
Chapter 430

“Miira,” came a muffled voice of a man in pain, “-did I do good?”

“Please, God of time, save your breath, I can still reverse the turn of events. I can find another time-line where you live!” urged a lady with wings sprawling out her back. She held the man on her lap.

“No,” slow and tiresome, “-there’s no need,” a smile involuntarily made her cry. “Differing timelines will not do anything to gods. I’ve managed to make a multidimensional barrier; I don’t know how long I can last.”

“Why hasn’t the Rogue Hero skill activated yet?”

“Miira, I’m sorry, but the Skill was disabled a long time ago. All my powers are dwindling, there’s no time left. I should have listened and taken the Sickle of Kronos before the battle.”

“No, it wasn’t your fault, said she adamantly, “-the righteous gods saw us as the enemy. The supreme god did warn us about his son. Our quest can never be complete if he’s involved.”


“I know,” sighed the man with white hair. “-I was called from another world to do the duty of a god-slayer, I suppose I failed. What will happen of you?” he reached to caress her cheeks.

“I will make sure you return,” her wingspan greatened, “-you will go back to your world and live a normal life. A life of a young adult. You’ll forget any of this ever happened. It’s the only gift I can give,” pressing her hands in prayer, her mouth moved without a sound. The circuit line of a divine spell drew itself around the man.

“Complete,” said she a few steps away from the dying man. Cracks in their barrier began to form, the gods were close.

“Scifer Rethem, Heir to Kronos, inheritor of Time, thy journey in the divine plane has come to an end. I, Miira Kronicious, assistant to the god of time, shall grant thee thy wish. Return to whence thee came.” *DING,* twinkling of bells covered the man into a greenish color. ‘Farewell, partner, tis where we part ways.’ *CRACK,* the multidimensional barrier broke, the man vanished, and so did she. Entities of unknown stood with weapons drawn, a towering figure stood at the center with a thunderbolt.

‘It’s done,’ thought the angel floating into the void, ‘-I saved the heir from death.’

“Miira,” came a voice amidst the nothingness of space, “-hear mine voice. The quest to avenge my heir is yet to be complete.”

‘That’s the Supreme god Kronos,’ the listless face glowed in anticipation.

“Heed my words carefully. The Sickle of Time, my symbol of power, the things thee been looking for the ages wasn’t given to Scifer. No, rather, I lost it upon a bet with the Lord Death. The symbol of power, as well as all the abilities over time given to Scifer, has been transferred to the Wielder of Death. The heir to the current Death Reaper – Staxius Haggard. He’s a man of ungodly strength with rule over even a high-tier god. Go to him and recount what has happened. Apologize for what thee did, World Break, the spell created by Scifer is now in his hands.”

‘Dimension Orin,’ thought she closing her eyes. ‘The God of Death, what will the inheritor of the second most powerful entity be like?’ Flapping her wings through the many timelines, Miira, an unknown, made her way to Orin, (the name given to the dimension in which lived Staxius).

Awaken by the sound of metal hitting the floor, Staxius sat with semi-opened eyes. The room felt heavy, even more so than usual. ‘What’s this?’ asked he scratching his head. Just as he would place his foot on the floor, the entirety of the place shifted into a state of weightlessness. ‘Is it Creation?’ wondered he on guard scanning around. The prior interior was replaced by space, or what seemed to be a copy. The only ‘real’ object was the floating bed. Sheets rose above their place of rest; the scan continued.

‘How powerful is this supposed god of death?’ frowned the lady hidden amidst the emptiness. ‘Let’s see how he deals with this,’ following a throwing motion, five shards imbued with ancient spells bolted for her target. *BANG,* it broke into smoke and dust. ‘He didn’t even react to my shot. He’s weak, what was the Supreme god about?’ Staring closely, the hovering dust dematerialized with the figure stood still. He kept on looking right and left.

‘Guess the body of a god isn’t going to be hurt,’ her eyes narrowed, ‘-how about this.’ A giant white orb conjured above her head, ‘-let’s see if he can survive a dimensional attack.’ It left her hands at an ominously slow speed. Staring it, one could see the rate at which the orb ate what was with the barrier distorted.

‘Found her,’ he turned to glare.


‘Why’s the darkness being distorted?’ the Sickle of Kronos burnt with increasing pain. ‘Something is resonating with the symbol. What is it you see, symbol, show me the truth.’ From crimson, the right eyes changed to have a clock replace the pupil. ‘The very fabric of this plane.’ Lines, waves, the framework making the reality as well as the time-span, ‘-there’s the one responsible.’ A figure hid behind what could be described as a curtain of lines. ‘Dimension devouring orb,’ the words suddenly came. ‘The power oozing from that attack,’ he sidestepped to allow the orb to pass, *Death Element: Hand of God,* two palms reached to hold the projectile. ‘It’s eating the spell,’ thought he watching the outline break.

“Why is he standing there not doing anything? I guess he doesn’t know the orb will keep on eating as long as time moves,” she thought out loud.

“Unless time is stopped?”

“W-WHAT?” she turned to have her head grabbed and slammed onto the floor.

“Don’t you dare move,” said Staxius holding her against a barrier. Since the place had no ground, he but made one of his own.


“Keep squirming and the injuries will kill you instead of me,” said he touching her chest, “-thy heart has been damaged.”

“LET ME GO!” she screamed into breaking away from his grasp. An explosion had him flown backward.

“H-how dare you,” she gritted.

“Interesting,” the same voice came from behind, “-don’t resist,” holding her arm, he pushed her face-first onto the same barrier. “Move once again and I’ll have the orb devour you instead.”

“I-impossible,” said she unable to pronounce, “-only I can d-disarm it.”

“I suppose that’s true,” said he slowly bringing the projectile to her face. “I stopped time around it, a snap and you’re dead. What will it be, intruder?”

‘My injuries are acting up again,’ she squinted, ‘-damn it, if only I wasn’t attacked by that damned guardian.’

“Time is running low.”

“FINE!” all crumbled into them returning to the room. The interior was unaffected, the clock showed no sign of time passing. “A-are you going to let go of me now?”

“Yeah,” he stood, “-don’t dare move.”

“Else, we’ll kill you instead,” whispered two murderously filled voices.

One held her throat whilst the other readied to incinerate the intruder.

“Master, what do we do about her?” asked Gophy holding a tight expression.

“I could burn her and end the story,” said Intherna playing with her fire.

“No killing, not now,” uninterested, he moved to the wardrobe to scour for a suitable outfit.

‘What is with this man?’ confused, speechless, perplexed, the question had her head bombarded as if being in a concert. ‘Why is the god of death so callous, he doesn’t seem to care. And the ladies here... I remember the black hair of the Goddess of Chaos. The mistress to that rotten Zeus, why is she serving him. What about her, the daughter of Rah, isn’t the sun-god supposed to be a lone-wolf? I thought she joined Zeus...’

“I’M BACK,” the door flung opened, “-MASTER, DID YOU MISS ME?” yelled Cleopatra leaping into his arms.

“No, I didn’t,” he held her face, “-please don’t ambush me this early in the morning.”

“So heartless,” whimpered she noticing the intruder. “Who’s the new addition?” the voice changed from childish to mature and menacing.

“Don’t know, she ambushed me first thing in the morning,” still going through the clothes, “-what works best, the blue or pink?”

“Master,” sighed Cleopatra, “-the pink one.”

“No, the blue one,” yelled Gophy.

“I’d say go shirtless,” laughed Intherna.

“Forget I asked,” he returned to browsing.

“Good features,” said Cleopatra holding the attacker’s chin. “Are you a spy?” she moved close, “-you have a strange scent,” *lick,* “-and a strange taste too.”

“Don’t you dare eat her,” scowled Gophy.

“Says the lady holding a knife to her head. You have the cutlery used to eating, not I, I merely had a taste.”

“Stop it you two,” voiced Intherna softer than usual, her cheeks seemed to boil.

“Don’t tell me...” inquired Gophy with a disgusted gaze.

“You play for the other team?” jested Cleopatra.

“NO,” flames conjured shy of burning their faces.

‘What is wrong with these people?’ wondered a lost Miira, ‘-That’s Cleopatra. She’s involved with high god Lixbin. Are they under his rule or what? Such powerful allies; just who is that man?’

“Gophy, Intherna,” he returned with shorts and an aloha shirt. “Let go of her.”

“Are you sure?” asked they sternly.

“She shouldn’t be of any harm. I feel like she’s here to talk, not fight, isn’t that right?”

“Yes, talk.”

“Then we’ll go have transport ready for later,” said Cleopatra to which the three left the room. She dropped to the floor; the bleeding grew obvious. “I knew it,” said he carried her to the bed, “-you are hurt.”

“I need to know... are you the god of death?”

“Yeah, we’ll speak shortly, for now, rest.”

*Present and never changing, present and never yielding. All who wait break and all made are subjected to thine will. I, God of Death, the humble inheritor of thy power; call upon thee to have mine will answered: Time Control – Reversal.* The wound returned to how it was, the pain on her face relaxed into comfort.

A few minutes later, “-where am I?”

“On a bed, resting,” returned a sarcastic remark.

“Astounding,” she sat upright, “-my injuries are healed, did you do this?” asked she watching a man sat on the window frame.

“Not out of the goodness of my heart,” he leaped to stand by her side, “-I have a few questions. Answer me this, are you the assistant Kronos spoke about?”

“He contacted you?” said she with fatigued movements.


“My name’s Miira Kronicious; assistant to the ex-god of time.”

“Staxius Haggard, heir to the god of death.”

“If he contacted you, then you must know of the heir’s death. Lord Haggard, there are many things my master did. One of them being the curse of monsters inside thy plane. For that, I’m sorry,’ she bowed.

“The God-slayer cursed us with monsters, did I hear that right?”

“Y-yes, f-for that t-thee can have my head.”

“There’s no need for such dramatism. What is done is done. Do recount of what transpired till today. The God-Slayer has been more than a pain, stealing my power, and more. What happened to the man who defeated me more than once?”


“Thee hold no resentment?” her brows relaxed.


“Scifer Rethem, the heir to Kronos, was originally a normal boy from another dimension. Events occurred in him being taken from his home. At first, he was normal, no harm nor ill-will, well, until the divine army arrived at Kronos’s dominion. They killed him without mercy.”

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