with different cultures and people, but the amount of these entities overseeing it was rather terrifying, especially by how powerful they were and how malicious their intentions were.

Ervas and Veronica\'s presences were quite strong when they entered their domain, the Seashore Town.

However, since then, they had tried to suppress it as much as they can to not drag the attention of such entities.

Alongside Borunidhan, the Demon God of False Treasures, there were three other Demon Gods, each one lived atop the skies of Seashore and even cooperated with the Vampires and the Progenitor Vampire that governed Seashore in the shadows alongside other smaller nations.

Each of these Demon Gods held a strong authority and had lived for hundreds of years around these places, Seashore was but another nation they had decided to take root for now.

Kritias was a dangerous place indeed. As if monsters roaming the globe was not enough, some monsters ascended to Godhood and had malicious divinities and evil intentions, often flying inside of their Divine Realms over certain nations, causing mayhem and troubles, feeding themselves in the chaos caused by their actions, and the enticement they provoked to others.

Aside from Borunidhan, three other Demon Gods made their home in Seashore, and all four of them governed a certain area of it.

They were not aggressive against each other, but not friendly either.

They mostly remained within their territories to not provoke the other\'s rage.

Borunidhan, the Demon God of False Treasures governed the North region of Seashore, bringing his enticement by giving false treasures and bringing misfortune to those around the ones that possessed his Divine Protection, giving the feeling of "luck".

Vog\'dromad, the Demon God of Self-Indulgent Degeneracy governed the South region of Seashore, using her divinity and the powers she granted to her cult to be capable of finding pleasure and indulge in complete degeneracy, she was the one at the fault of there being so many underground organizations that constantly kidnaped young girls and women to sell or use as sex slaves, which the demon goddess gained power from seeing the acts over the special altar built on her name.

It was said that she was able to bring happiness to anyone through this indulgent degeneracy that brought endless pleasure and insanity.

Xorkoch, the Demon God of Fervent Addiction governed the west area of Seashore, he seemed to be a God that found pleasure in seeing others indulge in fervent addictions to certain things or acts, however, the most famous and useful of them all were actual drugs, which he made his cult produce and sell to spread his "fervent addiction" to others, who would seek more of such drug made from parts of his monstrous body and slowly approach his cult to ask for more, becoming fervent addicted worshipers. He was at fault for bringing drugs to Seashore, and the one who had provoked so many people to ruin their lives and fall into complete poverty due to them.

And lastly, there was Ullmarauth, the Demon God of Mad Slaughter governed the east area of Seashore, he seemed to be a god who desired anything to indulge in a constant and mad slaughter.

Of course, if that were to happen most people would have noticed in Seashore… so he limited himself to form a cult of assassins and barbarian bandits, and often worked outside of Seashore, letting them invade nearby villages or towns for them to slaughter and violate the people inside, bringing him power through unleashing their truest maddening desires.

Sometimes he would also employ such organizations and cults to work as Adventurers and hunt monsters to make a living…

He was one of the less threatening Demo Gods because he mostly did not target Seashore itself, but his followers always originated from here.

Ervas and Veronica had gotten to know about them through the constant Dead Spirits that flew towards Veronica and Kuro (not Ervas anymore, as his Death Attribute-related powers weakened when he awakened Life Attribute).

However, the full extent of their capabilities or what they can truly do was also unknown.

Although they had been spying a lot of places and had gotten some little info through Veronica\'s Undead Insects or the Dead Spirits themselves, there was still a lot of mystery, and recently, such Demon Gods had begun to use countermeasures to be spied upon by Veronica, somehow realizing her powers over Death Magic and ordering their subordinates from their cults to use Holy Water, an item made of normal water that was blessed by a high priest of Bestellen\'s church that could burn through the undead and not let Dead Spirits roam around places with them.

Alongside that, in the last weeks, they had begun to cover their victims with holy water as well, so the Dead Spirits could not appear, and the souls were to flow directly to the transmigration cycle of Kritias.

It has been around a week since Wellerman was created, and Ervas and Veronica were discussing these troublesome Gods while traveling through the seas.

Of course, they were able to go back to Seashore in a second by using the accursed graveyard that Veronica set up in the battleship, by getting inside of Veronica\'s soul, they were able to completely ignore the condition that only Undead could travel through such spell.

Like this, through this week, the pair and their friends had been going to Seashore and coming back to the sea in sporadic intervals.

However, it has only been a week since then, and the seas that separated the continent of Anir\'s Hands with the Demon Continent were enormous… and filled with deadly beasts.

Although they had traveled for only one week and we\'re still yet to enter the center of the oceans where things would become truly wild, especially because of the great damage and contamination dealt in the Ragnar?k through Miasma created by the Demon God-King and the Demon Gods, which made several areas of the sea into Devil Seas with varied appearances and many dangers.

Wellerman had already come across one of such small Devil Seas, which was made entirely out of poison to the point that the seawater itself had turned completely purple-colored and was constantly boiling, while also having many monstrous, alien-like creatures roaming inside.

However, such a place contained several Rank 9 and above monsters, so it was a nice place to level up, especially by the sheer quantity of creatures, due to this, Wellerman ended up Ranking Up to Rank 7 in only a week of having been created.

Meanwhile, Ervas and Veronica had finally hit max level in their respective Jobs after many months, finally getting through their progression wall… at least in the Jobs department, as their Ranks were still stuck around level 70.

However, before finally changing Jobs, they had decided to chat about their recent knowledge and events revolving around the Demon Gods, and something else…

"So there are three more Gods alongside that one that Aran follows? Oh my… This town is more toxic and filled with filth than I imagined," sighed Lilith.

"Indeed, our lords should exterminate these pests from here, and grow even stronger and more glorious," said Legion.

"And they also have many Demon God-King Fragments, don\'t they? It would be even more convenient and amazing if they could get even stronger from that!" said Ozgeth.

"Yeah, those filthy monstrous beings won\'t stand a chance against our divine lords!" said Pekoran.

The group of creepy and dark beings laughed eerily, celebrating the possible triumphant future of their lords against these entities.

"I don\'t think it will be as smooth sailing as you guys make it up to be… There are four of them, and they seem to share some alliance… And even more, they are already wary of our existence, and even know about Veronica\'s death magic, which they had taken countermeasures against…" said Ervas.

"It is as Ervas says, they will be pretty tough to fight against, we have planned to provoke one of them to get out. At the very least we will destroy their cults and see if one of them takes the bait… But they are old and cunning. Unless we can find a way to find where they are through their Divine Realms… we cannot really catch and kill them," sighed Veronica.

"I think I could help in that regard, I have more or less developed my Spatial Magic enough, if I combine it with Void Magic, it should be possible for me to enter a Divine Realm. However, I am not near as strong to detect a God hiding inside one… I would need exact coordinates and all… and yeah, not so easy," said Kireina.

"Hm… I wish we could have some insider about this stuff," sighed Jason.

"Not everything can be as convenient. Let\'s continue with our original plans for now," said Ervas.

"Yeah. For now, what we can only do is change Jobs and then perhaps use a few of our Skill Points, I have been accumulating enough and want a powerup to prepare for this stuff…" said Veronica.

"…Although there might be another problem as well," said Ervas.

"Oh right…" said Veronica.


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