
Chapter 418 Earth is Ours!

Chapter 418 Earth is Ours!

Earth had been reclaimed and rebuilt in the image of the Germanic Star-Empire. The decrepit and degenerate society that once existed was nowhere to be found. Its monuments torn asunder, and its cities demolished entirely.

Earth had become a bastion of Germanic culture, and it was populated in the billions by migrants from Germania. The home of humanity had been reclaimed by its favored children. Or so the Germanic propaganda espoused.

But there was one other group of human beings dwelling among the stars. And they too had a claim to Earth, even if it was now in the hands of a rival empire. Because of this, the Princess of the Wang Dynasty was sent to reason with the Germanic Star-Emperor, specifically to allow the citizens of the Heavenly Domain to resettle their ancient homelands in what one might refer to as \'Greater China."

Jia-Li was dressed in a silk hanfu, the ancient fashion of her people had long since been revived among the aristocracy within the Heavenly Domain, and despite being the representative of her people in this important cultural matter. She felt nothing but intimidation as she was escorted to the Imperial Palace by members of Erich\'s personal bodyguard.

After all, the men standing by her side were seven feet tall, and 250 – 300 lbs of lean muscle. They dwarfed her, who was average size for a woman of Han Chinese descent. It was almost like she was standing among a race of giants. The idea alone made her deeply fearful of the Empire, which had reclaimed Earth.

Erich was sitting in his office. He was currently watching the ongoing battlefields where his soldiers smashes bugs of a variety of species to pieces. Tearing them out of their nests and putting a bolt of energy straight through their brains.

It was an entertaining sight, especially one which Erich enjoyed watching with a beer in one hand and a bag of chips in the other. He did not even bother to greet the delegate of the Heavenly Domain in his throne room, as he felt such formal matters were beneath him.

Thus, when the doors opened, the woman was stunned to see the gigantic figure sitting in his office chair, munching on what can only be described as cheese puffs, while drinking a beer. It was such a casual encounter, and for such an important diplomatic reason that she almost felt insulted.

Erich did not even raise from his seat, instead he motioned for the woman to sit in front of him, at one of the chairs that lined in front of his desk. The woman did so with a particularly scornful expression on her otherwise beautiful face. Her tone was filled with spite as she introduced herself to Erich.

"My name is Wang-"

However, before she could finish, Erich interrupted her with a casual dismissal of her introduction.

"Wang Jia-Li, Princess of the Heavenly Domain, and personal representative of your older brother the Heavenly Emperor, yes, yes, I know all about you, and why you are here. Your people wish to resettle their ancient homeland. But I\'m afraid that is not an option. The Earth belongs to my people now. As it rightfully should. There is no room for a second government to exist within my territory.

I\'m afraid you made this journey for nothing. Please inform your brother that if he wishes to resettle his people on Earth, then he will have to do so by military force, and I assure him that my military is vastly superior to his own."

Jia-Li\'s jaw completely dropped when she heard this. Erich was affording her no courtesy whatsoever, nor was he even willing to hear her negotiation. He had outright rejected her without showing the slightest bit of respect to her position.

The fact that he behaved this was not only a slap in the face to Jia-Libut also to her older brother. It was almost as if he was directly provoking the Heavenly Domain, causing the young woman to stand up and shout at the man.

"Are you trying to provoke a war between our two states? What cause do you have to insult me to such an extent? As far as I\'m aware, there is no bad blood between our two people, so why must you behave in such an uncouth manner?"

Erich finally turned off the livestream of combat footage and licked his fingers so that the cheese dust was no longer on them, he then swallowed his entire beer before placing the bottle back down on the table once he had done all of this he leaned back into his seat with a smug smirk on his face before speaking the honest truth to the woman.

"Perhaps if this was a few decades ago, your Heavenly Domain might have been worth negotiating with. But my empire is currently at a level of strength that even the ancient powers of this galaxy have to respect me. Why would I care about some pissant Minor Power hiding in the depths of a nebula? What? Because our two people share the same origin I\'m supposed to show you respect?

You came to my world to demand I cede territory to you, and you do so with a face that shows your inner thoughts. You think you\'re better than us? That\'s laughable. You only believe that because you haven\'t yet realized just how advanced my civilization has become.

With a snap of my fingers, I could render your entire empire to rubble. So what is there to negotiate? At the end of the day, you have no authority to negotiate with me for the ceding of land. Because you have no power to back up your demands.

You\'re free to stay on Earth and learn a thing or two about the difference between our two empires. Or you can run back to your brother and tell him what I have told you. Either way, Earth is ours now. And we will never cede an inch of its soil to anyone!"

Jia-Li was so stunned by this provocative statement that she simply harrumphed and stomped her feet before running off. She would not, however, return to the Heavenly Domain, and would instead stay on Earth for some tie. Perhaps out of some misguided belief that she could change Erich\'s mind on this matter.

As for Erich, he turned his attention back to more important matters.

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