国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 537

“That is why you have the tattoos drawn, because even scar revision does not erase a scar but helps to make it less noticeable and more acceptable.” Arianna figured it out.

Now she touched his back a bit more carefully, she could feel slight creases and it made her expression distort in pain. She had never taken time to look at his skin before because most of the time she was distracted with sexy time and digging her hands into his back out of passion. Had she been hurting him by chance?

“It doesn’t hurt anymore,” Marcel answered her as if he had been inside of her head.

She looked at him in shocked wonder, “Are you telepathic by chance?”

He looked at her over his shoulder,

“I don’t need to be telepathic when it’s written all over your face. So no, I don’t need that guilty look on your face, love. Hurt me, all you want, I would only get high on the pain because I don’t mind you claiming me.”

Arianna went red in the face, and lowered her gaze immediately. Marcel would be the death of her. Why does he have to be... Geez, she wanted to hide her face.

“You know you are quite cute when you blush,” He continued to tease her, his expression smug having known what he was doing to her.


“Stop it,” Arianna beat him playfully and then buried her face into his back so he wouldn’t see her red face. She was not really a shy person, just reserved, but just a word from Marcel, and she was blushing like a teenager. It was cringy – yet sweet.

With her face pressed to his back, Arianna was able to see the tattoo very closely, and whoever drew it deserved an award because it was so similar to the real lion and it captured Marcel’s relationship with the creature. His affection for Samson. To Marcel, the lion was family. A better family than his father could ever be.

Arianna moved her lips to that spot where she felt the crease and kissed it tenderly. Upon that action, Arianna felt Marcel stiffen at first, however, he relaxed and she gently trailed kisses to various places till she couldn’t go any lower because of her position.

The tattoo crept down to his arm hence Arianna kissed up to his shoulder and Marcel released a groan which was a telling sign that he was getting aroused and she stopped. Arianna couldn’t start something she couldn’t finish and as much as she loved to tease him, it was unfair on Marcel too.

Hence, she only leaned on his back from behind, wrapping her arm behind him as she enjoyed the intimate moment between them.

“Some scars aren’t worth keeping because they’re nothing but bondage,” Marcel was the one to break the silence,

“It’s quite funny, but I think the reason I had them removed was because I didn’t want to present my damaged self to the woman I would spend the rest of my life with even though I don’t believe in love,” He confessed and Arianna felt her heart breaking.

“You’re beautiful, Marcel, with or without the scars. I don’t care if you’re damaged or not, that doesn’t change one bit what I think about you. I already made up my mind about you and there’s no turning back now,” Arianna told him fiercely in case he was getting stupid ideas about letting her go, because he felt he doesn’t deserve her. Stupid man!

Marcel finally moved and Arianna let him go so he was able to turn and they were now staring at each other.

“What did I do to deserve you? Honestly, I feel like you’re a godsend. Are you hiding a pair of wings behind?” He teased her.

“Why don’t you find out yourself?” Arianna answered, her eyes flickering down to his hard chest and she licked her lower lips, a move Marcel found hot and became hard down there.

A groan left his lips from the response, and Arianna looked at him, their gaze connecting.

Well, fuck this!

Marcel pulled her up with incredible strength, roughly pushing her back against the seat and boxing her in so she wasn’t able to feel anything aside from his hard frame. His lips were hard and hot against her mouth and Arianna raked her hand through his hair trying to brace herself. Everything was going too fast.

She groaned as Marcel pushed impossibly close to her body as if he couldn’t get enough of her while kissing her senselessly. He wanted to rip every single piece of clothing on her and just sink himself inside of her, but Lady Flow was in the way.

Arianna moaned as Marcel coaxed her tongue with hers and started a dance of their own. Her free hand caressed down his bare chest while the other yanked on his hair while they kissed without a care in the world, at least until their car stopped. They were home.

But then Marcel wouldn’t stop, his lips on hers were devouring and hungry as if he wanted to brand himself on her skin. Well, he was succeeding because he was all she could taste and was a breath away from asphyxiation.

He finally moved and Arianna was finally able to gulp in mouthful breaths. However, the love she saw in Marcel’s eyes made her unable to breathe, then she smiled, one of joy and gratitude. Marcel smiled in return and in no time, they found themselves laughing like naughty teenagers.

Marcel got out of the car after he had his shirt on and helped her out. His hair was ruffled and his lips swollen and Arianna had no doubt she looked any better. Her lips were still tingling and the thought of what they did had her giggling inwardly.

Together, they walked hand in hand into the base expecting to have a semblance of peace after the journey. However, Arianna was dumbfounded when she stumbled into the foyer overrun with what she could call the War of the rabbits, with every soldier trying to catch the creatures running around.

What the hell?

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