
Chapter 279

Sat on the edge and wiping his eyes, another smell came from outside. A machine roamed around the yard, a gardener employed not so long ago tended to the grass. Tingly, the aroma felt harsh as the wind blew cold. ‘Today’s the last day,’ he thought and stood. Besides a pair of shorts, nothing else was worn – the markings were left exposed to the open.

Last night ended in good faith, for all the people he had met along the way were present. A good and earnest conversation, Eira and her friends, though hesitant at times, seemed to have questions in their minds. Date was the 28th of February, “-if you want land inside Rotherham, then ask the Haworth family since that town falls under their jurisdiction. A call should suffice, the list of people given, mainly the turncoats – I’ve made sure they’re put back in their place,” a fleeting sentence which came out of Gallienne’s mouth.

‘Guess we’re going through with the plan,’ breathing in the fresh morning air, Xula shivered from the coldness. Her feet left expose near the end of the bed, retreated. The cold made her curl and lay deeper into the sheets. The shuffling caught his ear, “-am I interrupting?” he asked politely.

“Not really,” the voice sleepy, “-just close the door when you head out, I’ll sleep in more,” fatigue of the few days caught up.

“As you wish,” pushed, it remained ajar, the coldness didn’t bother as much as before.

“Aye Boss,” the gardener waved.


‘Why is he calling me boss,’ he returned the wave so that the man didn’t feel excluded. With almost a smile, the man, covered with a poncho, returned to tending the grass.

[Breaking News] half an hour later, the television in the common room turned on, sat on a couch with tea and fruits – he watched.

[Last night, the church of Syhton was broken into by an unknown faction. No valuables were stolen, nothing apart from the disappearance of the Apostle. The church has made it clear that there’s nothing to worry about, however, the populous is adamant about finding her location. The break-in and disappearance aren’t a mere coincidence, tis is what the public are saying] to that, the subject changed to the Tournament. They reported on the winner and assassination attempt on Eira – though her majesty’s speech was showed in full.

‘Apostle vanishing,’ he sipped, ‘-this isn’t good,’ he thought, ‘-wait,’ suddenly, as a window left open slammed shut with a loud crash, he stood. “Were this what the church was hoping for. It fits,’ the mind worked, “-the sudden withdrawal of the Kreston’s army, Goldberg’s argument about them being backed by the church. I thought it was but a lie to get out of the situation unscathed. It’s the truth then, the whole assassination was just a diversion – the true operation was the abduction of Syhton’s apostle,” as the piece fit one by one, near the border, after a long hour drive – trucks were seen speeding along the roads. Unbothered by tanks, they rushed as nonchalant as one could ever be.

‘Isn’t that?’ gagged with a blindfold, Karlson noticed a girl inside said vehicles. Unable to reach for it bared the Holy Church’s emblem, with a bow, the supposed emissaries returned.

*Brr,* vibrating, messages flooded the phone – the sender, *Karlson.*

‘I’ve not the patience to get involved with another conspiracy,’ hands-on the forehead, ‘-that last one took most of my strength. I was wrong, the true player wasn’t Goldberg, but someone else, the face remained shrouded.’

“Hello,” at around 10:00, with Xula upstairs getting changed, a phone call was made.

“What’s up, boss, anything the matter?” in the middle of packing, Cake answered with a toast in her mouth.

“Is there some way you can get in contact with Duke Hawkins?”

“Hawkins from Kreston?” she asked.


“Not that I know of. It’s the Overlord’s wish that we not get involved in religion. Therefore, we don’t have any contact in that country of heretics. Is it important?”

“Not really,” he breathed, “-don’t worry about it. Thanks for everything, Cake, I’ll ask Jason to distribute the payment later – those men need rest. A job well done; the operation was a success.”

Brewing across the continent, another plot against the kingdom. Torn from one side to another, the real masterminds made their move. They used their pawns to capture this kingdom’s Bishop. Without faith and anything concrete, the populous could be led astray, especially with preachers of various beliefs roaming around the streets during day and night. Understanding said issue, with semi-formal clothes, the duo returned to Claireville.

Echoed across town, a melodic voice mixed with instruments. “The ending ceremony has started early,” an idle comment since the silence left a feeling of anxiousness.

“If you say so,” displeased, Xula’s mannerisms were random and erratic at times. Not to mention, demanding – a sudden show of affections in terms of hugs, and bouts of anger, with her pinching his cheeks or twisting his arm. Walking towards the arena, people were less abundant than yesterday. For once, the yards were cleared with trash all over the place. Flyers of vendors, advertisements for food and such, ‘disrespectful,’ a disappointed shake of the head later, they entered through the back.

“Xula, Staxius,” in came Gallienne with a smile as big as her temple; her hair parted down the middle revealed a very big, shiny forehead.

“Father, mother,” in the corner with Remington’s and Meriel against the window, “-glad to see you well,” voiced Eira with a smile. Empty, for the most part, some of the nobles returned home – the stage below lit with a thousand lights; Sugar performed his heart out. Allowed entry on the arena, girls flocked to the front, all and all, a flashback to the time in Iqeavea.

“Where’s Piers?” asked Staxius.

“He headed off to Dorchester with Julius. Something urgent came up, he’s staying there to help in expanding their capital city. Some people are interested in taking residence inside the noble district again – all and all, that province is getting back to its feet.”

“Could I have a word in private?” he asked, as soon as pleasantries were exchanged.

“Sure, lead the way,” offered the queen.

“Take your time,” Xula nodded and moved to where Eira sat, Ernis arrived with a bottle of champagne.

“Let’s drink,” he dashed towards Staxius.

“Not right now, highness, I’ve business to discuss,” the tone formal.

“I understand,” with a nod, the energetic persona faded into one neutral – Lucy arrived after a few seconds, she panted.

*Ancient Magic: Teleportation,* on the rooftop, “-what was it you wish to discuss?” asked Gallienne.

“The fight isn’t over,” he said in a concerned tone, “-I’ve no idea if you’ve heard this, but Syphon’s apostle has been kidnapped.”

A gust blew, the realization hit, her cheerful demeanor swapped for one worried. “Are you serious?” she asked.

“Everything that happened here was just a small part in a bigger scheme. I know it might sound improbable, but you did try to enrage the Pope. I’d say, you brought this upon thine self,” he turned, “-not that I blame you, that province is always crawling with fanatics.”

“The whole scheme involving the Goldberg was just a decoy?” her eyelids flickered, “-so elaborate for a decoy, how deep does this conspiracy go?” shoulder slumped – the mind had but one thing, ‘-we’re outclassed.’

“Problems keep on stacking up,” the voice monotonous, “-I thought I’d let you know. There’s still the possibility of another upset. As is now, the noble factions aren’t united since that whole incident – we might have them blackmailed though nothing guarantee’s that they won’t run off to Kreston.”

“I’ve heard that they have been collecting weapons and vehicles, their military keeps on getting stronger.”

“And I guess since you’re tied to the empire, gathering forces might seem like an act of revolution or foul play. It will have to be brought up to the emperor,” he paused, “-let me guess if that were to happen; you could stand to lose the status of queen, unlikely as is, it’s there. People will call thine rule worthless and incompetent.”

“It pains me to say this but it’s true. How ever you look at it, even quieter than the wind itself, Kreston has us in checkmate,” a true statement, she knew that the kingdom was hanging on a few threads.

“I agree,” he stepped away, “-if nothing is done, Hidros will come crashing down without a chance to fight back. Unable to gather forces, unable to go against the church and with the people having lost their apostle, quite a conundrum.”

“I can’t well ask for help again,” peering over the balustrade, “-you’ve done more than enough. Arda might also be targeted since the disparities between humans and nonhumans is far more rampant in Kreston.”

“Listen,” deep, it broke her daydream, “-I’m not opposed to helping,” he offered, “-I won’t get directly involved but I can provide some pawns for you to play this game of chess.”

“Do tell,” her eyes lit.

“Goldberg, for once, we know they’re traitors but I doubt that Kreston knows. Then you have the Adventurers, if you can’t get the army – there’s another one right beside you, people who’ve transcended the norm. Ernis as well, he could pull some strings and make it possible for Rosespire to amass forces. Kreston will have to be declared as traitors to the crown, can’t do that without proof. Lastly,” he stared, “-Duke Hawkins.”

“Isn’t he close ally with the pope?” confused, she asked.

“Not anymore,” the sun shone, “-I’ve my sources, and last I heard was that he and the pope were on bad-terms. Pull him on your side and usurp half of what the Pope controls.”

“That’s a tall order,” she sighed, “-fine,” the old look of hate welled, “-they’ve decided to move against me. Uniting Hidros through bloodshed if I need too, King of Arda, I humbly ask for thine aid. Lend me thy strength,” a bow.

“if it’s death that you wish for,” he smiled, “-Then I’ll grant thine wish,” a skull materialized behind, “-Kreston is far worse than monsters, the sooner they are crushed the sooner we’ll be able to break out of their shackles.”

“No plots, no using their plans against them. Hidros’s religious faith is at risk – we need to rescue her. If she dies, things will become far worse than it already is – tis the favor I ask,” from bowing, she knelt, “-rescue her at any cost, I’ll make you get whatever you wish for,” a kingdom bowing to another, ‘-I sense no ill-intent nor ill-will,’ hidden behind the sun’s glare, a smirk, ‘Gallienne, you foolish queen,’ he thought, ‘-you’ve admitted thine defeat. Hidros is under my thumb; never would I have expected this change. You were supposed to bow to Xula, not me, but I don’t mind. Arda will be the strongest Kingdom, I’ll make sure everyone witnesses the power we wield.’

“No need to kneel,” he grabbed her shoulders, “-we’re friends,” a sincere smile.

“Thanks for understanding,” she stepped back, “-bring her safe and sound home, I’ll take care of the rest,” her persona changed, “-the dormant ice-queen is breaking free from her shackles. You, Staxius Haggard, King or not, were my enemy and now are my ally, I respect thine strength, Arda and Hidros will forever be allies – I vow to never betray thee or thy kingdom.”

“Good,” he stood on the ledge of the railing, “-give this message to Xula, I’ll be back soon.” hands on his chest, “-there are two notes on the floor, one for you and one for Jason. They have detail explanations of what I want to have built, money isn’t an issue, get that runway built,” eyes closed the body fell backward.

“WAIT, HOLD UP,” she ran to try and catch, *Poof,* in a black-mist, Staxius disappeared to never be seen for the coming days, weeks, and months.

That day, Xula and Eira felt something tugging on in their heart, “-where are you?” searching to no avail, Gallienne called a meeting a few days later – she explained in greater details of what was spoken that day. The looming threat, the implications – Jason got the message meant to be given to Cake. In it, the code to Pandora and instruction on how the machine worked. Taking longer, God’s ale delivery never stopped. Renaud didn’t hold contempt nor anger, rather, he willingly accepted the decision and said, “-as long as we have Gods ‘ale, the money will keep on coming. Shadow is part of my family; he can take however long he wants.”

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