
Chapter 603 Narrowly Avoiding a World War

Chapter 603 Narrowly Avoiding a World War

Weeks had passed since the night Berengar and his troops had repelled a native attack on their private island, and during this time he had returned to Kufstein, where he quickly got back to work. After all, many exciting things had occurred during his absence and his immediate input was required.

Initially, the girls were shaken up by the bloody events, but they eventually calmed down when they returned to the sanctuary of the Imperial Palace. Still, for some of them, it was their first time seeing such bloodshed and it would haunt their memories for many years to come.

Upon returning to the Fatherland, Linde immediately took back her position as director of intelligence. There was no doubt that she was now pregnant, but it would still be a few weeks before it affected her daily life, and thus she dedicated that time to fulfill her role as Berengar\'s spymaster.

At the moment, Berengar was gazing over three reports from Imperial Intelligence with a frown on his face. Two out of three of his ongoing theatres of intelligence operations had some relatively unfavorable news.

While the Spanish were marching into a trap designed to annihilate their professional army, and allow for a rapid German-Granadan conquest of Iberia, the Timurid Empire had failed to do the same. The cautious attitude of the Timurid Sultan had caused Berengar to order an immediate investigation of the man, and his background. It had been a while since he had such a rational opponent.

While he waited on results from such espionage, there was a more important matter to attend to. France was in a state of temporary unity, as the rebelling Dukes and the English alike ceased hostilities for the time being.

By Berengar\'s count, Sibilla must have returned home by now, and she was likely going to instigate conflict with Germany as a result of her harsh treatment. Though Berengar was fully unaware of just how brutal her sentence had been. After all, the operation of the Labor Camps was something he did not personally look after, and the corruption that plagued the system had gone unnoticed.

As the German Emperor read the report about the ceasefire, he frowned. A unified France would always be a threat to Germany, though they would never be as powerful as their German neighbors, nor had they really ever been in his past life aside from possibly Napoleon\'s reign. France still posed a threat to the Empire when allied with other nations, a lesson Berengar had learned from both world wars of his past life. Thus he sighed heavily as re revealed his thoughts on the matter.

"This is unfortunate. The Papacy has insisted on a ceasefire between the Kingdoms under their thumb. This presents some difficulties in our plans to destroy the national identity of France, and balkanize it into smaller territories."

Linde, Hemma, and a few Generals were present in the room to discuss the ongoing efforts of Germany\'s espionage in the foreign Kingdom. Hemma was the first to speak as she handed a proposal to Berengar, listing Imperial Intelligence\'s suggested courses of action to resolve this issue.

Berengar quickly looked over the proposal, while Hemma spoke about their options.

"It is the opinion of our Covert Operations Department that the most effective solution to restart the conflict in France is to conduct a false flag attack on the English crown. If we can assassinate a member of the English Royal Family and successfully pin it on the Kingdom of France, we can easily reignite the war."

This prospect immediately drew Berengar\'s interest as he glanced over at Linde, seeking her approval on the matter. The angelic beauty smiled as she addressed her husband. She knew the next question the Emperor was about to ask and did not hesitate to reveal her thoughts on the matter.

"My Kaiser, I believe that we have a 82% chance of successfully pulling this off, however if we fail and our plot is revealed then it will give the Kingdom of England a Casus Belli against us, such a thing would warrant an invasion by the entire Catholic World.

It is in my honest opinion that despite our military advantages; we are not appropriately prepared for such an event at this time, especially with the Jihad lingering on the corner, any Catholic Invasion of the Fatherland would immediately result in our allies being swarmed by their Muslim neighbors.

Let me remind you with the leak of agricultural technology to the rest of the western world, it has freed up a lot of hands who are now being trained in the art of war for the sole purpose of the upcoming crusade. The number of forces that our enemies could theoretically mobilize within a month across our borders is well over a million men.

As for our own estimates, we have roughly three hundred thousand men in active service who are a part of Land Capable Forces, ten thousand of which are spread throughout the colonies. Alongside this are roughly 50,000 Reservists who can be called up at a moment\'s notice.

That is hardly enough soldiers to protect the Empire\'s borders in their entirety. Need I remind you that we have only recently accumulated large amounts of territory, and the less than loyal states may be subject to rebel to spare their own power? After all, not everyone shares your vision of a unified German Empire beneath Austria\'s rule.

The upside to this conflict would be a complete and total domination in the sea. However, that is the only aspect that we will win with ease. There is another major downside, and that is the fact that the Catholics consider all Germans to be heretics.

Because of this; they are liable to slaughter our civilians. If we fail in our aim to assassinate a member of the English Royal Family and frame the Kingdom of France, it will undoubtedly result in the bloodshed of millions of your people."

Berengar weighed the pros and cons of such a potential outcome with great thought. He did not want to make a decision that might result in defeat and the end of his dynasty. Though he was confident he would win the war, the losses he would suffer could set back his plans by decades. He was not some immortal cultivator, and he knew his time as a ruler was at most another forty years.

The German emperor dwelled on whether such a risk was really worth dividing France over. After all, if he waited a few years for the Crusade to naturally take place, he would be in a better position and could use the war as an excuse to divide France. While Berengar sat in silent contemplation, Linde could tell that her husband was struggling to come to a decision, and smiled warmly as she offered her personal opinion.

"If you think such a risk is not worth taking, then don\'t do it. There are always alternatives that we could come up with to ensure our plans to destroy France become realized."

In response to this, Berengar sighed heavily before voicing his decision.

"The destruction of France will occur as the years pass, regardless of whether we choose to act now. I do not wish to take such a massive risk to the Empire and its people, especially over a matter as simple as this. Perhaps there is something in the future that could warrant such action, but France is simply not worth the risk."

Linde smiled as she heard Berengar\'s response, though it was the opinion of several of the more Hawkish members of Imperial Intelligence that this was the best course of action, she knew once she fully laid out the risks, Berengar would make the right choice.

Perhaps in an alternate timeline, Berengar did indeed have a member of the English Royal Family assassinated, and his plot was in fact revealed, resulting in a conflict that would resemble a world war. Yet, in this world, where Linde existed to give him a proper risk assessment, Berengar would never make such a costly mistake.

Hemma, on the other hand, was displeased with the result. She had spent quite a significant effort compiling that suggested the course of action and was upset to see it go to waste. However, if this was the will of the German Emperor, then she would not complain. After all, such a thing would easily be hazardous to her career. Instead, she merely bowed her head and took the folder back before speaking graciously to her monarch.

"Very well, if that is your will, my Kaiser, then I must find an alternative solution which fits your requirements. If you will excuse me, I must get back to work."

With that said, Berengar waved his hand, signalling that the Deputy Director was dismissed. All that remained in the room was himself, Linde, and a few Generals. It was with this in mind that he quickly inquired about the ongoing military efforts in Spain.

"How is the second phase of our operation within the Iberian Peninsula going?"

One of the Generals quickly approached his Emperor where he did not hesitate to inform the man of the recent news from the field.

"My Kaiser, we have received word from Adelbrand that the operations are currently underway. The miners have been evacuated, and just enough presence to commit to a feigned retreat is present at the location. As for the remaining saltpeter, what we have already mined has been covertly withdrawn from the region and is heading back to the fatherland as we speak."

Berengar smiled and nodded his head as he flexed his fingers before speaking his exact thoughts.

"Excellent, then proceed as planned. The moment the Spanish Army invades, you know what to do!"

The General quickly saluted their monarch before responding.

"Yes my Kaiser"

After saying this, Berengar signalled for the men to be dismissed, leaving him alone with his wife. The two then spent the rest of the afternoon preparing for the inevitable conflict in Iberia. Luckily, because of her input, Berengar had narrowly avoided a world war. The consequences that could have resulted from the aforementioned conspiracy would have been disastrous for Germany and Europe as a whole.

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