
Chapter 409 - The Demon God Thoughts


This was Borunidhan, the Demon God of False Treasures.

He could have been considered to be one of the lesser Demon Gods within the world of Kritias, forgotten even by other Demon Gods due to his lack of participation in the Ragnar?k.

He had never cared about such measly things as war and the like and had always desired to govern his own domain and slowly rise to power through his underhanded methods of manipulation and extortion.

He was a devilish demon god who liked to provoke conflicts within mortals by using their greatest weakness, as he thought, greed.

The sin of greed or avarice could be said to be what gives Borunidhan a way to exist and nourish himself.

No matter where he went, as long as there were people and civilizations, there would be greed everywhere.

Which he feeds from happily.

Unlike other pathetic Demon Gods who meet their end at the hands of strange mortals such as Oggoth, Borunidhan was never sealed or anything of the sorts, but was naturally a weak and small Demon God, who had risen to godhood due to his special circumstances.

Since he was born inside a dungeon as a creature that used mimicry to entice Adventurers to approach him that he had always used the inner greed within mortals as his main weapon.

He forged his own powers around such belief, offering greater, and richer treasures to the Adventurers and other people, or even animals or monsters who fancied shiny objects such as crows or goblins.

At some point, he shaped himself as a large treasure chest, becoming the progenitor of all Mimics, a treacherous race of monsters that mimic things usually found inside Dungeons such as Treasure Chests, Walls, Floor, Potions, Pots, and even rusty weapons.

He was a vicious creature that evolved and thrived in such an environment, making of his niche his greatest power and weapon, and slowly yet steadily rising to godhood through the accumulation of Experience Points and stockpiled mana within his soul.

At some point, as he slept thousands of years in the past, his soul exploded, and large quantities of divine energy began to flow inside of it.

When he woke up, he had ascended into a God, and he found himself inside of his Divine Realm.

As a God, he slowly started to gain a greater consciousness, intelligence, and better perspicacity.

He became different than the kin he created, which had already infested many dungeons across Kritias through his spore-like eggs that even traveled outside of his original dungeon through the wind that entered dungeons.

Soon enough, the world was filled with his kin.

However, he was not the same as his children, he was not as primal as them, and he needed greater methods of hunting and gathering strength and energy to keep thriving.

Despite him thinking that he was not as primal as his children, he could be considered one of the most basic Demon Gods amongst the many that there were, as his sole purpose of doing "evil things" was survival, however, as he grew older and more intelligent, he slowly derived such desires of survival to pleasure as well, taking great joy into manipulating the feeble and insignificant lives of mortals by offering treasures, "luck" and more through his Divinity.

His Divinity was False Treasures, and as it implied, the treasures he could offer were not real, nor the feeling of greatness within them.

However, such treasures were of incredible quality and were so similar to the real ones that not many could even realize that they were false until the gold they bought began to decay after many years…

The powers bestowed by his Divinity were those of False Treasures, of False Pleasures, and False Happiness and Fulfillment.

In the societies that mortals built-in Kritias, many people enjoyed and found pleasure in treasures and riches, the richer they were, the happier they became.

However, such happiness and feeling of success and fulfillment were false, something that this god merely fabricated to bring them a false joy and happiness, which he pleased himself in seeing, especially when such people were to be finally funded out and ended.

Through his long life, Borunidhan created many sects before his name, or small churches, people that desired the most a change and contained the most greed were like bright red lights to his divine senses, which he slowly approached to and offered them greatness and promised treasures, bringing a great change to their lives.

In exchange, he would acquire followers and prayers, the more he got the better, nourishing his godly powers.

Being even offered sacrifices, he kept growing stronger, to the point that his strength was perhaps unrecognizable to how he used to be once…

And because no one knew about him, it was even better, not even beings such as Bestellen who gained the continent he resided in knew about how strong he was growing, how powerful he could get…

As he developed more powers and his mind enlightened, Borunidhan started to realize how he was having such a narrow view of the world, his greatness kept growing, and he would one day even rival the Dark and Bright Gods.

In fact, such a day was soon to come, as he felt that something within his soul was growing larger, his power was finally having a qualitative change, and his divine energy was being refined into greater levels of strength.

He just needed a few more hundred years to achieve his plans, to acquire the power that could rival Bestellen himself!

And as this world kept being shrouded in wars and chaos, Borunidhan kept growing stronger and bigger, the greed of humanity knew no bounds, he could get as much power as he wanted, extending his devil influence all around the continent, everyone was soon to know about his greatness, about the God that could bring all of their dreams to reality!

He had already expanded to Seashore, who he had taken as his "home" for the moment, residing high in the skies inside of his Divine Realm observing the mortals, his greatest source of energy, and slowly eroding their minds.

He had already made a large cult around him, which was led by Aran, one of the Aristocrats in charge of several shops within Seashore.

The fool old man had accepted his offer for greatness rather quickly and swiftly, completely unaware of the terrible mistake he was committing by siding with a demon god…

However, the treasures and the "luck" that his divine protection offered were immensely great, Aran\'s business were blooming ever since he took the divine protection from Borunidhan.

But such "luck" was a double-edged sword.

It was a special ability that God had designed, which drained the fortune and fate of others around the one given the divine protection, giving them the "Feeling" of good luck, but what truly happened was that the people around them became incredibly unfortunate, often to the point where it seemed as if he was the fortunate one.

Demon Gods being able to make fortune? That was nothing but a lie.

Demon Gods were not able to create miracles like the original Gods, but they were able to create disgraces through their powers.

As they grew older and learned how to use their powers, they would lowly be able to adjust these disgraces into enhancements or special types of auras of misfortune that affected those around the user.

Of course, not all Gods could do the same as Borunidhan, in fact, he was unique in that case, as he had the power to manipulate things related to false treasures, deceiving, and even generating false fortune, in a way…

Through this wicked power, he brought the demise of countless places similar to Seashore in the past, seeing these mortals perish and go to war as he laughed at the things he provoked.

Using Aran as his main pawn, he slowly kept expanding for years… without even caring about the Vampires, in which he often cooperated if the opportunity arose alongside some of the other Demon Gods around Seashore.

However, one day, he realized that a strange presence emerged into the Town… two, in fact.

For a moment, he had believed they were Gods.

But they were walking in the ground and not being corrupted by the miasma, and they also had flesh bodies… their presences were also suppressed not long after, and he began to believe that they were something else, something stranger, even.

That day, he began to slowly watch over them, sending his pawns to cause conflicts against them, but to no avail, such thugs were nothing at the end, and Veronica just beat them senseless.

However, he still desired to know more, to see what they were up to, and if there was a way for him to somehow possess them or send them away…

These two were slowly changing the Seashore Town, and what they were doing could not be thought to be less than insane in many ways…

He had tried to send Aran to them alongside a special cursed item he used, but he sensed a bit later that such a curse was somehow destroyed…

Now, he felt frustrated, he did not know what to do with these intruders, however, the other Demon Gods had already begun to suspect similar things to them, and as they had all been living together in this place for some time, a small feeling of the alliance began to emerge, they ended up deciding to work together and get rid of these strange ones…

The Demon God called to his loyal pawn, Aran, as he communicated with him.

"We shall act soon, prepare your troops and the criminal organization you have recently taken over, make sure to use the fragments of the Demon God-King."

"Yes… my lord,"


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