
Chapter 1018: Finding Friends In Unexpected Places

Chapter 1018: Finding Friends In Unexpected Places

Date- 4 April 2321         

Time- 01:27     

Location- Central region, Capital City, Baylor Manor     

To save his skin, the flower thief started blabbing the first thing that came to his mind, and fortunately, the more he spoke, the more it made sense, so he stuck with it.      

"I am listening," Sansa did not care what the flower thief had to say as long as he sweated enough and displayed submission in both body and mind. Forcing a person's body into submission was satisfying but forcing their mind into submission was simply pleasuring and had a sense of fulfillment.      

Hearing the matron finally respond to him with three words more than before, the flower thief sighed in relief and then continued by building on his previous bullshit, "Matron, I believe the Circle plans to give up their sun blossom city's branch leader just make peace with the boy. They may even have come to a tactical understanding with the southern royal family."      

" Flower thief, you do know that I can read your memories right?" Sansa said, fed up with the Flower thief's bullshit, she no longer planned to entertain him, and immediately shut him.      

In this world apart from her nobody knew the real capability of the Supreme leader of the circle. She has tried numerous times to infiltrate the circle's core management using her ability but she was never successful in this endeavor. There were two reasons for this,      

The first is that the regular members have no say in the management. Except for the branch leaders and a few elders in the main branch of the circle rest of them were mere expendables. No matter their contribution and merit to the cause of the circle they were nothing more than pawns in the Supreme leader's plans.      

The second was that the true core management of the circle led by the branch leaders and a select group of elders in the main branch of the circle were somehow immune to her origin card. It would be more accurate to say that whenever she used her origin card on any one of them she would face a strong rejection.      

Trying to find the reason or source behind the rejection, Sansa the self-proclaimed ruler of shadows in the central region was caught in the act for the first time in her entire career. Before that nobody had any idea that there existed an organization that served the purpose of one person and was the mysterious hand behind more than half of the accidents in the capital, and third in the entire central region.      

At the cost of revealing her organization and her hidden identity, something good came out that fateful day, Sansa learned the best-kept secrets of one of many small organizations in the central region, the Circle, which slowly making a place for itself in the central region.      

That day both Supreme Leader and Matron, met for the first time and learned each other secrets. As the oddballs in life, who decided not to be part of the game and instead play it, they came to respect each other and agreed to forge an alliance with their secrets as collateral. With this alliance, the Circle and the Paw clan's rise to power was shorter than it would have taken them individually. The alliance has served both the circle and the paw clan very well, until just recently.      

The circle was not able to kill the boy before he rose to power as per their agreement with Matron.      

In a fit of rage, she sent a  bunch of Card emperors from paw clam to slaughter the Circle's Sky blossom city branch. Though the attack was a failure as the intended target managed to escape the casualty to the Circle's Sky blossom branch was not negligible.      

As result in the present, they were having trouble communicating with each other, which is resulting in them being unable to trust each other, which was not a problem before.      

Aside from all this, Sansa knew for sure that even if Circle were to compromise with the southern royal family they would never give up one of their branch leaders as they have spared no less effort in grooming them, and the fact that they played a very important role in the Supreme leader's grand scheme of plans. Therefore when the flower thief said that Circle may be planning to sacrifice the sun blossom city's branch leader to appease the boy and makeup with the southern royal family Sansa could no longer tolerate his bullshit.      

"..." Hearing Matron's words, the flower thief's leg started to wobble, he opened his mouth but no words came out as his mind was scared blank, nothing but fear of Matron echoed in it.      

"I will call them and get an update, no matter their response, the mission is a go. Tonight you have to kill the boy even if it cost you five your lives. So, for your sakes pray that Circle is as desperate as me to kill the boy," Leaving behind an ultimatum Sansa ended the call and she meant every word of what she said.      

No matter what happened, Sansa wanted the boy dead tonight, even if it meant the death of the Flower thief. Because right now for her the boy's death was worth more than one hundred codename flower thief asher husband plans to adopt the boy before the next sunset. Which she could not tolerate, the mere thought of that woman's son becoming her husband's adoptive son caused Sansa's blood to boil in rage. She can't have it no matter what.      

It's not like the thought of turning that woman's son into one of her slaves did not cross her mind but no matter how expendable the paw clan was to Sansa it held a little sentiment in her heart and she did not want it to be sullied by the presence of that woman's blood. Even if she were to look past that she could not look past the fact that a bunch of legal papers would associate her and her husband as the adoptive parents of that boy.  So no matter the cost she wanted that boy dead tonight.      

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