
Chapter 372

“I couldn’t sleep,” replied the other, “-the train is due to come soon.”

“Are the events from last night bothering you that much?”

“Father, I’m grateful you’re here. I’d have never suspected such a plot against me. Uncle Solomon did apologize gravely after you left. I do think it a bit heartbreaking that you choose to abandon thy son.”

“I need not apologize,” said Staxius extinguishing the cigar. “The sun is to rise soon. What happened to Arle, what is to happen to her?”

“No idea,” said he with the darkness of the night pierced by an array of warm colors. They stood out back of the cottage, a small area for plants and a nice table.

“Marrowy,” mumbled Staxius, “-a pleasant village, the submerged feeling is gone. The air breathes easier.”


“I second the thought.”

“Good morning,” said Courtney with a yawn, her step was matched by Arle.

“Good morning sister,” replied the King.

“Good morning my lady,” added Sultria.

“What is Arle doing here?” asked the king with a frown.

“I-I came t-to apologize,” said she with a big bow

“An apology, how quaint,” refuted the King unimpressed, “-how the world would be a better place if words did justice. What if I shot you thee this instant and asked for an apology for those who cared about you. What then, do you think I’d be forgiven and allowed to live? What of revenge, what of humanity’s disgusting ideals, what of them, tell me,” the tone rose to a shout, “-how dare you, insolent little spy, how dare you to bring thy head upon the Emperor. Is shame not a word in thy mind, begone this instant,” he pointed at the door, her faint sobbing was paired with teardrops. No words could be said, needles prickled her throat, shortness of breath, blurred vision from tears, the mind all but thought of running away.

“Do you have to be so harsh?” intervened Sultria, “-I understand her mistake, however, I do think humans have the right to make mistakes. Is that not how we evolve?”

“Whatever thee says,” his voice trailed as the sun blinded the garden.

“I do agree with brother on this one,” interjected Courtney, “-mistakes must be atoned, and thy disappearing from his emperor’s entourage is the best fit.”

“Fret not,” said Staxius as she headed for the door, “-actions have more meaning than words. Come back better and make sure to not be fooled any longer. Arle, one of many heroes of Alphia, go and find thy way.” Curiously enough, those last words came out naturally. He didn’t feel bad nor guilty, it was something more. To send someone away without explanation was a thing one must avoid, for if a mother never told her child what not to do, the world would divulge in anarchy. A society of which none wanted to be a part.

Soon without briefcase nor luggage, Staxius, Sultria, and Courtney waited at the station. Many o’ gentlemen dressed in formal suits waited for transport. Soon came the rumbling, the train came with minimal sound. The latter was the improved version, the one that made waves across the world upon its announcement by Phantom and the collaborating parties.

“The newer model,” commented Staxius as the white-train with red-stripes approached.

“Yeah, we spare no expense when it comes to transport,” returned Sultria. The doors opened with the ringing of a bell, some exited whilst more entered.

“Does it only come once a day?” asked Courtney taking in the sight of a technological marvel.

“7:00 and 19:00 per day,” answered a random bystander. Giving a nod of gratitude, the trio entered without many realizing who Sultria was. A beanie, scarf, and sunglasses sufficed; the king used an additional concealment spell to have the disguise flawless. Sat in first-class as payment was done via card – the slow start felt peaceful. A gentle acceleration without trouble nor mishap. The seats were as if pillows, the large window, and the assistant who walked about was reminiscent of air hostesses. Thus, was first class in Alphia. The price for said journey was 10 gold per person. As to not trouble the mind, currency conversion was done upon payment. The journey went along pleasantly, and pleasantly would it soon end. From forest to a sudden clearing where rivers and civilization were seen, the capital was yet a few hours away.

“The meal sure was bland,” said Courtney with a yawn.

“I mean, my expectations were low to start with.”

“There’s no need to act snobbish,” interjected Adete, “-who cares as long as we arrive.”

There were many stops on the way down from the mountain. At-last, around five to six hours later, the train soon went along a slope passed over many roads. The scenery changed instant from rural to technically advanced. Counting among the few eye-catching landmarks was a large observatory inside which hosted a giant telescope. Next to it, after a few blocks of library and research-related compounds came other buildings. Offices to be precise, and next to it rested the Central-Station. A building with many o’ openings for tracks.

“Here we are,” said Staxius leading the group, a step later, they arrived at the Capital. Escalators and lifts led onto the higher floors. Outfits ranged from business to casual and even school-uniforms. Amidst them stood a certain peculiarity; many hosted different traits as their DNA evolved. Four hands, five hands, many legs, and much more, the former were but exaggerated examples. Yet, the disparities were there. It depended on the person and their power. The majority of people had super-human abilities; a fact well-known. Going downstairs, Staxius’s visage felt new and refreshing. The pale-nature, vivid eyes, and sharp features caught the eye of many. Courtney so as well, she didn’t hold back when one would stare, almost immediately her response would be of winking or blowing a kiss.

“So, the station is actually on the third floor of that building?” voiced the sister amazed by the architecture. The giant shadow cast onto the ground was proof enough of its size. One could have felt far smaller than an ant compared to how massive it was. The roads weren’t something to laugh either. Obsessively dark, a proof of well-cared asphalt. Cars were popular, and the luxurious models were sought after by the envied eyes of teenagers. Billboards made their presence known atop rooftops. Not only were the billboards attractive large screens playing music, advertisement, and others. One particular held the face of someone familiar, “-look,” said Sultria, “-is that not Aceline, the pride of Hidros?”

“She’s advertising make-up from what I figure.”

“Yes, that much shows on the screen, dear sister.”

“Have you something lodged inside thy posterior, brother?” she gritted.

“No, why would you ask something so outrageous?”

“Are you starting a fight,” she took a strong step for the sarcastic remarks had tried her patience.

“There’s no need to be so belligerent,” he soon patted her shoulder, “-Emperor Sultria, we’re in the capital. If memory serves me well, we’re rather far out from thy estate.”

“Yes, though the office is here, I suppose we need to head to the estate, What do you suppose, there’s the possibility of asking for a butler to bring transport.”

“No, that will no be necessary,” an advertisement caught the eye. Pildi, an Alphianian brand specializing in cars and vehicles. They were known for making sport-cars, the kind which left those who watch in utter speechlessness. The immense price-tag did the same as well. Only a few were able to afford such item comfort.

“Father,” nudged Sultria staring at him who was lost.

“Sorry,” he returned with a cough, “-let’s take a walk.”

“Should we not head to the Emperor’s estate?”

“No, sister, let’s walk and get a feel for the place. Watch closely, the people are quite accommodating. There’s a smile on almost all their faces,” the words matched the surrounding. It was as described; many o’ students returned for the trains led all round the capital-province.

Left to right, they reached a place filled with activity. The shops lit brightly, few cars were parked, cars of which were from renowned brands. As many called it, the bourgeois area for the shops was well over the salary of a normal worker.

*CRASH,* came a sudden impact on the streets below.

“Worry not citizens,” said a man in a red suit adorned with stars, “-I’ve captured the villain,” said he with a smile. He who laid on the floor was reduced to a muddy pile of nothingness. The spectators soon took to their phones and snapped pictures.

“What happened?” wondered the sister.

“A normal day occurrence,” said Sultria unimpressed, “-a villain defeated by the AHA.”

“The Allied Heroes I presume?”

“You ain’t got the best of me yet, Starlight,” said the sludge who jumped for the unsuspecting Sultria.

*SMACK,* “-I thought I didn’t make it,” said the hero with a perplexed tone.

“Do thy job correctly,” said Staxius wiping the liquid after a punch. “Why are you staring so?”

“Forgive my rude behavior,” nodded the hero, “-I’ve never seen such strength displayed before. Do forgive my asking again, but are you a hero?”

“No,” the Platinum-adventuring tag was shown, “-I’m Xenos, an adventurer from Hidros.”

“Ohhhh, it makes sense,” he smiled, “-adventurers are the same as heroes. Our duty lies in saving the weak and helping whenever we’re called for, it’s a pleasure meeting you.”

“Pleasure was all mine,” after which the peculiar man dashed off.

“Going by Xenos, quite a bold move.”

“Not that it’s going to affect anything. Let’s go.”

Astonished by the way the shops were presented, Sultria could but stop and stare at many o’ commodities. “Let’s go in if thou wish for something,” said the King.

“No, I mustn’t partake in such reckless spending.”

“I mean, the Empire is getting a cut out of each sale.”

“That isn’t the point. Whatever the case, why are we heading further inside?” The answer came soon enough. From clothing, jewelry, to a crossing leading into a differing complex – the lanes besides were empty. Many cars on the main-road purposefully stopped to stare at this particular area. The reason, tis was the complex in which car manufacturers often exposed and sold their prized possession. A showroom for various brands from affordable and durable to expensive and showy.

“Don’t tell me...” paused Courtney, “-are you serious?” she laughed as they stood under the sign of the most expensive brand.

“Yeah, I’m serious,” he soon dialed a number.

“Hello, yes, Cake, it’s me.”

“Hello Boss, did you arrive safely?”

“Yes, thanks for the concern, I called regarding a favor.”

“If it’s money, your personal bank account should have plenty.”

“And how much is plenty?”

“Does 10 Million Exa sound good?”

“No, have another 5 million transferred tomorrow.”

“5 million,” she paused, “-sure.”

“Father, did you ask for five million Exa to be transferred?”

“No, I asked for 5 million gold coins,” he said nonchalantly, “-should be around 50 million Exa,” he patted the son’s back and entered the building.

“There’s no need to be flustered. Phantom is rather unknown, but we are powerful in arms as well as finance. Emperor Sultria VI, I do hope you realize with what kind of man you’re dealing with. King Staxius has the habit of going overboard in both business and family. Be on thy guard, we’re allies though what is to say it will be as is tomorrow and the day after.”

“Art thou going to dilly-dally?”

“Coming, brother, there’s no need to rush.”

‘What did she mean by that,’ paused Sultria as the duo walked forth. ‘Why should I be on my guard. I trust him explicitly; whatever the case might be tomorrow, I’ll never cross him. What she said is true, there’s no saying to where the limit lies. The fight yesterday was proof enough, the two body-guards, the godly power, and the slaying of a villain with a mere graze of the fist. The King of Arda is fearsome.’

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