
Chapter 41: One more reason why he stopped

Chapter 41: One more reason why he stopped

“So, how about it? Do you want to hear my proposition?”

Jin was in disbelief, for not only Colt knowing his current situation when no one is supposed to know about it, but also because he was acting very suspiciously.

‘Why is he trying to help me?’

Such is the thought of the suspicious Jin whose hands were trembling from the thought. Colt took a sip of the tea he was served then rubbed the belly of the cat to keep his calm.

Colt looked at his little partner and signaled it with his eyes.


Fluff understood Colt’s intention and purred and made sounds to break the silence snapping Jin away from his complicated thoughts.

Like a villain that had gained the attention of the hero, Colt picked up Fluff and placed him on his lap. Jin followed Fluff who took his attention back to Colt.

“You’re worried about my intentions, aren’t you?”

“…Yes, I am. I do not know how much you know and I can’t risk my sister and Vyra being endangered by your plans. I would rather die than anything else.”

Colt looked at Jin’s eyes that were burning with passion and seriousness. He can see the same expression the original had with him when they met. It was a determined gaze that will never waver no matter what happens.

In silence, he laughed for he can feel his heart and feelings sympathizing with Jin. He can tell just how much he wants to protect his family and the woman he loves. He also can feel the burning desire he has to give the life he had created another chance.

“Have you heard the tale of the Poisoned Noble Sorceress?”

Jin shook his head as he truly did not know the story he speaks of.

“Let me tell you the story, it goes like this: A short commoner man whose height is around 1.5 meters long green hair and a thin body who goes to the mountain in search of medicinal plants to sell encountered a beautiful Noble Sorceress who had been poisoned by the lakeside. The Noble Sorceress had lost her consciousness from a deadly poison known as the Red Rose Poison…hmm? Your expression speaks that you know of this tale?”

Colt raised his head and looked at Jin who was dumbfounded as he speaks of this tale. But as he was not saying anything, Colt continued.

“The poison was dangerous; it was a live poison that attacks the veins of the infected. This poison will create a Red Rose pattern on the center of the chest of anyone infected and the only way to cure this poison is easy, one would need for the opposite sex to take one-halve of the poison thereby sharing it. And with the process of procreation between a man and a woman, the poison will vanish.

“But, the man refused to violate the woman, so instead of halving the damn poison he took it upon himself and did the stupidest thing anyone can do…take the poison off a random stranger and bore it himself. His actions led to him coughing up litters of blood and because of the backlash, he collapsed. The woman woke up and then found her clothes ripped apart, and screamed aloud, he saw a commoner by his side and thought that she was violated. She was angered, acted like a furious bitch, and then killed the commoner, the end.”

“Wait a minute, that’s not what happened! Vyra didn’t…” Jin shut his mouth as he realized what he was doing.

“Hoooo, so, you know about the story? It seems like you know what really happened. Come on, do tell.”

Acting like a gossipy chick slash bitch that had heard some juicy shit to know about, Colt leaned forward to listen to Jin’s story. Looking at Colt who was currently having fun with the situation, he felt the urge to punch him on the face.

But he made sure to stop himself and began assessing if correcting Colt was necessary. But what he didn’t think about is the fact that Colt already knew what was happening and had no need to tell the story himself.

And yet, because of pressure and pure stupidity, he began to speak.

“…um, the Noble felt guilty and then tried to save the commoner through the se…common knowledge of how to cure it. S-she saved his life and then the commoner fell in love, then tried pursuing the beautiful lady instead. Also, the man wasn’t stupid he honestly thought that saving the life of the lady was the right thing to do! Besides, the poison will take ten years to kill the man, surely he would be able to find the cure to the poison as he is a genius in terms of medicine. Also, the lady was an honest pure and innocent lady, the reason she got the poison because she was helping a Solar Lioness Cub! She’s a good person and the commoner didn’t have any regrets about what he did because he knew what he did will help the people…and he’s not 1.5 meters he’s 1.52!”

Colt was honestly taken aback, by Jin’s fierceness. In truth, Jin was a man on the short side and with Vyra being tall, he has some issues with it. He is a man who is not used to scheming as he is an innocent person.

He is not as handsome as Colt that is true, but that is not his charm. With long hair, short stature, a thin body that borders resembling a woman’s, Jin was not a handsome man but someone who, in the language of the eastern arts lover is known as a Trap!

Before Leo had even read the story, he already knew Jin as he had seen him in a fanart. He was in Vol. 4 when it happened, he saw a picture of Jin who will appear in Vol 5 and then got excited.

When he was around Vol. 4, Colt was already fed up with the story but he stuck with it because of Jin’s cute portrayal.

But, after reaching Vol. 5 and read what happened, he cried, and when he learned that Jin had died he celebrated.

The reason why the two emotions surfaced could be summarized in one sentence after he learned of Jin’s death.

‘That’s what you get, you fucking Trap!’ but he when he said this line, he was conflicted.

He celebrated his death, for reasons others may or may not know. The pain of learning that Best Girl was a man; can crush a man’s heart and soul.

And despite what a wise man once said:

“It takes a real man to be best girl.”

Leo had already given up, and with a heart filled feelings of betrayal and a story where no character can push him forward to read, he got fed up with the Righteousness and moved on with his life.

Girls may or may not understand that pain, but for a real man to be catfished by a beautiful female looking character and treated him as Best Girl without knowing the truth. The pain one would go through is not something one should laugh about.


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