
Chapter 1095 The Japanese Empress Tours The German Capital Part Lll

After successfully shopping for more hours than Kristoffer ever wanted to participate in, Itami and her family were ready to move on. Out of all the three women, Itami had purchased the least amount. Partially because she did not want to be in Berengar\'s debt, and partially because she still felt that something sinister was being plotted by the man who sat on the German Throne.

Kristoffer seemed to be perpetually happy, despite Itami\'s many irksome remarks. The boy just let it go over his head. Maybe he was confident in his own ability and that of the fatherland, or perhaps he just pitied Itami for being such a rueful woman. 

Either way, Itami remained silent for much of the tour. Her reason for doing so? She was processing so many thoughts and emotions that she could not keep her mind on the conversation. Which had now turned to Momo and Mibu, complimenting everything they saw in the reich. 

From ice cream to movies to forms of entertainment, such as bowling alleys and carnivals. The trio of women continued on their journey throughout the city of Kufstein until the sun began to set. Itami had seen so many shocking things that she could no longer keep her mouth shut. Especially after Kristoffer took her to one final destination. 

Standing below the Colossus of Kufstein, Itami gazed upon the massive bronze statue of a young Berengar sitting on the back of his old mount while pointing his sword southward. To build such a massive statue must have cost a considerable amount of manpower and resources, and finally, after seeing this, Itami was forced to speak. 

"How? How did Berengar create such a wealthy and prosperous society in such a short amount of time?"

As if waiting for this question for decades, Kristoffer wore a cunning smile as he looked up into Itami\'s sanguine\'s eyes, and spoke what needed to be said. 

"My father accomplished all of this by defeating his opposition. It might surprise you how many of my father\'s enemies have underestimated him. Which he naturally took advantage of, and used to his advantage. 

What you see before you is the Kufstein Colossus, a monument that was commissioned by my father as a testament to his resistance against the corruption of Rome, a city we now rule over. This is emphasized by the sword, which is pointed in the direction of where the Pope once reigned supreme. 

From the moment my father first took power as a lowly Viscount, he focused on education and industrialization. Where my father has failed to innovate, others have taken his place and proved their worth.

Not everything you see around you was invented by my father. What man could possibly accomplish all of this on his own? Even if he had ten lifetimes, he would not be capable of building everything you see around you. 

No, my father found naturally intelligent, and capable men, and he educated them to the best of his ability, and then these men innovated and improved upon what they had learned. Until today, we have a healthy and prosperous civilization. 

The Reich was not built by a single man\'s efforts. But by an entire society of men who followed my father\'s beliefs of self sacrifice for the good of folk and fatherland. Thousands of young men have perished in pursuit of this dream, and their families now reap the benefits of their sacrifice. 

Nobody works harder than my father. My entire family knows this well. Believe me, he has often put his work as a ruler above the wellbeing of his family. In fact, the harmonious nature that exists between our dynasty is not his effort, but Linde\'s. She is a mother to us all, even those of us she has not given birth to.

I do not know much about Japan, other than the fact that you unified it beneath your banner, and that your military is more advanced than any enemy we Germans have ever fought. However, if your reactions are anything to go by, then my guess is you had to build everything yourself, and thus, it is no surprise that you have lagged so far behind the Reich. 

My father built a self-sustaining nation, one that will be capable of thriving long after he is gone. While you built a dictatorship that is entirely reliant on yourself. Without you, and your hard work, Japan will not be able to function, which I\'m guessing we will see soon enough now that you are our guest here in the Reich."

Itami listened to the boy\'s lecture and bit her lip in displeasure. Though she had no words to refute Kristoffer, she still felt wrong for him to so blatantly point out her missteps as a ruler. Thus, it came as no surprise when the Albino beauty refuted the last bit of what Kristoffer had said, which was the only thing she could find fault with.

"Guest? More like prisoner..."

This sudden remark caused Kristoffer to look at Itami in shock, he had been given strict orders to treat his father\'s guests with the utmost courtesy, and to show them a good time around Kufstein. Even after everything Berengar had done for Itami to show his good faith, she still felt she was nothing more than a prisoner. He was just about to let his tongue loose, when he heard an exasperated sigh come from Mibu\'s mouth.

"Ara ara, I knew that you could be stubborn, but to think that my precious daughter is so intelligent, and yet so stupid at the same time, it truly makes me embarrassed as your mother..." 

Itami suddenly shot a glare towards her mother, which was responded in kind. Just when she was about to protest, Mibu spoke up in Berengar\'s defense. 

"Itami Riyo, do you honestly believe that if Kaiser Berengar von Kufstein ever meant us the slightest bit of harm, that he would provide such a warm welcoming to our family? He could have had us killed at any time, especially within the confines of your palace, when he sent that team to rescue us. 

Yet instead he saves you from confinement, brings you into his home, throws you a feast, and gives you an all expense paid tour of his capital city. If you are truly a prisoner like you claim, then why would he trust us to walk free in his city, with only a small child as our escort? 

You have a bad habit of seeing the worst in people, and stubbornly refusing to believe that they are perhaps not as malicious as you first thought, even after being proven otherwise. It is no wonder you are still single, despite your good looks." 

Itami felt aggrieved after hearing her mother scold her so openly, and quickly looked at Momo for support, who was wearing a smug expression on her pretty face. Her next words were the nail in the coffin. 

"Onee-chan, Berengar still is permitted one more wife according to German law. If you do not marry him, I will! Weren\'t you always saying that you would only marry the man who has bested you on the field of battle? Well, Berengar hasn\'t only defeated you in every conflict, but even his Empire is better than the one you have built. 

I don\'t know what exactly he has planned for you, but if Berengar is willing to go to such lengths to show you that he\'s not as bad as you think he is, then you should probably at least hear the man out." 

With both her mother and sister so blatantly telling her that she was refusing to see the truth, Itami was forced to confront her preconceived notions. Was she really the bad guy in this whole dispute between their two nations? 

The Japanese Empress gazed up towards the stars in the sky above and felt for the first time in a long time that she truly needed to be alone in order to hash out her thoughts. Thus, she made one simple request before remaining silent the entire journey back to the palace. 

"Please... Bring me back to the palace... I have much to think about."

Kristoffer responded with his signature smile before doing as requested. He could tell that his father\'s efforts had some sort of effect on the mind of the Japanese Empress, albeit only as a result of her family\'s insistence to stop being so damn stubborn. 


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