国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 128

It wasn’t until Cassie realized that Big Joe would be angry if anything were to happen to Arianna and that she would be the first suspect in this case, made her finally make a move. Even if it were a suicide, Big Joe wouldn’t believe her and would use her as a scapegoat to appease his anger – Arianna committing suicide days before her marriage was a big slap to his face and a huge stain on his reputation.

So Cassie went into action immediately, pulling her naked form out from the tub and began to perform emergency

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation on her. For over a minute when Arianna didn’t respond, Cassie was scared that she was really dead and was planning on raising an alarm when she suddenly came to life.

Now she – Cassie- thought about it, she should have raised an alarm in the first place instead of taking a risk of bringing her to life – it was beneficial to her anyway. If Big Joe somehow hears that Arianna tried to commit suicide, she can’t tell what he would do to Arianna. But it definitely won’t be good.

For once, It would be nice to see Arianna in some kind of pain to satisfy the anguish in her heart, but Cassie can’t do that anymore because the both of them are the only ones with the idea of her attempted suicide and Arianna would suspect her if the news were to leak. For her own reasons, Cassie had to keep on with the front of a good person.

Arianna went to the edge of her bed and sat down, already covered in her bathrobe while a towel hung from her head. The color was slowly returning to her pale skin while her eyes were red and slightly swollen. In one word, she looked like a cat that had been beaten down by the rain.

“Do you need me to get you anything?” Cassie asked her, “A hot cocoa, tea, or coffee would help you recover quicker,”

“No, thank you,” Arianna quickly rejected her offer. Honestly, she needed a cup of coffee to boost her body after this ordeal, however, she has imposed on Cassie enough already. Not to mention the fact that she just witnessed her trying to commit suicide. It was embarrassing.


“Are you sure?”

Arianna felt the morning air from the window hit her and she shivered. She needed that coffee.

“No, I’m good,” She still lied through her teeth. Maybe after Cassie left, she would get another person to make her a coffee. Yeah, who? The guards outside her door? Good luck with that.

“What are you doing here, anyway?” Arianna asked her while hoping it wasn’t for that conversation she promised her. After what happened, she wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone. Arianna just needed time alone to be able to coordinate her thoughts.

“I wanted to check up on you. I noticed you didn’t have anything to eat since yesterday and wanted to make you one,” Cassie said.

“Oh,” Arianna said, taken aback by the discovery. She didn’t even realize she hadn’t taken anything since yesterday. It was almost as if her stomach went into lockdown and she didn’t feel hungry – and that has been happening a lot recently, no, ever since she was taken from her uncle’s place.

Looking down at her body, Arianna realized how frail she looked compared to her former robust self. She must have lost quite some weight because her cheekbones were more prominent than ever; her collarbone deepened; even with the sleep she had, there were still dark circles around her eyes; her red hair lost its shine. She looked like a shadow of herself.

Even though she had been maltreated in her uncle’s place, it only made her stronger. None of that compared to what she was going through here, both physically and mentally. Neither was it making her stronger, it was breaking her.

“I should get you something to eat then,” Cassie told her.

But Arianna shook her head, “I don’t feel like eating,” she doesn’t even know what to feel anymore.

“You have to eat somehow else you starve to death if this continues,” Cassie said, already heading to the door only to bump into someone at the entrance. He must have been preparing to knock on the door before it was opened by her.

“What do you want?” Cassie asked straightforwardly, knowing he worked here.

“Big Joe request for her presence,”

Arianna who was inside the room, upon hearing that statement, tensed up immediately. She glanced at the door but Cassie was in the way so she couldn’t get a glance of who that was.

“What for?” Cassie asked and Arianna had to give it to her, she was really bold. She was beginning to like her.

“I don’t answer to you,” the man said gruffly, irritated that someone beneath his rank -and a woman at that – was questioning him. He tried to get into the room but Cassie blocked his way. He glared at her, she cocked a brow at him in response.

“Where did you think you’re heading to? Haven’t you heard that Big Joe forbids males from entering this room after the incident yesterday?” She said to him.

Arianna was surprised by the comment, Big Joe put up a rule like that? If that was the case, she might be able to make something work and get out of here.

“I haven’t heard of such a rule, so move away,” He tried to get in but Cassie blocked him once again.

His nostrils flared, this time he was at his wit’s end. He commanded her, “Move!”

But Cassie stood her ground, “Perhaps if you would tell me why she’s needed, I would be able to prepare her, but if you don’t want that, you can go in and I can freely inform Big Joe that you took a step inside this room after his rule,” She emphasized on “rule” making sure he got the point.

After that, there was a minute of silence between them both and an intense stare-off before the man gave in.

“Fine,” He sighed, women were a pest, “Big Joe wants to have breakfast with her,”

Cassie gave her a charming smile, “Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” she went on, “I’ll have her prepared and ready for breakfast in a jiffy,” She shut the door right in his face before he could protest.

She spun to Arianna dramatically, “It’s time to meet your husband,”

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