
Chapter 419 Mala's Return

Chapter 419 Mala\'s Return

That was really all there was to the matter. Naturally, the Heavenly Domain was both unwilling to wage a war with a nation of racist psychopaths who had no qualms about annihilating other races and species down to the last woman and child.

But nor were they willing to concede Earth, specifically their homeland of Greater China, to these "barbarians." Because of this, the Heavenly Emperor demanded that his younger sister Princess Wang Jia-Li stay on Earth as a diplomat to the Germanic Star-Empire and its stubborn Emperor.

Which Erich, of course, allowed. After all, he had no intentions of fighting the Heavenly Domain unless they attacked him first. He had enough enemies right now, and currently his goals were to eliminate the remaining insectoid species across the galaxy and continue to amass military strength.

Naturally, a war with the Heavenly Domain helped Erich achieve neither of those two ambitions. Because of this, he granted Jia-Li a temporary stay on Earth. More specifically, in one of the many vacant embassies that were built in New Berlin.

Trips to and from the Imperial Palace were not exactly long from where the Embassies stood. And Erich continued to enjoy these days on Earth with a relative sense of peace. Sure, he had to worry about Lunaria and Daelia\'s monthly visits, where they would continue to bicker among each other. But aside from that, life was peaceful.

Erika, Ayumi, S\'aleth, and Mirage got along well with one another. And their only complaints were about those two Elven bitches came to town. Other than that, they pooled together resources to look after their man and their children. Because of this, after every day\'s worth of work, Erich could relax at home with his wives and children.

Meanwhile, the wars continued to wage across the Galaxy. With each passing day, the Germanic Military annihilated another species of insectoids. It was starting to dawn on the entire galaxy that resisting the Germanic Star-Empire was an act of futility.

There was nobody who was insane or stupid enough to attack a Germanic ship now that they had thoroughly displayed their power. Well... That\'s not entirely true. In fact, a familiar face from Erich\'s previous life just so happened to be mad enough to do this exact thing.

Erich may have dealt with the Naraku within the Galaxy, and currently, the remaining insectoids were on their way to total extinction. There was, however, one race of aliens that was still a threat to Germanic colonies and convoys. And that was none other than the Orcs.

In his previous timeline, Erich had successfully united the Orc clans beneath his banner and weaponized them as a tool of his own ambitions. In this life, Erich made no such plans. And thus for the past decade or so Since Erich first reset the timeline, the Orc Clans had continued to live as they always had.

Raiding random worlds and fighting among themselves for petty reasons. If it weren\'t because they had hyperactive reproductive rates, they, as a species, likely would have been driven to extinction long ago.

And there was one Orc Chieftain who had watched Erich\'s rise to power from afar. The Germanic Race was a warrior race, one that excelled on the battlefield and had always managed to succeed in combat against those stronger than themselves.

However, until recently, compared to orcs, they were significantly weaker. But that had changed. With Tia\'s advancements to the gene serum, the average Germanic Soldier was as strong and fast as the most elite Orcish Warriors.

With the addition of their Advanced Power Armor Mk III, they were now easily capable of defeating an Orc War Chief with their bare hands. Mala had watched the way the Germanic soldiers advanced in strength and power so quickly. And had even watched Erich\'s personal descent into combat. Where he led the charge as an Emperor and smashed an insectoid Queen with how own two feet.

Few leaders of civilized nations were willing to lead the charge into battle. And because of this, Mala had admired Erich\'s personal achievements on the battlefield, along with his strength of character. He was an honorable warrior, or at least by the standards of the Orcish Clans, one which she personally wanted to duel in mutual combat.

Because of this, she had decided to provoke Erich into personally fighting her. And she did this by leading an attack on a fledgling German colony on the frontiers of their current territory. The attack was brutal and swift.

But the colony garrison simply wasn\'t large enough to deal with so many Orcs. Even then, the soldiers who protected the ordinary citizens fought to the last man, killing swarths of the Orcish warriors benath Mala\'s command.

Leaving Mala in awe at the might of the current Germanic Army. These were not even the fabled Star Marines who once struck fear into the hearts of greater civilizations. And yet they so confidently held the line. Decimating the Orcish waves.

But there were simply too many Orcs and because of this, the Garrison eventually fell. And Mala placed her clan\'s banner on the smouldering ruins of the Germanic Colony. She built a throne of skulls before publically declaring her intent to duel Erich to see who was the greater warrior.

When Erich saw this, he couldn\'t help but sigh. He Mala was a formidable warrior and was a powerful ally when beneath his clan. But as his enemy, she was capable of doing great harm, at least to the frontier worlds that lied within Germanic space.

Because of this, Erich decided that he would force this woman to remember why she had become his wife in the previous timeline. Erich broadcasted a message across the galaxy, which Mala watched with eager eyes.

"This attack by the Ironhand Clan was unprovoked and unjustified. But if it means sparing the blood of my soldiers, I will accept the request of the Iron Hand Clans\' Chieftain. The loser of this duel must submit to the winner. Those are my only conditions. Agree to them and we will hold the fight within a fortnight…"

Mala gripped the skull of one of the colonists she had slain in her hand, crushing it with her grip strength as she licked her lips in anticipation of the duel between herself and Erich.

"Let\'s dance!"

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