
Chapter 955 De-Escalation Part L

Itami Riyo sat within the German Embassy in the city of Beijing for the second time within a single month. Her last meeting with Ambassador Gerhard von Graz had opened her eyes to many things regarding her enemy. After careful thought, she had decided to take an approach of De-escalation, in the hopes that she could ultimately avoid an unecessary war with the Reich.

Thus, the albino beauty currently sipped on tea while sitting across from the German Ambassador. Her expression this time around was far more pleasant. As for Gerhard, he was practically choking on his beverage after hearing what the Japanese Empress had just proposed to him. After taking a second to calm himself, Gerhard finally spoke. The sheer shock he was feeling at this moment slightly heightened his tone.

"I\'m sorry, I don\'t think I heard that right... Repeat what you just said to me!"

A confident smile appeared on Itami\'s lips as she lowered her cup onto its saucer before gazing Gerhard straight into the eyes while she repeated her words with the most clear enunciation she could manage.

"You heard me. I am requesting open access to the German Markets, particularly in the field of medicine. I am ashamed to admit that my chemistry department has been focused almost entirely on war material for the past few years, and as a result, I am dreadfully lacking in medical supplies for my people.

I will be frank with you, I had some time to sit upon your words, and realized that you were right. It is no exaggeration to say that I have not done nearly enough for my people and have treated them rather cruelly during my reign. I know it is a bit late, but I seek to rectify that. 

If I\'m being honest, it will be some time before I am able to locally manufacture basic medicines such as anti-biotics, and anti-inflammatories, both of which, as you know, can be the difference between life or death when it comes to many illnesses and injuries.

You don\'t need to conceal it from me. If your nation has half the quality of life that you boast, then you must have a robust medical industry. Surely you have these items, and enough of them to trade. I assure you, whatever surplus you may have, I will pay for it with gold and silver. Just name your price."

Gerhard was stunned into silence for many moments as he tried to wrap his mind around what he was hearing. He was aware that he had given the Japanese Empress a rather vicious verbal lashing during their last encounter. However, he had never expected that she would take his words to heart, and do a complete one eighty after a few weeks of thought. 

Itami was placing the man in a difficult position. Though the German Embassy in Beijing existed as the sole means of contact with the Japanese Empire, the two factions were embattled in a bitter cold war. Until this moment, the prospect of trade with the Japanese had never occurred within not only the German Ambassador\'s mind, but that of the Kaiser\'s as well. 

Medicine was a critical resource in warfare, and if what Itami had said was true, then she was woefully unprepared in this aspect. She could be using humanitarian reasons as a means to fuel her war machine. After all, she would not be the first dictator to pull on the heartstrings of more benevolent rulers in an attempt to manipulate them in such a fashion. 

However, assuming Itami was not, in fact, concealing ulterior motives, and was true to the cause of helping her people, then the Reich would suffer few losses by engaging in trade with Japan. Ultimately, Gerhard did not have the power to make such a diplomatic play. But before he agreed to send this request further up the ladder, the man had wanted to delve more deeply into the Japanese Empress\'s claims. 

"Say I believe you, and you do actually want to make amends to your people by curing them of their illness and injuries. Do you honestly believe that alone will quell the flames of rebellion that are brewing across your homeland?"

Itami scoffed when she heard this and gazed upon the man as if he were insulting her intelligence. She took another sip of her tea before responding in a stern tone. 

"Of course not... But it\'s a start. I also plan to focus on agricultural development while improving work pay and conditions, so that my people are not simply slaving away in some factory for the benefit of the noble class.

Feudalism has existed for far too long in Japan, and it needs to come to an end. It is truly an inhumane system of governance, one which I have relied on because I was foolish, and did not immediately solidify my rule after seizing the throne. 

I know I am not trustworthy in the eyes of your Kaiser. Even I must admit that perhaps I have been paranoid about his intentions all along, and acted upon my fears in haste. However, I am genuinely extending an olive branch here. At the very least, it is better than the current unhealthy relationship that exists between our two Empires, is it not?"

Gerhard closely examined Itami\'s expressions. She was behaving completely differently than she had during their past encounter. Though there was still a hint of pride on her face, one that he doubted would ever fade away, there was no denying that she was no longer hostile. In fact, he was starting to believe that her words were sincere. 

After several moments of silence, Itami finally voiced her next thoughts aloud. In doing so, she had completely caught Gerhard off guard. 

"If what you say is true about the Empire your Kaiser has created, then the Reich is a civilization that will act as an inspiration for the creation of future governments. Though I still have a hard time believing your fantastical claims, if true, then the German Empire will one day be the envy of the world."

There was no double meaning behind Itami\'s words. She had a hard time believing that such a state could exist when she first heard about it. However, after further reflection, she came to the conclusion that it wasn\'t entirely an impossibility under the right circumstances.

This was a medieval world, where monarchs had always ruled over society for as long as it existed. The enlightenment and its ideals had not yet come into existence. In fact, with the way the world was currently heading, Itami doubted they would ever become prominent, let alone the guidance of western civilization like they had in her past life. 

If a genuinely benevolent, and well-educated ruler was to come into this world, and overhaul his society in a way that all classes work together for the benefit of every citizen. While creating a government that roots out corruption and incompetence as the greatest evils. Yet still gives the people some form of representation. Then perhaps the claims about the German Empire were not unfounded. 

Of course, the only way such a civilization could continue to exist for any meaningful time was twofold. Firstly, all succeeding monarchs would have to be selected based upon merit, and character above all else. Second, the nation itself would have to be fiercely nationalistic. They would have to be willing to preserve the society that they have created at the expense of the rest of the world. 

In other words, this society would be internally generous, but externally selfish. For those within its borders, they would be living in a healthy society, which cared for all its citizens. For everyone on the outside, they would likely be deemed as barbarians, unworthy of compassion, empathy, or pity. Much like how the ancient Romans and Chinese viewed the rest of the world. 

Depending on one\'s worldview, this was either the most ideal society ever to exist, or the most inhumane. For Itami, she had nothing but admiration for the concept that the German Ambassador had introduced to her.

And upon realizing that such a state was actually capable of existing in this world, she felt ashamed for the way she had managed her own internal affairs. After several moments of silence, Gerhard finally sighed as he spoke up with a hint of hope in his voice.

"I\'ll pass your request onto the Kaiser. Whether or not he actually agrees to, it is up for him to decide."

A genuine smile appeared on Itami\'s flawless face as she nodded her head in excitement before responding to the man\'s words.

"I appreciate your help in this matter. If there is nothing else to discuss, I will be returning to my homeland. I must say, this trip was much more pleasant than the last one. I look forward to meeting with you again, ambassador."

After saying this, Itami got up from her seat, and left Gerhard alone with his thoughts. The man was deciphering his memories of the conversation he just had with the Japanese Empress to see if there was any indication that she was perhaps playing him. In the end, he came to the conclusion that her intentions were genuine, and thus decided to put this sentiment in his report to the Kaiser.


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