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Chapter 283 - 283. Babysitting

Midnight looked at him unsure if she would but then gave a slight nod, "Well then off we go, we need to find Alice or the high priest. Or even just who is in charge for now so I can plan out how to use the calming waves." However as he said this he decided that using the skill once now would be able to give the healers at work a small edge and motivation. 

He raised his hand and let the calming wave flow out instantly causing a change in the cathedral. The healers spared a glance toward Walker and some even gave him shouts of thanks. The calming wave had started to work its magic causing the healing spells to be more effective. Those that were struggling had calmed and even began to heal faster. 

"Well I am glad to see you again." The same healer that Walker had seen the high priest instruct the other day had made her way to him within seconds of his skill being used. "I can get the high priest or miss Alice if you would like, but the two of them should still rest for another hour at least." She looked like she would do whatever it took to let the two rest that much longer. 

"That sounds good to me, I am sure that the other musicians are resting still too. I just want to make sure that my skill does the most it can to heal everyone. Midnight also will need a job to help with so just point us in a directions." The healer looked at Midnight a little skeptical but soon thought better of this since she had seen the little dragon helping move full grown men earlier.

"Good, then I will have you assist with the children. The mothers are going crazy trying to manage right now. I would prefer you saved your mana for when we can perform another concert, that is the best means of healing we have." She pointed towards a spot near the door where it appeared that most of the children had gathered and were acting rambunctious. A few mothers were there trying to manage them but instead were just tiring themselves out against the boundless energy children seemed to have. 

"Well Midnight, I can\'t think of something more fun to do." Midnight looked appeased by this jobs since she would get plenty of attention from the children. She had learned this in the rabbit demi-human village since wherever she went she had attracted the curiosity of the kids there. 

Walker and Midnight went over to the group and instantly started to attract their eyes. "Soooo I have heard that some of you have never met a real dragon before." Walker said this loud enough to get their attention and also to let the parents know that they were going to help them distract the children for a while. A few mothers looked at them as if they were going to shed a tear right there out of happiness. 

Midnight stood tall and opened her wings with a slight wince. She had definitely overworked her muscles a little but Walker would not heal them. If he did then she would not be used to the natural healing process necessary for her wings to develop. It could hurt her flying in the long term and he would not do anything of the sort. 

The children nearest rushed over their voices loud and high pitched trying to be the first that got to touch Midnight\'s scales. However as they came close Walker lifted and hand and manipulated the air in the cathedral to hold them all back softly. The little gust made a few bandages drift in the air but didn\'t cause any disturbance, He breathed a sigh of relief at this. 

Seeing that Walker had just made the wind with his hand the children started to focus on him. "Now how rude would it have been if you rushed up to my sister here and started to pat her without permission? Would you all have let me just run up and start messing up your hair?" A few of them put their hands on their heads protecting the hair from any possible ruffling, while others just looked disappointed. "In any case, Midnight would you allow them to come and meet you?"

They were all eagerly looking at Midnight wanting to see her respond. With a flap of her wings she pulled them back in and huffed a few times. "Well aren\'t you all, lucky today. If you can form an orderly line she would meet you all." Walker made motions to help the twenty or so children line up and start to meet Midnight. 

 Naturally they were fidgeting and excited so staying in line was a challenge for them. However when they would reach Midnight they were realizing just how intimidating a dragon was. They had wanted to rush in and touch a real dragon but now they were hesitant. Some would not even try to touch her and retreated while those with more courage would go up and reach out a hand in greeting. Midnight was loving every second of it making sure her head was held higher and higher when each came to her. She was soon making huffing sounds of greetings to them and even letting one of them touch her tail since the child looked curious. 

Walker was pretty happy to see that there was not as much fear as he had expected. There were many who would definitely fear Midnight for being a dragon but instead there were more than extremely happy to see her. The parents had all seen the help she brought the day of the fire, they had started to talk and found that the little dragon had been a huge help to them. These facts cleared any doubt they had that Midnight\'s fame was ever growing in the kingdom, the merchants that traveled through in the spring would most certainly be carrying the tales of the heroic dragon.

Walker felt a small tug on his cloak. "Can you do that windy thing again?" there was a little girl who was standing right by his knee. She had to be seven years old but was having no problem asking him to show off more magic. 

"Well just for you alright? I am supposed to be saving my mana for when I can join another healing concert. You should have heard one the other day right? I was the one by the crystal with the beautiful girl who sang for everyone." The little girl\'s eyes lit up at this since she had been thinking of the songs that were sung and the lights that had danced in the air constantly.

Walker knelt to the girls\' leave and held up a hand. He manipulated the air to start to swirl just a little in the palm of his hands. "Here, give me your hand, I\'ll show you something cool." The little girl held up her hand to Walker, he turned it so that her palm faced the ceiling and manipulated the little swirl of air in to her palm. With his manipulation it continues to spin in a little tornado. 

The little girl broke out in to a grin and couldn\'t help but giggle. "It tickles hehahahe it tickles." The wind brought the much needed laughter to the cathedral making many of the parents show looks of relief. They had been afraid that this would mark a hugely traumatic moment for all of their children caring for them for the rest of their lives. 

Feeling that he would start to use more mana if he kept it going he let the air slowly cease its rotation until the little girl was staring at her hand in awe. She kept poking her palm to make sure she had actually just felt and seen the small tornado. Walker wanted to keep building off of this atmosphere and tried to get the girl talking. If he could get her in to a good conversation then the other children should join in becoming more organized and calm. 

"So have you found your system yet?" His question made the little girl smile even bigger than she had before. He had definitely chosen the right question to ask. 

"Yes! I just got it now!" Walker was nodding along but realized that the words he had heard were not the ones that he had expected. 

"Wait right now like right now right now?" He felt that his heart was picking up speed and the little girl met his reaction with a speedy nod.



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