
Chapter 241

Chapter 241: Chapter 111

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

When the war flag of the Orc Empire was planted on the main fortress of the City of Iron, which was also the palace of the city Lord, the whole Pantheon temple went into silence again.

“It seems that the Orc gods really mean it this time,” Yorgaardman said. The God of Justice touched his messy beard, shook his head, and sighed. “Even the Staff of Imprisonment and the Presbyter of the Divine Temple have been invited. I’m afraid the Eagle Kingdom is not going to make it!”

“Hey, Wuther, what are you going to do?” He asked the God of Light, who was not far away from him.

“Nothing.” Wuther, the God of Light, sat there with a sneer. “No worries. Let’s wait a moment.”

“Hey! If I go on waiting, I’m afraid the Eagle Kingdom will be destroyed!”

“Let it be.” The Lord of Light said carelessly.

The God of Justice opened his eyes wide and could not believe it. After a while, he shouted angrily, “What a joke! You are the Master God of humans! How can you say that?”

“I am the Master God of the whole human race, not the patron saint of the Eagle Kingdom.”

Yorgaardman opened his eyes wide once again and stared at him without moving. After a while, he suddenly asked thoughtfully, “You can’t do anything at all, can you? You must be scared!”

The more he thought about it, the more he felt his guess was reasonable, so he asked again and again, “Hey, is there anything you can do? Or are you scared? If there is no way, or if you are scared, then get out of the way. Don’t be a dog in the manger! Wuther, if you can’t help, don’t be the Master God anymore. Even I could do better than you!

“You haven’t ever been a soldier, even for a day. You are not even qualified to talk about fighting a war!” the God of Light answered scornfully. “I have been a soldier, a knight, a general, a marshal and a king. What have you done? You’re just a wanted fugitive murder.

“It’s true that I know nothing about fighting in a war, but I know how to fight at least,” he continued. Yorgaardman did not hold back. “At the very least, I still have the courage to fight. Wuther, have you ever drawn your sword even once since you defeated Igor?”

The Lord of Light sneered. “Idiot! I use a hammer!”

“You are only good at talking!” Yorgaardman stood up and took out his battle ax. “Wuther, I’m going to battle with you for the seat of the Master God of the Human God System! I can’t stand a useless man like taking that seat! You will only lead humans to their deaths!”

“The human race obeys the order. What we value is the ability of leaders, not the mere strength,” The God of Light said slightly. “Do you want to grab my seat? You can put on bearskin to challenge Lefon, who has been respected for his strength. As long as you win, you will be the King of Animals. Then you can completely cancel the tradition of the Orcs’ invasion to the South.”

The God of Justice gritted his teeth, turned his head to the God of Knights and shouted, “Astoril! You have been guarding the human race for thousands of years. Why did you give the glorious seat to this bastard?”

“Because he has done a better job.” The God of Knights, who had seldom opened his mouth to talk in recent years, spoke with a rusty voice under his heavy armor. “Over these years, both his achievements and the development of mankind have proven that.”

“But he is evil. He is a coward!”

“I’m the guardian of mankind, and my fundamental belief is to seek the strength and prosperity of mankind,” the God of Knights answered. “Anything else can be compromised or given up for that.”

The God of Justice growled angrily, and his roar reverberated in the Pantheon temple, stirring up gusts of wind.

However, he could do nothing.

On the Dominant Continent, the Orcs army that occupied the fortress of the City of Iron did not rush to the South as usual. They reorganized their troops calmly and comfortably. They even sent a large number of laborers to restore the city walls and buildings damaged in the war.

All the inhabitants of the City of Iron and the soldiers who were lucky enough not to die on the battlefield became captives. The Orcs divided them into different groups. The elders, women, and children were together, while those young and strong men were locked up in another place.

In the past, the Orcs slaughtered wherever they went in their invasion, leaving bloody scenes behind. People did their best to fight against them since there was no mercy for them. But this time they had completely changed their ways. Not only didn’t they kill those elders, women, and children, but they even gave them some food.

Although there wasn’t much and it was bland, the food was enough for these people to survive rather than die of starvation and cold.

Others were anxious to inquire about the men, but the Orc soldiers and officers who kept guard over them were apparently under a strict order. They shut their mouths up tightly all day. Forget giving an answer, they did not even say a word, which really proves the phrase “silence is gold” to its fullest.

In fact, most of the Orc troops guarding over the elders, women, and children were all Tall Deermen, a branch of the Deermen. They were tall and strong. Although they were slightly thinner than the strong races like the Lionmen, they were much stronger than the human race. They were accustomed to using spears. In their hands, the super spears used to hold down the ground against cavalry attacks were as light as ordinary spears. When dozens of Tall Deermen came into a formation, even the strong Land Walking Dinosaurs would give way to them.

Another famous feature of Tall Deermen was that their entire race was almost mute.

Faced with the mutes who refused to communicate, even the most eloquent person could do nothing but worry secretly.

No one had expected that in the prison camp where those young men were held, there happened something stunning.

All the men were forced to take an aphrodisiac and have a crazy ‘mating meeting’ with countless Bunny girls (female Rabbitmen).

The Rabbitmen were small in stature, pretty in appearance and soft in temperament, which was always popular among humans. There were few men in this race. The common way this race maintained their existence was by relying on the strong ones. So they were used to being honest and sitting down under the control of others.

In many cases, when the prairie was short of food, the Rabbitmen would even be hunting target for other Orcs.

These Rabbitmen had no strength to fight, and only provided logistical support during all previous Orc invasions. Actually, the Orc Empire had not even allowed them to be in the transportation corps, because they were so timid that a little bit of danger would make them run away.

However, this time, the Orc Empire issued a military order, ordering the Rabbitmen to select women of reproductive age, and as many as possible. These women had to follow the troops and army provisions were attributed to them.

These Rabbitmen, of course, dared not to refuse the military order from the Empire’s center. Thus, behind the strong Orc troops, there followed a group of frightened rabbit-eared girls.

They didn’t realize the Empire officers’ intentions until they received that ridiculous military order.

“What?!” At that time, Judy, the clan leader of the Rabbitmen, who served as the commander-in-chief of the Rabbitman Corps, was so stunned that she could not believe her ears. “Are you asking us to mate with those human captives?!”

“Yes.” It was Iron Teeth Yiloh who passed the order. The strong Lionman frowned and said unhappily, “What’s wrong? Can’t you do such a simple thing? Aren’t you rabbits are best at seducing men?”

“But... There are women...”

“I have already divided them up for you. All of them are strong men.”

“But... But...”

“But what? This is an order!” Yiloh roughly stuffed the military order into the hands of the clan leader, who couldn’t reach his chin even with her ears. “We don’t need all of you. But you have to make sure that there are enough rabbits for each captive to mate with. Is there any problem?”

The clan leader Judy was silent for a moment and then nodded with a bitter smile.

The young and strong human captives resisted it. However, their food and water had been mixed with aphrodisiacs. They were also under the suppression of the Lionmen and Tigermen who were strong enough to tear cattle and horses apart with their bare hands. Thus, their resistance soon failed. At last, some of the warriors in the Imperial Guards of Earl Roland lost their strength and were tied up with ropes. They lay on the ground, naked, letting the Bunny girls do whatever they want.

“It seems that they are very happy” Junero Tiger murmured. The commander-in-chief of the Orc Army, the current emperor of the Orc Empire, touched the freshly trimmed beard on his chin, watching the scene in the prison camp.

“They may not be for a while, but sooner or later they will be happy,” a woman in a green robe answered.

“Will this really work? Can we effectively eliminate the barrier between humans and Orcs?” His Majesty Junero asked with doubt. “I admit that men are creatures that enjoy having sex, but not every man is like that.”

“Kill the men who hesitated,” the woman said. “Your Majesty, please trust my research. Very few men can resist this.”

The emperor nodded his head. He had never been knowledgeable in this research, but he was good at killing people.

“Tragic Wind Big Druid, I didn’t expect you to help us,” he said with a smile. “Even if the Southern Expedition does not succeed, we still feel honored to have you here!”

From under the green robe came a woman’s laughter. “We should thank His Majesty Void Mask. I got inspiration to carry out this research from him.”

“You’re right. And this time our empire was able to gather enough military power ahead of time, precisely because of His Majesty as well. Although I couldn’t agree with his practice till now, it’s undeniable that it’s a perfect method!”

The two masters went away, laughing and talking, and the misery or happiness of the young captives of mankind lasted for a long time...

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