
Chapter 1017: Life

Chapter 1017: Life

Date- 12 Oct 22XX         

Time- 17:42     

Location- Central Region, Capital city, Ice Cream parlor      

In the middle of his lesson, Sansa's dad noticed that half of what he was saying was going over his daughter's head, so he decided to keep it simple and end it before his daughter confused herself more or worse took the wrong lesson from it.      

"What I am trying to say here is don't let a rejection stop you. If I had stopped trying to court your mother because she rejected me first and it was embarrassing, you would never have been born. If you were to stop every time you are rejected then you will never be able to get what you want in this life ever. So if you what something you will have to dedicate yourself to achieving it. Because without struggle there is nothing of value. This doesn't just apply to the Baylor kid but everything in your life no matter how little.      

Remember my dear daughter, if you want something, dedicate yourself to getting it, no matter the obstacles in your way and what others say. Because only you know the value of what you want and the struggle you through is the best medium for you to realize how much you value something. As only struggle makes you ask the question, is it worth it?" Sansa's father's lesson was quite long, not everything was absorbed by Sansa but the key point that her father wanted to relay to her through his story was received by her and she was engrossed in her contemplation. It did not take for little Sansa's frowned brows to ease and her grim expression to be replaced by a pleasant one that oozed unknown confidence.      

"Father, I will never give up," little Sansa said, hearing that her father was proud of the moment and forgot to go into details about what little Sansa meant when she said that she would never give up. If he had then he would not be feeling proud.      

"That's like my girl, remember in our family dictionary there is no such word," Little Sansa's mood infected her father so he could not help but boast.      

"Uhm," Sansa nodded to her father's words.      

"Sir, please order something or empty the table for paying customers," The attendee from earlier said cautiously to the father-daughter pair.      

Hearing the attendee little Sansa turned to look at him with the most beautiful smile and said, "Sir, I would like to try that Rainbow mix that you recommended."      

Mesmerized by the little girl's angelic smile, the attendant almost forgot to take her order. When he came to the attendee hurriedly retracted his gaze because he did not want to sully something so pure with them and said, "Two rainbow mix, coming right away."      


Date- 4 April 2321     

Time- 01:23     

Location- Central region, Capital City, Baylor Manor     

'Dad you were right but wrong at the same time,     

Some have to struggle to get what they want and will never be appreciated for it even though they deserve it. And then some will get everything they want and be appreciated for it even though they don't deserve it. That is how life is.     

Those whose dedication does not get appreciated will complain but never stop dedicating to their cause as they know the value of what they were struggling for.     

Those who get undeserved appreciation will not complain or have the ambition to achieve more because they never knew the true value of what they were given.      

This is how life continues to maintain balance.      

Yes, sometimes there are oddballs in these two categories who rather than being a part of this game evolve to play the game, I am one of them.'      

This Sadistic take of Sansa on life was the reason why she was handling the likes of the flower thief and others with handy origin cards with care when she did not have to. As for her blatant disregard for Gray fur and others like him, did not need any further explanation. What better way to run your organization than the way of the biggest organization to ever exist, life.     

But what she forgot to account for was that in life all good things come to an end.     

"Norman, state the purpose of your call."      

"Matron, there is a slight hick-up in the plan. The Semi-demigods from the circle are not acting to attract the attention of the semi-demigods protecting the boy," the moon thief explained. As it is clear that without the semi-demigods from the circle distracting the semi-demigods protecting the boy it would be very hard for them to assassinate the boy even with his origin card considering the trick up the boy's sleeves that allowed him to fake his death after their last presumed successful assassination attempt on him.          

"..." Sansa did not immediately respond to the flower thief's explanation because she wanted him to sweat a little and seriously contemplate whether this was reason enough for him to call her.      

Yes, she tends to give card apprentices with special origins card preferential treatment but she would never let it affect her authority over them. Her origin card was a good way to remind them of that but when a simple silence can do the job making it pointless to go through the trouble of delivering corporal punishment and not mention it would serve contrary to her philosophy on the working of her organization.      

As Sansa expected, hearing silence in response to his explanation flower thief was sweating bullets and thought maybe Gray fur was right. But what's done was done, crying over it would only hasten his demise, so he decided to choose his next words carefully hopefully that would be enough to let him see the next sunrise and many more to come.      

"Matron, I believe the people from the circle don't really plan to escalate this matter considering the importance the southern royal family has shown to the boy by sending three renowned semi-demigods to guard him."      

"I am listening"     


AN:- What did little Sansa learn from her father's lesson? Was that the origin of Sansa's sadistic nature?      

 What transpired between Ellen's mom, Sansa's father, and the Duskborns? Who won?      

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