
Chapter 242

Chapter 242: Chapter 112

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Tragic Wind Big Druid was a legendary person. She used to be a noble, but she became a magician by researching magic. She even became the disciple of Master Ymirjar le-Peyroux, the “Master of the Highest Tower.” She contributed a lot during the war led by Master Ymirjar when she was sweeping up old magical forces that led to the end of the wizarding era.

However, due to differences in the ideas between herself and Master le-Peyroux, the teacher-disciple couple always had big fights. In the end, Tragic Wind left the Highest Tower to begin her own research after they had an especially heated fight. She was already a legendary magician at that time.

She built herself a magic tower and focused on studying the harmony between humans and nature. But the content of her research was pretty ridiculous. She regarded the desire for a human body a “natural” phenomenon and believed that this primate desire was the most basic need for a living being. She wrote that it connected the body and soul of all things. Magic developed based on this concept could even extend horizontally into fields such as reproduction, hybridization, and so on.

If these weren’t enough, there were more intuitive examples that could be told. Among the first batch of disciples of Master Tragic Wind—she was still a magician back then, and not a Druid—there was one who became an evil God in the end. The evil God used sex and desire as a fundamental idea. Another disciple turned himself into a huge mucus monster in order to pursue the complete communication between the soul and body. Yet another transformed himself into a tentacle monster in order to communicate even better.

Yup; there is no need for any more narration. In short, Master Tragic Wind abandoned her research and achievements as a magician and turned into a Druid who followed the natural path. She had confrontations several times with Buddy Buress, the infamous Big Druid “Orc Judge.” But neither could agree with each other after all. They could only sit down to communicate. Through communication, both the Big Druids could understand each other’s ideas and chose to live harmoniously.

That happened about 600 years ago.

Within these 600 years, Tragic Wind Big Druid was still quietly researching. She stayed hidden from the rest of the world. Very few people knew what she researched exactly. Some people even suspected that she had fallen ill.

This time she appeared among the army of Orc Empire made a ridiculous suggestion to the Orcs, giving the whole world another shock once again.

“What are the Orcs playing at this time!” Looking at the report, Sui Xiong could not laugh nor cry. “How can they say that I gave them inspiration?! What the hell! I have never ever given this kind of inspiration!”

“Your Highness, you have,” Steele reminded him. She was rarely seen in human form during meetings. “Remember when you were throwing the Massive Estrus Spells all around the Orc Empire?”

“That was just to resolve the contradictions between the Orc tribes... the end results were pretty good,” Sui Xiong debated.

“Yes, the end results were good. That is why the Orcs learned from you.”

Sui Xiong was suddenly speechless. He thought for a while and said again, “But the Orc Gods may not agree. I think they were attacking me back then...”

“And it was proven that the Orc Gods were wrong, and you were right indeed.” Steele smiled and her eyes were full of admiration. “Your Highness, you are the greatest existence indeed, with daring and far-sighted vision! Even though the Orc Gods could not understand your ideas and ways back then, in the end they still had to bow to the reality, which is the iron-hard truth. This is a great victory!”

“This is indeed a great victory.” Morani laughed in the gathering of all Gods. “The Orcs are openly admitting they were wrong and are even praising another God for His vision. This has not happened in many years!”

“What do you mean ‘many years?” It has never happened before!” The Goddess of Wealth smiled and said. She had just joined in. “Too bad Your Highness Void Mask has not officially become a God and entered the temple of Gods. If you were there when it happened, the scene would have been really wonderful!”

Wor, Sui Xiong’s follower God, nodded repeatedly. He used magic to vividly present the picture of that scene:

Inside the temple of Gods that was noisy as usual, there was suddenly a bright light that shone across it. The Orc Gods who had not appeared since the Orcs’ invasion all neatly appeared on their seats.

They did not bother talking to any others, and all turned together in the direction of Wor, the God of Knowledge. “Sky Devourer Canine” Lefon, the Main God of the Orc Gods, apologized to Sui Xiong through Wor.

“Your Highness Void Mask’s vision is incomparably far. We used shallow wisdom to judge His actions and made the wrong judgment. Because of that, we attacked Him. This was a very serious mistake!” Lefon sincerely said. “Because Your Highness Void Mask is not here, we can only ask You to convey our apologies. If Your Highness Void Mask is free and He accepts my visit, I would like to go over His place to apologize after this war has ended!”

The entire scene was not long, because the Orc Gods left after the apology and never even said a word to any other Gods.

Wor happily replayed the scene repeatedly, and could not stop smiling.

As a subordinate of Sui Xiong, He felt proud that His lord had faced and received acceptance and apology from such a big character as the Main God of Orcs. He felt even prouder than if He Himself had been praised.

Sui Xiong smiled bitterly, not knowing what to say.

Even he felt his own actions back then were quite ridiculous. And yet, he had never expected this ridiculous act to be acknowledged by the God of Orcs, or widely promoted.

Junero Tiger, the Orc Emperor, had publicly announced his methods of handling the war prisoners. He claimed that he would use this method to eliminate the long-standing barrier between mankind and Orcs, and dissolve the hatred between the Orc Empire and Eagle Kingdom, to finally achieve peaceful ruling.

In his declaration, he also praised His Highness Void Mask for his deep wisdom and his vision that was so far and so wide not even Gods had it. He then praised Tragic Wind Big Druid, who was the first in the world to understand the hidden meaning behind His Highness Void Mask’s words. He and praised her as the “the sage who walked in front of the Gods.”

Looking at this declaration, Sui Xiong felt that the number of his believers had greatly increased. He wanted to cry and laugh at the same time.

What is this? Had he actually promoted peace? Or promoted war?

He thought hard until his head hurt, but he could not get a feasible conclusion.

He simply chose to ignore this sh*t and turned to Arcaian’s experimental lab instead. He started to discuss bacteria and vaccination research with Arcaian.

As the inheritor of Pasteur’s school, Arcaian was an expert on bacteria research. But all these time, Pasteur’s school only focused on the usage of bacterial growth; mainly the with fermentation. He had not deeply investigated sickness and vaccination issues. When Sui Xiong gave him the idea, Arcaian finally found a new direction and key research point. He had gotten quite a few results very quickly.

When Sui Xiong arrived, he was carefully observing two groups of rats.

“Your Highness, Your wisdom is really deep and unpredictable!” He sincerely admired him, his face full of joy. “I think I have found the key to prevention of plague!”

In a world filled with contamination and decay, the God of Plagues shivered, and felt more and more uneasy...

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