
Chapter 393

“For Emi, of course,” said he closing the door behind, “-she’ll be modeling for us, didn’t I specify it earlier?”

“Are you sure?” she interrupted, “-I mean, I don’t want to be any more hassle than is due.”

“Don’t worry,” said he pointing at the door, “-I’ve asked to have another room sorted. Go on, the staff should be outside,” as he said so came the workers.

“What should we do, majesty?” asked an army of maids.

“Take her and those clothes to the new room.”

“As you wish,” they said moving orderly and efficiently as ants. The cumbersome living room turned empty with her gone. Julius sat dangling his feet, “-father.”



“About Meldorino, will her becoming our model that good a move?”

“Honestly,” he sighed, “-I don’t know if she’ll do – nevertheless, one must play with what he has been dealt.”

“I see...” the television added to the would-be silent background.


“I’m thy son, say mine name,” a shake of the head showed the discontent.

“Would you do what I ask you to do, whatever it may so happen to be?”

“Why such a serious tone,” said the young prince, “-if it’s in my power, then yes, there’s no ulterior motive behind my actions. I’m truly glad to have been given a life in the real world.”

“Remember when I said Gods didn’t have rules for we are the rulers, the same goes for morals.”

“Are you referring to me using my power?”


“No, I don’t mind, there’s no point beating about the bush, if there’s something I can make, I’ll do so.”

“What of a vessel for the soul of divine beings.” A heavy silence thumped upon the room; the words were simple yet held such meaning. The Prince’s sitting posture broke into a stutter. A few breaths later had him relax all the while Staxius watched.

“It’s possible if I know how it’s made, I don’t mind doing so.”

“Good,” the pressure lifted, “-good to know.”

“Why ask such a question?”

“To see where you stood.”

“I’ve said it before, father, I don’t have ulterior motives,” the hand hit against the couch defiantly.

“I know, was just checking. Can’t blame a man for having his worries.”

“I suppose,” thus ended the conversation between father and son.

Meanwhile, away from Melmark and inside Dostein; a little hideaway village stood on the coast. A village hosting multiple villas with even richer inhabitants. The village, or so-referred to on the map, was big and secretive. A place somewhat restricted for people never ventured close. Why look for trouble when the beach stood a few meters away, the beautifully hot sand, sparkling lagoon splitting into differing colors, and the all-mighty sun.

“Lady Aceline,” came a voice holding a platter and a phone.

“Yes?” replied the lady reclined on a lounge chair.

“I had an offer of modeling,” said the man wearing glasses.

“Didn’t I ask you to decline all the offers?” said she with a sigh, her sunglasses stopped the reflected rays of the pool. Over yonder erected a white-fence that gave onto a good view of the bridge.

“I know, but, I think you might be interested.”

“Scott, please,” she turned gently with her light-colored two-piece swim-suit, “-I told you, I’m not interested in modeling, not now...”

“Why not,” he argued, “-I’m sure this company might change the refusal.”

“Go,” her glasses gave way for a stern glare that had the manager gulped.

“Meldorino,” said he.

“From the Gaso Group, even worse, no,” she reclined yet again to take a sip off a drink.

“No, Meldorino isn’t a part of the Gaso Group.”

“What do you mean?” asked she with the sunglasses resting on the tip of her nose.

“The company was bought out by another.”

“Go on with it, if they were bought out, doesn’t it discredit the brand entirely.”

“I know why you’d think that. Actually, the company presiding over Meldorino is Phantom.”

“Phantom,” she laughed, “-are you serious?” the voice turned sharp, “-the arms trading company?” her eyes bulked with a thousand flares of ire. Scott could but buckle at the pressure. “-Out with it!”

“Yeah, the company owned by his majesty.”

“...” the idyllic scene ruptured by a single glass breaking. Her emotions ran wild to which she backhand slapped her glass. The orangish liquid spewed all over, “-never,” said she, “-never!”

‘I’m not going to forgive them. Not after they ignored my attempts to bring peace to our kingdom. Hidros is my home too, I never wanted to leave. Still, look at me, just look at me, staying far as if a convict. There’s nothing more I want than to go home and relax on the Plaustan beach. Argashield Federation my ass, they’re the worse; focusing on war instead of promoting peace, I’ve had enough.’

“Should I tell him no?” interjected Scott amidst her soliloquy.

“Yes, tell him to f off...”

“O-” said the manager walking away.

“Wait,” she dashed to snatch the phone, “-let me speak to him. I want to have the pleasures of saying screw him.”


“Hello,” said she first.

“Hello, Scott, is that you, yeah, sorry about this, but I’ve another model to represent Meldorino. Aceline and I aren’t on good terms, it’s not going to work out either way. The Lady is a big celebrity now, she doesn’t have time for old-friends, never mind me, she flat-out ignored Queen Gallienne whilst we fought to save the continent. I guess idealist superstars don’t see the reality of things, they’re station is way over the common folks. It’s a miracle Hidros breathes, I suppose people don’t realize what we did. In any case, thanks for the help, Scott, let’s have a drink sometime,” the call ended.


“There wasn’t a need to throw the phone into the pool,” said he with spite.

“Whatever, I’m going to head to the beach; goodbye,” the door slammed on her way in.

‘As conniving as ever. Good job getting her riled up, Majesty. I guess I have to send a message of the plan going into play.’

“Why are you grinning, father?”

“Nothing much,” a text had the screen flash, “-just a side-job.”

Nighttime soon wrapped itself around Alphia. Julius went to bed early. Alone, Staxius sat in the study and watched as tiny flashes of light went along the motorway. A black-piano rested facing the landscape; amber lighting gave a hint of inspiration. Key by key, music heard from many o’ places streamed from out the heart and into reality. Slow, soothing, and woeful, it played a refuge for the fallen.

“Master, analysis has been completed,” said éclair.

The information came from all over the place, éclair worked without a moment’s rest, not that a spirit needed one. Details on the mystery revolving around Asuna’s death came far clearer than what was told by the Emperor. In addition to the name of who was responsible, Staxius held the bigger picture, the reason why Asuna was victimized. The involvement of God’s ale and angel’s dust wasn’t a mere addiction tool, no, far from it, the real reason, Cimier. The Patek dynasty, the shadow funding the AHA. Second, in the ranking of most successful conglomerates in Alphia, their power wasn’t anything to laugh at. Undisclosed and hidden, the dynasty was as shrewd and conniving as the underworld. Deep links to Cimier, they ruled Subrea from where one couldn’t see.

‘Lord Mishline Guiz Patek, quite an interesting person from what the picture shows. Going against that diversified family will be hard, they’ve been around since the founding of the Empire. If these are the players in this game, I might need to stand down for a bit. Pulling too much attention will only serve to bring ruin. I need something to capture the attention of the audience. Luna’s ghost stories have reached most of Alphia’s lips. Patek’s are responsible, they’ll pay one way or the other.’

Soon came morning with a new purpose. Emperor Sultria pleaded for Staxius to visit the estate. The journey by car grew tiresome and time-consuming. In no way did he dislike the pleasures of driving, it was but the sense of urgency. To remedy such trouble, Cake kindly had his helicopter, the U93-1, flown over. A helipad secluded from the public rested close to the hotel. The manager could but agree to his demand – the king made sure that he was a priority.


“Look who’s awake, did you sleep well?” they met in the lobby.

“No,” returned Emi, “-look at my face, does it look like it?”

“I guess not. Well, not my problem.”

“Father, can you be a little more tactful?”

“Prince Julius, do you wish to accompany her to the therapist?”

“Can I?”

“Obviously, thee chooses, my son, thee chooses.”

“Then I shall kindly accept the offer,” extending out an arm, “-Lady Muko, may I have the honor?”

“W-with p-pleasure,” said she stuttering, a prince, a handsome one had offered to be her escort.

“Julius, she’s under thy care, consider it the first order I give. I want her to be ready to become a model, do what is needed, keep the cost below 10,000 Exa.”

“That little?” he inquired with a shrug.

“Not to be smug, I’m the one with money, thou art a prince by name and blood only. Go out, do what is necessary, 10,000 Exa is plenty. Figure it out, thee bears the name Haggard.”

“Understood, sir,” they separated at the main-entrance.


“Good morning, boss,” said a team in Sotepios’ uniform.

‘I told her to not waste manpower,’ he breathed a chuckle, “-good morning, is everything ready?”

“Yes sir,” the door closed with the bird taking to the skies.

At the estate, the Sultria’s old-tome of which none had opened since the death of the Fifth emperor rumbled. The maids were alarmed and guards were called. Princess Loftha remained at their side in case. A whirlwind of dark mana took to the skies. Sun to cloudy, even the weather was at its mercy.

“Father-in-law,” came a troubled voice.

“Why do you look so distressed,?? asked Staxius reassuring the emperor.

“It’s not a matter of distress, just look, that’s the reason I called you. There’s no way we can deal with that, it’s magic.”

“Oh, here I thought you wanted me to lead some clueless noble along.”

“No, no, please, now isn’t time for jest, our family tomb is in jeopardy.”

“So much for the calm emperor my daughter speaks of,” soon to stare the tunnel, a thump had him shaken. ‘What was that?’ tame to the naked eye but a calamity to sense aura. What he saw wasn’t merely mana – dark, light, divine, pure, and possibly catastrophic. ‘Why’s the concentration so high?’

“What’s the status?” he approached the princess.

“Don’t know,” said the emotionless voice, “-I’ve waited for something interesting to happen.”

“Quite the conundrum,” taking a step, an invisible barrier blocked further movement.

‘Now this is interesting,’ knocking as if be a door, the latter resonated. ‘Resurrection? No, I know this spell, transmigration of the soul. Only a few certain gods have the ability to transfer souls from dimension to dimension, who in the world is...?’

*Woosh,* clocked in darkness, a figure materialized with crows flying around,”-god of death.”

“God of Darkness, Lixbin.”

“I wish I could stay to chat, listen, things have gotten a bit out of control in the godly realm. It doesn’t concern thee yet. One of my trusted companions and aid was killed in the incident. I don’t want her to die in vain, her soul is ready to be granted the boon of divinity. I know all about you, Creation’s Heir, Gophy, and Intherna. Take it as thee wants, I’m counting on thee. Good luck,” he vanished with the sun shining brighter.

“Did you fix it, father?”

“No,” the words held heavier an impact. ‘A gift, a companion, the godly realm. God Lixbin came to give a personal visit – known for being shady; there’s a catch to this, surely.’ *Creek,* moved the gate with a faint thump of a godly soul.

*I curse thee, soul, to be bound to mine; Box of Soul – Soulfeld.*

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