
Chapter 602 One Hell of a Last Night

Chapter 602 One Hell of a Last Night

Berengar sat on the beach and gazed off into the distance with a bitter smile on his face. It had been weeks since he and his girls had first arrived on this private island, and one might say it was the greatest vacation he had ever experienced. Not that he had experienced many, as most of his so-called vacations in his past life were simply staying home and entertaining himself with some form of media.

Still, he knew the days he could spend alone and isolated with only his lovers for company were coming to an end. Tomorrow, he would have to return to the Empire and live a life filled with warfare and ruthless court politics. A heavy sigh escaped from his lips as he drank from his coconut daiquiri and gazed upon the setting sun.

In the back of his mind, he made a solemn vow to himself. One day in the distant future, when he had achieved all of his goals in life, he would retire to the countryside like his parents and live a peaceful life in his twilight years.

To hell with politics. That is something the younger generation should be worried about. Besides, who the hell would want a senile old man as their nation\'s leader? He was all too aware of the consequences such a thing would have and had no desire to tarnish his legacy in his feeble old age.

As he was dwelling upon this, a hidden figure lurked in the shadows. A pair of dark eyes cautiously watched the man lying on the beach. After observing Berengar for some time, the mysterious being gripped ahold of the shaft of his spear, and stalked ever closer to the seemingly unaware monarch. Only after he had reached striking range did the golden-haired man make a move.

Berengar smoothly reached over and grabbed hold of the revolver sitting at the nearby table. He quickly pulled back the hammer and pointed the weapon at the ambusher\'s skull. The last thing this native warrior saw was a wicked grin on the one eyed emperor\'s face before an audible bang occurred, and his soul was reaped. After splattering himself with blood and grey matter, Berengar cursed as he struggled to contain the ringing in his ears.

"Great... Now I\'m soaked in blood. I swear to god, whoever is in charge of security is going to get their ass reamed the next time I see them."

As if right on queue the head of security on the Island Estate, and the various members of the Imperial Guard quickly rushed to the scene, witnessing the spectacular sight of their Emperor dressed in spandex briefs while coated in the blood of the man he just slew. As Berengar gazed upon the dumbfounded soldiers, he scowled before giving them their orders.

"Well, don\'t just stand there! Secure the fucking island, and make sure my wives are safe!"

The soldiers quickly saluted their emperor before running off to do as they were told. The head of security stayed behind and knelt beside Berengar, apologizing profusely for failing to prevent such an attack.

"My Kaiser, I am sorry. I don\'t know how the natives slipped through our security!"

Berengar wiped the blood from his face with the back of his hand as he reprimanded the man for his failure.

"It is quite obvious to me these filthy savages have been watching your patrols for weeks, waiting for the opportune moment to attack. My guess is they are from the nearby island, and are pissed about us claiming this land for ourselves. You have my permission to show our guests the true spirit of German Hospitality..."

The man in charge of security quickly nodded his head before responding to his emperor\'s statement.

"It will be done my Kaiser"

Just when he was about to turn away and enact his orders, Berengar made one last statement that sent a chill down the man\'s spine.

"Fail to fulfill your duties as a member of the Imperial Guard again, and I will have your head removed!"

The man did not respond to his Kaiser\'s threat, and instantly rushed off to secure the Imperial Family and eliminate the threat that presented itself. While alone, Berengar noticed that his drink was unfinished and responded by drinking its contents, where he then examined the revolver in his hands. With a heavy sigh, he gazed off towards the distance where his wives were located and commented on the whole situation with a single phrase.

"Fucking savages. They just had to ruin everything on my last night..."


While Berengar was enjoying his drink on the sandy shores of the beach, his wives were busy preparing a meal in the outdoor dining area of the Private Estate. They had decided to leave their husband be for the time being as they worked together to make sure they prepared a proper feast for their last night on their honeymoon.

Unknowingly to them, a variety of native warriors from the nearby island that was known as Carriacou in Berengar\'s past life had infiltrated their estate and were beginning their attack. As Linde was carving the roast beef, an echo resounded in the distance, signifying that a gunshot had occurred.

The moment this happened, the girls quickly huddled together and called out for help. Unfortunately, their wails only attracted the predators to their location. Within moments, a group of native warriors quickly surrounded them. These men were dressed in grass skirts, with their bodies painted, and the bones of the slain decorating their hair; creating a terrifying presence as they inched closer to the foreign women.

Honoria quickly grabbed hold of a steak knife and gripped it in her hands. With a calm expression on her face, she prepared herself to battle it out with these native warriors. The other women in Berengar\'s harem were not as confident as the purple-haired pirate queen and shivered with fear.

The roars of conflict echoed in the air, as gunfire resounded, and the screams of the defeated filled the island. Upon seeing one woman take up a knife, a large warrior sneered in disdain before charging at the woman with his stone maul. As he swung the weapon down towards Honoria, the girl quickly evaded and, as she passed him by, cut his throat with the knife in her hands.

The man fell to his knees as he covered the severed artery with his hands, desperate to stop the bleeding, however in the end he collapsed to the ground, dead. He could not fathom such a sharp substance existing. With a confident expression on her face, and a body covered in blood, Honoria cried out to the native warriors in fierce call.

"Come and get me, you filthy savages!"

Immediately, the native warriors rushed towards the girls with fierce intent. One of them quickly grabbed hold of Adela and brought her into his arms. He had a lust filled expression on his face as he licked his lips.

Just when Adela was about to scream, thunder crackled and her captor\'s skull was blown apart. Adela quickly shoved the corpse aside as she gazed into the distance to see her knight in shining armor. Berengar stood with a revolver raised in one hand and a sword in the other.

After finishing his drink, he had rushed into the house to get his dress sword, which was lying with his other belongings. He then charged out to the outside dining area where he knew his wives were only to see them surrounded by the enemy.

With a concerned look in his eye, he gazed over at his wife and consoled her.

"Are you alright?"

Adela nodded her head in silence, with tears streaming from her eyes. She wanted to hug Berengar and never let go, but unfortunately, they were still surrounded by the enemy. Thus, she steeled her resolve and responded in a hateful tone.

"Kill them all!"

Berengar nodded his head and raised his pistol in the air once more, raised his pistol once more and fired several more shots into the torsos of the native warriors, gunning them down left and right. It was only after he was out of ammo that he charged at them with his sword. In hand. A hateful glint was in his eye as he cried out in mad laughter.

"You motherfuckers have done it now! When I\'m through with you, I will kill your whole fucking tribe!"

Honoria took advantage of the chaos and ruthlessly attacked the stunned native warriors with her knife, creating a concert of carnage between herself and her husband. A wicked smile was on her face as she jumped on top of one of the warriors and stabbed into his chest repeatedly, as if she was a howling banshee. She cried into the air in fury.

"Kill! Maim! Burn!"

When Berengar noticed this, he smiled before deflecting an oncoming spear. With a lunge and a thrust, his narrow blade protruded through the heart of the enemy, killing him on the spot. With a quick withdraw Berengar rushed towards the next enemy standing side by side with Honoria as they drove back the invaders. Honoria had a smile on her bloodstained face as she commented to Berengar about the whole situation.

"This is one hell of a last night on our honeymoon, isn\'t it??"

Berengar chuckled when he heard this before making his retort.

"I quite honestly never expected to fight side by side with you. Your sword skills have definitely improved since I first taught you all those years to go."

Honoria merely smirked in response. She did not need to hear that from a man who spent most of his battles on horseback. The tides of battle had now turned and the savage warriors had become deathly afraid of the dynamic duo in front of them and retreated. Honoria was quick to follow while Berengar called out to her.

"No, wait!"

However, she was already gone, forcing him to rush after her. Apparently, he made it just in time. For the moment, he grabbed ahold of her shoulder and dragged the byzantine princess back into his embrace.

The savages rounded the corner and were gunned down by a firing line. Honoria gazed at the bloody scene with shock, realizing that if Berengar had not stopped her, she too would be mincemeat right now. Berengar sighed in relief. He had made it just in time. It was only then that an officer revealed himself and gave his emperor a status report.

"My Kaiser, the island is secure, and we eliminate the savages. What are your orders?"

Berengar gazed off into the distance to the larger island nearby with a devilish smirk on his face.

"I say retaliation is in order for such a grand insult. Inform the Colonial Expeditionary Forces that I permit them to invade this island chain and kill every living native they come across. These filthy savages picked the wrong man to fuck with!"

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