国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 361

That was how loud Arianna’s heart pounded with every step Marcel took toward her. And it wouldn’t have surprised her if she died from a heart attack at this moment. But then, Marcel was standing in front of her before she knew it.

They stared at each other for a while until Marcel said, “Your hand,”

However, Arianna hid the wanted hand behind her like a child afraid to take a shot.

“I-I can do it myself,” She choked out, unable to look Marcel in the eyes with a flush on her face. God, why was she blushing?

But then, Marcel didn’t have much of the word, “patience” written in his dictionary and quickly reached for the hand she tried to hide from him. Her strength was nothing compared to his, hence, Marcel already grabbed her hand and raised it in the air.

Arianna couldn’t breathe properly as Marcel stared at her long and slender fingers. Damn, why was he taking this long to put the ring on? Just get this over with before she does something stupid.

But Marcel seems to want to take his sweet time because he felt her fingers, caressing the top of her palm and her breathing quickened because that action did funny things to her body. Her toes curled in on themselves and Arianna knew that she was in deep trouble and that she had to stop this madness before it escalated.

It wasn’t until she tried to pull her finger back that Marcel then put it on her ring finger, however, it wasn’t her size and was too tight. Marcel had to remove it and find a suitable finger. In the end, he slid the ring into her index finger and it fitted her.


Marcel didn’t let go of her hand immediately and used that opportunity to examine his handwork, taking advantage of the room’s lighting to get a better view. He finally let go of her and she was able to breathe.

“You may now kiss the bride,” Arianna thought she heard – she hoped it wasn’t just a thought. Eww, what was she thinking?

In the end, It turned out that it was just her imagination and no one had indeed spoken – and she was staring at Marcel’s lips a little too much. At once, Arianna took a step back, breaking apart from this crazy spell intent on binding them together.

“So this is it then,” Arianna chuckled awkwardly, looking everywhere else but at Marcel. What was wrong with her today? And why was the room suddenly hot?

She would have fanned herself with her hand had it not been for Winters staring at her with her hawk-like eyes. Why was she staring at her like that? Wasn’t she the one who asked Marcel to put the ring on her finger, so then, why look at her as if she stole her boyfriend or something?

If it wasn’t for the fact that the girl had come to her room last night to declare boldly her interest in Marcel, Arianna would have thought that all of this was a ruse and the girl was playing matchmaking.

But that doesn’t seem to be the case, Winters seems intent on having a healthy competition, that explains why she was giving her opportunities – like having Marcel put the ring on her – even though she doesn’t deserve it.

Even as righteous as Arianna was, She knew she would never do the same for Winters. When she loves, she loves alone. No sharing at all. So yeah, she was too selfish to give that kind of opportunity to Winters.

“We have to get our ass moving, tomorrow is the big day! We can’t afford to make any mistakes!” Victor gingered them and everywhere spread out.

But then, while she, Victor, and Mimi left the room, Arianna saw Winters head towards Marcel. Were the both of them going to work together? All by themselves? All alone?

Arianna was filled with anxiety and curiosity, and it wasn’t until her gaze connected with Marcel’s that she quickly turned to watch where she was going before she knocked into something. In one word, she left the room grudgingly.

Victor was the one who took care of their needs like calling over a hair stylist for their hair change.

“This is a disaster,” Arianna said, apprehension written on her face.

“Would you stop squirming like a fish out of water and relax for once? It’s not like you’re going to go bald from the hair change. Also, would I need to remind you that it’s only for a few weeks and you get your hair back? So please don’t ruin the fun for me,” Mimi was more enthusiastic to go through the procedure as she relaxed in her seat as the hair stylist worked on the chemicals.

The both of them decided on brown hair color. Mimi helped the uptight friend choose and Arianna decided that swirling highlights would be perfect for her. The stylist would add dimension to the brown hair while keeping things easy and low-maintenance; warm honey and caramel highlights through a few of the ends, with some lighter pieces around her face

Unlike Mimi who decided on sweet chocolate, changing her blonde hair entirely. She needed some warmth that doesn’t read red, and went for golden swirls instead. Adding golden undertones created a healthy appearance and reflected tons of new shine.

However, Mimi didn’t read her friend well because Arianna wasn’t just worried about the color change but Marcel and Winters being in the same room together. What if something happens between them?

What If Winters felt threatened by the connection between her and Marcel earlier and decides to take things a notch up? What if the both of them were doing –

No! That was impossible! Marcel likes her! He wouldn’t get to that extent already when he still had her in his heart – she hoped so. After all, she knew men and their great exploits.

Arianna took a deep breath and tried to relax. Maybe this hair color change wasn’t a bad thing, because she intends to sweep someone off his feet today.

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