
Chapter 954 Apprehending A Foreign Spy

Yi Min-Ah sat behind her podium as she waited for guests to enter the restaurant that she was employed at. It was an hour of the day that was ultimately slow for business, and thus she scribbled some thoughts on a notepad as she patiently waited for a paying customer to arrive. 

There were many thoughts on the Korean Princess\'s mind. Among them was the Kaiser himself, who had appeared in her restaurant a few days prior. Though the man and his wife did not act in a suspicious manner. She could not help but have the feeling deep within her heart that her cover had been seen through during their brief encounter. 

What was more troublesome was that she had still yet to think of a way to meet with the man, let alone seduce him. Though she had always been confident in her appearance, the moment she laid eyes on the redheaded beauty by the man\'s side, Min-ah instantly felt as if she were inferior in every way. 

As if her thoughts had manifested themselves into reality, the door to the restaurant opened, however it was not a customer which greeted her. Instead, it was a tear gas grenade, which upon detonation spread the volatile substance across the restaurant\'s interior, forcing the employees to flee from their workplace. 

The moment Min-Ah managed to gather her resolve and rush out the back door while choking on her own snot, a SWAT team was waiting for her. These were agents of Imperial Intelligence, who were trained by the German Sturmkommandos. They were essentially the German equivalent of the Russian FSB Alpha from Berengar\'s past life.

These men were armed with micro sturmgewehrs, which made use of primitive reflex optics mounted above their rear sight base, and suppressors attached to their muzzles. The camouflage they wore was an urban variation of the blumentarn pattern which currently saw use among German Special Forces, and their gear was similar in design but colored black. 

The men wore gas masks, as they pointed their muzzles towards the Korean Princess, before announcing her arrest to everyone present.

"Yi Min-Ah, you are charged with conspiracy to assassinate the Kaiser and the Royal family. For your treasonous actions, you are hereby under arrest!"

Min-Ah was still choking on the tear gas, but when she heard these words, her expression went from pale to ashen. She had never once conspired to assassinate the Kaiser. If she were to be charged with conspiracy to commit espionage, then she might be more accepting of her fate. But to say that she was a potential assassin waiting to strike, this was too much. 

The Japanese population of little Kyoto had gathered to witness the scene of the SWAT Team\'s arrest. They were outraged that a chemical agent was deployed inside a peaceful establishment. However, when they heard the charges that were presented against the Korean princess, none of them spoke up, and instead they slunk back into the shadows, unwilling to interfere with the German intelligence officers\' work. 

The Korean Princess struggled to get to her feet, but the tear gas was still affecting her, before she even had a chance to flee, she was pinned to the ground, and bound with zipties, before being escorted off to an armored van, where the SWAT team escorted her out of the city, and into the mountains where a government black site existed in secret. 

Sometime during the transit, Min-Ah overcame the tear gas, and realized that they were no longer in the city of Kufstein. There was a look of horror on her face, as she came to suspect that they were going to execute her in the wilderness without a trial. Thus, the Korean beauty began to plead for her life to the men who guarded her with their loaded weapons.

"Please... There must be some kind of mistake! I did not conspire to assassinate the Kaiser, only to spy on him! Surely that isn\'t enough to warrant an unlawful execution!"

Though the men who escorted Min-Ah wore balaclavas, the woman could still make out a faint smirk beneath the mask which veiled their appearance, as if the men were mocking her. It was only after several seconds of sobbing had passed, did one of the agents inform her of her fate.

"Execution? Is that where you think you are headed? I assure you, the Kaiser has a far worse fate in mind for your treachery. Now keep quiet, for every time you make a noise, I will smack the shit out of you!"

Suddenly, the woman\'s whimpering stopped, and she remained quiet for the duration of the journey. After nearly an hour had passed, the van came to a stop. The confinement area of the vehicle, where Min-Ah was held in, was opened from the outside where more men dressed in a similar blackened attire greeted her with their weapons in hands. 

Min-Ah gazed around at the heavily guarded facility, and could not help but voice her internal questions aloud.

"What is this place?"

The same man who threatened to smack her during the drive smirked once more beneath his balaclava before answering the woman in a single sentence.

"This is the end of the line... Now get moving!"

The man quickly nudged the woman forward with the muzzle of his rifle. An entire squad of the elite agents of Imperial Intelligence forced Min-Ah forward and into the facility. Upon observing her surrounds, one thought immediately came to mind: maximum security was an understatement when it came to this place.

This black site kept the Reich\'s worst criminals and foreign adversaries under lock and key. The type of criminal who was arrested and condemned to a black site was typically one who had acted against the State in some manner. 

Terrorists and rebels from the Reich\'s allies and client states, gangsters and brigands from Germany\'s sphere of influence, smugglers and black market dealers who foolishly brought contraband into the Reich, corrupt politicians, foreign spies, and lastly those who had personally wronged the Kaiser in some unforgiveable way. They all lived in solitary confinement, without ever seeing the light of day.

Their sole interaction with another human being was spent during sessions of intense interrogation conducted by the agents of Imperial Intelligence. This was the fate that awaited Itami\'s precious spy. Naturally, Min-Ah did not know any of this, nor could she see through the cells where the Reich\'s worst enemies were confined for life. 

Eventually, the Korean beauty was forced into her cell, where the agents of Imperial intelligence stripped her naked, and performed a full cavity search. Only after they were certain that she did not smuggle in anything that could aid with her escape did they give her a set of orange prisoner clothes. After doing so, the soldier who had previously taunted Min-Ah left one last remark before shutting the woman in the dimly lit cell. 

"Welcome to your new home. Get used to it, because you are here for life..."

Once alone, Min-Ah did not even struggle. She merely curled up on her bedroll and cried in the fetal position. She did not know how she had been found out, or what kind of evidence the Kaiser had cooked up against her. However, she was certain that she had fucked up somehow, and not even her Empress could save her now."

In another room of the secret government facility. Linde stood dressed in an intelligence uniform. She gazed upon the monitors which displayed the feed of the cameras which were located in each cell. Specifically, she was monitoring Min-Ah\'s actions. 

By Linde\'s side was the captain of the SWAT team, which apprehended the foreign spy. He stood at attention and waited silently for the redheaded beauty\'s response. With a stern look on her flawless face, Linde gazed over towards the captain and finally spoke. 

"You said she confessed to espionage during transit?" 

With a silent nod of the head, Linde received the only answer she needed. A sadistic smile spread across the woman\'s luscious lips as she voiced her next thoughts aloud.

"Excellent. This is all the evidence I need to have her convicted in a court of law and officially sentenced to death. As for her actual punishment, she will be confined to this facility from now until the end of her days.

Prepare her for interrogation. I want to find out everything this little bitch knows about the Japanese Empire, and their so-called war goddess. We have been in the dark about our enemy\'s full capabilities for far too long. Report to me once you have verified the contents of what she reveals to you."

The Captain performed a full salute to the woman, before responding to her orders.

"Yes, Director!"

A satisfied expression appeared on Linde\'s face as she nodded her head thrice in silence before speaking her thoughts aloud.

"Good. I will be returning to Kufstein. Don\'t disappoint me!"

After saying this, Linde departed from the secret facility and returned to Germany\'s capital. She had better things to do than oversee the gruesome business of interrogation. As for Min-Ah, the pain that awaited her was something that only the worst enemies of the Reich had endured in the past. Sooner or later, she would reveal everything she knew. It was only a matter of time. 


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