
Chapter 1096 Discussing Terms Of Surrender

When Itami finally returned to the palace, she had many thoughts on her mind, so much so that she had remained completely and utterly silent throughout the journey back. Once inside the large residence, she thanked Kristoffer for the tour and allowed the boy to take her mother and sister to the dining hall for a nice meal.

Itami herself had more important matters to take care of, and after having a member of Berengar's staff lead her to his location, she found herself staring at a locked door which led to the Kaiser's office. Evidently, the receptionist had gone home for the day, judging by her lack of presence. 

Without consideration of what the Kaiser may be up to, Itami knocked repeatedly on the door, until it was opened by a golden-haired beauty that Itami recognized as one of Berengar's wives. Adela looked at the albino empress with a hint of surprise before allowing her entry to the room. 

It was only after entering the office did Itami see that Berengar was having a discussion with two of his wives. Adela was not the only woman present. There was also the mystifying strawberry blonde haired vixen who was standing over the desk where a map was sprawled out while dressed in what was clearly a military style uniform. 

Linde smiled when she saw Itami enter, while Berengar frowned. He had clearly lost track of time, because the moment he saw the Japanese Empress enter his study, he spoke with a rather stern tone in his voice.

"Shouldn't you be on a tour right now?"

Partially offended by the callous remark, Itami crossed her arms beneath her substantial breasts, and glared at the man before asking one of the myriad of questions which currently plagued her mind.

"I knew you were up to something. You send me off on a tour around your capital while you sit here and skulk in the shadows with two of your women. Tell me this, just what are you trying to pull?" 

Shockingly, it was not Berengar who spoke up, but Linde who spoke in perfect Japanese as she insulted the foreign empress for her rude behavior. 

"We welcome you into our home, spare no expense to show our generosity, and here you stand, accusing my husband of misbehavior. I would have thought after an enjoyable day around our homeland you would find yourself more agreeable, but it is now clear to me that you are an impulsive and overly emotional woman whose nature is one of conflict-"

Just as Linde was about to continue scolding Itami, Berengar raised his hand and silenced her. He then spoke in the Japanese Empress' native tongue as he struggled to maintain his manners.

"If, even after everything I have done for you, you still can not find it within your heart to hear me out, then perhaps I should just send you and your family back to Japan. I am sure the new Shogun will be more than forgiving regarding your escape from his captivity..." 

The idea of being sent back to the imprisonment of that traitor was enough to finally shut Itami up. She lowered her head while curling her fists in rage, as if she wanted to say more, but couldn't. Once she had settled down, and her posture transitioned to a more submissive state, Berengar finally made his speech. 

"You ask what I am plotting? Has it ever occurred to you that I never wanted a war with you to begin with? Enough of my men have lost their lives because of your ego. As a result, I plan to sit back and do nothing for the remainder of this conflict. 

From here on out, the German strategy is to blockade the Japanese Mainland, and allow Shiba's so-called shogunate to collapse upon itself. Naturally, we will bomb Japan's means of military production, while sending propaganda fliers to convince the common man to take up arms against their new dictator.

If you feel like cooperating, I would prefer that you publically declare your surrender, so that your citizens know that you are not in fact hysterical, but have been forcibly removed from your position because you had the best interests of the Japanese Nation in mind. 

With the help of my wives here, I can attribute every misdeed that has ever occurred under your reign to General Shiba. In the eyes of both Germany and Japan, you will be seen as the victim of a madman's ambitions, coerced into supporting heinous acts through deceit and intimidation, only to be detained when you stood your ground and declared enough is enough. 

This is an easy enough tale to spin. After all, Shiba has been by your side since the very beginning of your conquests, has he not? The murder of the previous dynasty, the invasions of Korea, the Philippines and Borneo, the massacres of unarmed civilians in occupied areas, and the enslavement of your conquered subjects. All of these can be wiped away from your responsibility. 

Of course you are free to not participate in this scheme of mine, and if you choose to do so, I will be able to find you a small plot of land in one of my tributaries where you can live the rest of your life in exile. However, your name will be dragged through the mud, and your legacy will be one of tyranny, which ultimately resulted in anarchy."

Upon hearing all of this, Itami could only sit down in the nearest seat, and think the proposal through. Though many of these heinous acts had occurred without her knowledge, it was a fact that they had happened beneath her reign. Even though she had punished the perpetrators, the crimes they had committed would forever be a black mark on her legacy. 

At this point, she could not return to Japan and reclaim her throne without Berengar's support, and if it meant surrendering, which she had already planned to do, before Shiba usurped her position, then she saw no reason to refuse. Even if she was suspicious of every word Berengar had said. Thus, Itami could not help but sigh as she gave into Berengar's demands.

"Very well, I will announce my surrender whenever you think is best. Though I still do not trust you, I have to admit that you are my only hope of regaining my throne. So I guess I have no choice but to play along with your schemes." 

Berengar smiled when he heard this, and quickly pulled out a document, which he handed to Itami. The Albino beauty took one look at it, and could immediately tell what the entire document entailed. She carefully read every detail, knowing that the terms presented in this treaty would forever change the fate of Japan. The terms were as follows: 

1) The Empire of Japan takes all responsibility for causing the war by instigating violence in the Indian Subcontinent with the intention of causing German casualties.

2) The Empire of Japan must pay reparations to Germany for the cost of the war, and the suffering endured by the Reich. 

3) The Empire of Japan recognises the independence of the Joseon Dynasty and returns all of its lands that it once held prior to Japanese occupation.

4) The Empire of Japan agrees with the German Empire, seizing all remaining Japanese war assets. 

5) The Japanese armed forces shall henceforth be restructured into the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and limited to the numbers necessary to maintain order within the country. They will also be outfitted solely with equipment purchased from the German Empire.

6) The Empire of Japan will agree to German occupation and re-education of their country and its people for as long as necessary. As a result, the German Empire will handle the Empire of Japan's internal and foreign affairs for the duration of their occupation.

7) The Empire of Japan is henceforth banned from conducting weapons research. The Empire of Japan acknowledges that the equipment provided to the newly formed Japanese Self-Defense Forces by the Reich is advanced enough to deal with any threats they may encounter. Furthermore, the only reason they would develop improved weapons is to start another war with the German Empire. 

8) Empress Itami Riyo permits her family being taken to Kufstein to live as guests of the Reich in perpetuity.

10) The Empire of Japan will cede control of the Philippines to the German Empire

11) The Empire of Japan will recognise Germany's ownership of the New World and its territories in Australasia, Oceania, and Asia.

Itami looked up from this list of demands, and frowned. There were many things she wanted to argue against, however she was in no position to do so. Thus, she sighed heavily before handing the document back to Berengar. With a defeated tone in her voice she spoke the words she knew Berengar would understand. 

"Vae Victis... Very well, I will sign your treaty as is..." 

Upon hearing this Berengar nodded thrice with a wide grin on his face, before discussing his plans for Itami's surrender. 

"You will sign this treaty in a fortnight, in the Tokyo Bay on the deck of the SMS Berengar, which is my personal Battleship. I am sure you understand the significance of this..."

While it was true that Itami had invested in the construction of Tokyo which would normally not come into existance for several centuries. She had not yet moved her capital from Heian-Kyo to the fledgling city.

However, the significance of this location came from her past life, where the Empire of Japan surrendered to the United States of America on board the USS Missouri within the Tokyo Bay. In other words, Berengar was reenacting this scene as a way to further get his point across. 

Despite finding this a complete and utter humiliation, Itami bowed her head, and agreed to this stipulation, knowing full well that she had no way of resisting. 


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