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Chapter 284 - 284. Guidence

She had a little trouble understanding her system window and it was clearly due to her younger age and not being used to a system at all. "SssrORm Weeelder" She sounded it out making sure it sounded right. 

"Storm wielder? That sounds super cool and strong. Do you have any skills to start with?\' Walker was letting his curiosity rule him. 

"I think…." She was again confused by the light in her eyes became clear after a moment. "I can do the thing you did." She turned up her hand and a small tornado started to spin in her palm. However the wind that framed around it was grey like storm clouds. This was definitely using more than one element to create a miniature storm. 

"Wow, that is pretty cool. I think it is better than mine!" Walker was carefully keeping a hold on the air around the girl\'s palm so that the new spell did not escape her grasp. "Now for a real challenge, can you make it go away without letting it go somewhere?\' The little girl again became confused. "Just like I did with mine. Just let it slowly stop spinning and melt away." 

His description made the little girl\'s confusion disappear. The little spinning grey tornado started to fade to nothing. There were small drops of water that d formed on their hands and dripped off. Walker was carefully thinking about how her magic had pulled in the air and also the water to create the grey looking swirls. "You have a pretty good system there, we should go find your parents to go tell them." He wanted to make sure that they were aware of the dangers that may come with such a system. 

The little girl looked down not as happy with this but took Walker\'s hand and started to pull him towards two cots along the wall. There was a man and a woman with wrapping on their heads. They had obviously been injured in the building collapse causing some head injuries that kept them from waking up. The girl\'s reaction to him asking about them was most likely due to this, she was happy and playing with the other children but in the end she was still worried about her parents. 

"Well hello mr. and mrs. Storm weilder\'s parents. I just heard that this little girl here is your daughter and she had a bunch of cool stuff to show you when you wake up." Walker did not lose his smile and introduced himself. The little girl was a bit confused but before she would say anything Walker spoke to her. "Don\'t you know if you talk to someone who is injured and asleep that they might just be able to hear you still? That\'s why you need to tell them that you love them and to get better soon." This seemed to make perfect sense to the little girl who started to rattle off everything that had just happened, to her parents. 

"You know I will need to head over soon to help out with the concert." Walker had already glanced at the high priest making his way to the healing light crystal and knew he should also go up there to meet him to get in the loop on the plan. "But I need to let you know about your magic there." He gave the little girls hand a poke, making her smile a little. "It is small now but it is called storm wielder right? That means it could become a really big storm which is dangerous. So when you want to show it off to your parents if they wake up, call for me. I will help you so it stays small and safe. Then maybe later I will talk to them about a good place for you to practice." 

He was worried that through the concert the girl\'s parents would be healed and wake up. If they did and the little girl was too excited she might release a skill she could not control yet and cause more chaos. "Pinky promise me OK?" He held out a pinky and the little girl held out her own. The two interlocked them and made their promise. "Then off I go to talk to the high priest. You stay here and make sure that you are the first one your parents see when they wake up."

Walker had at first just wanted to make sure that the little girl wouldn\'t cause accidental trouble but now that he had realized fully that he was the cause of her unlocking system he wanted to make sure he gave her more. He turned towards the healing light crystal and found a nun that had just delivered some fresh bandages to a healer. Walker stopped her and explained the situation, the nun understood and mentioned that two others had gained some systems through this since there were many new things happening. She said that even a healer system had awakened in a young boy who used his first skill to heal his own arm. 

After the nun went off to watch the little girl Walker could not help but think back to his first healing skill. How strange the world works, there was a terrible fire yet there were those that had started to awake their systems in the midst of all of it. Before he could come back to reality of his own accord the high priest had noticed him. "You are looking much better and awake than I am." His greeting was accompanied by his laughter.

"Well I have some good gear to recoup my mana and you let us get some good rest.." The high priest smiled at this, not arguing the facts. "But you know we couldn\'t stay away for long. What are you thinking for healing?" This was the main point of the return to the cathedral. Another concert should heal almost everyone and get those still seriously injured to a better place. 

"Alice is still a little tired but she should be ready soon. I am sending out some nuns to collect the remaining musicians and get a small concert ready. On my way in to the main hall here I swear I saw you with a child." The high priest was curious to why Walker was not running about trying to heal everyone.

"Oh yea, I want to make sure I can use the calming waves skill to assist in the healing. If i waste mana then we won\'t be able to heal as many as possible. So I was helping out with the children. Midnight is still over there keeping them entertained. Or maybe they are entertaining her…" Walker could see that Midnight looked much happier than the children. Her ego was growing more and more by the second. 

"I actually did meet one very interesting little girl. I showed of a little magic and she was able to actually unlock her system. I never thought that I would be able to cause something like that." his words rang true with his sincerity. 

"You would be amazed at the number of healers that are working here that unlocked their very own systems while being healed. There is just something about the way of the world. It seems to know just what a person needs to become the best version of themselves they can be. It hands us the tools and lets us take the reigns." Walker could see the high priest\'s eyes following a few of the healers around. They must be the very lines he was talking about. 

"The thing about those healers that gained their systems that way, they work much harder then the ones that the nobles send our way. It\'s just funny that way." With this the high priest walked off to instruct the nuns and healers about the cathedral in the set up. 

Walker couldn\'t help but to agree that there would be something lost in someone sent off to a job. But someone who takes passion in something by repaying it would go above and beyond. The perfect example was Su who was not even the holder of a healing type system running about doing more than just about any other healers. For just a second he wondered why she had gained a dragon based defensive system like the draconic guardian system instead of a healing system. However he was already answering this. Su would never be able to sit still when someone was being harmed, she had to be there to project, it is who she is and always will be. 



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