
Chapter 177

Factions from all around the continent moved. Kreston worked secretly on Razer. The Pope spear-headed the operation. Duke Hawkins was left out of the loop for war wasn’t a pleasant thing. Angel Hamael flew and monitored said province. People praised and bowed each time he walked – the threat of the fallen-ones was no longer an issue. The monster didn’t bother attacking their holy-land. One by one, the members were picked and made to work locally.

Plaustan’s stability and peace were never perturbed, the lovely beaches and hotels made it popular for anyone of repute visiting Hidros. This was apparent only near the beaches. Far into the province, monster activity was tightly watched, a band of unnamed fighters always ran around at night and killed all who threatened to enter the province. Hidden by helmets with a thunder-insignia; the covert protectors safeguarded the peace. Adventurers flocked over to Swanview – traders, blacksmiths, and craftsmen alike set-up shop. Lairs all near Totrya were infinite mines for fighting off the demons. The amount of Qaisar dropped was tantalizing enough.

Sadly, later that night, an event would forever change how people approached said place. The starry sky changed into a raging inferno, from black to crimson-red, all who had camps shuddered.

“What is happening...” a few kilometers from the adventuring camp near Totrya’s border, a few adventurers who rested in the opened were left speechless.

“HEADS-UP,” panic ran rampant, pots with stew toppled over. Equipment scattered, a raging fire-ball landed without notice. Engulfed by the flames, all was wiped without a trace. The adventuring camp was no longer present, many nameless adventurers disappeared, the explosion impact sent tremors across the continent. An earthquake from what many told – tis was the night all changed yet again.

*Reality can be whatever I want, Absolute control: World break.*


Hovered above the scene, three figures, their capes flowed with the wind.

“Kanad and Kylsha,” white hair and blue-eyes, “-this world has been conquered,” the voice cold and powerful, “-the people are fools who’d rather kill one another. I care not for them, and I care not for this realm – henceforth, I, Scifer Rethem, heir to Kronos, bestow upon thee both the title of Demon King and Demon Queen. Go out and wreak havoc, do what is necessary, what you please, rule this world as you wish.” A purplish flame evolved both demons, their horns grew, their power increased.

‘This place has always been a gateway to Draebala – my quest to return home is yet to be complete,’ a green aura distorted the very fabric of reality, he who controlled time had control overall, with a snap, he disappeared to never be seen again. A feeling of dread burnt within every living being’s heart; a fear embedded itself deep inside.

The origin of what happened that night would remain a mystery for the following month. The place was barred, an invisible barrier erected, one that turned any who dared step inside to dust.

‘This feeling of nostalgia,’ head focused onto the paper before him, Staxius’s eyes turned blank. The same sensation on the day the meteor flew over Dorchester.

“Father,” the door opened swiftly.

“What is it?” he asked, Eira stood with a red-dress.

“Save me from mother,” she ran inside. Outside, footsteps menacingly marched forth.

“Eira, where are you?” Xula asked in a jingle, one slow and eerie, “-found you,” the head turned, the eyes looked possessed.

“S-she’s o-obsessed w-with me t-trying on clothes,” her voice filled with panic, the eyes on the verge of crying, Eira crouched behind Void.

“Just teleport already,” he chuckled and went back to work.

“A-are you g-going to a-abandoned me, your daughter?” the footsteps approached.

“You bet I will,” he winked, Xula pounced and disappeared in a greenish light.

‘Morals are high, I’m glad they’re getting along,’ the feeling subsided.

Before he knew it, three days went by, “-your majesty,” from repeating the same things every day – all went unnoticed. Work, eat, sleep, and spend time with the family. “Skokdrag and his companions have returned,” black long hair, red-eyes, pale skin, and a tall but slender figure, one had come to give a message.

“Long time no see, Aurora,” he looked up, both laid eyes.

“Indeed, your majesty,” she replied formally and bowed.

“Drop the formalities,” he stood and walked over, “-aren’t we acquainted,” he held out his hands as a sign of friendship.

“T-thank you,” she smiled, both walked down the hallway – the direction was the castle gates.

“I must ask,” the walk long, “-where have you been all this time?” it gave time for a short conversation.

“I was busy training recruits on her majesty’s orders,” the reply quick, they arrived.

“Ya majesty,” tired and barely able to stand, the workers returned with a smile.

“Welcome back,” Staxius rushed over to help Skokdrag walk.

“Thanks, the job has been done,” they all cheered victoriously, the task at hand had been done.

“I see,” *Ancient Magic: Teleportation,* not wanting to have the dwarves get any more tired, Staxius teleported the whole crew inside the portal room.

“Overseer, make sure they receive a good bath and some booze,” the order plain and simple, the king left. All ended without complication, the building in Rosespire was complete, the dwarves headed back home – separate portals leading to each individual’s abode got conjured. A privilege that not many could experience for it was seen as an honor by many.

“FATHER,” stood with arms crossed, Eira yelled. The voice echoed down one of the many hallways; this particular-one led towards the castle gate.

“What is it?” he turned around to see the girl dressed exquisitely.

“Oh...” the gaze turned downwards, Xula had an obsession with dressing her daughter. Anything she wore looked sublime, Eira’s cheeks remained red with embarrassment. These kinds of dresses, ones that lowered mobility a whole lot could not but make him chuckle.

“Did you just snicker at me?” she asked, the marble floor caved in; Shadow-step was used.

“Come on,” the voice nonchalant, without much concern, he held out both hands and caught her before she could attack. “You seriously trying to fight because of a dress,” he patted her head, the girl looked too adorable to be angry towards.

“Let’s go have lunch,” the duo made way for the dining hall. In this manner, all went on without interruption. Rather than sitting inside the castle, this time lunch was out in the garden. Sat around a circular table, the king, the queen, and Eira.

“How’s the stay so far?” Shanna began a conversation, though rude to speak during a meal – none cared.

“It’s fine, apart from all the dresses you make me wear, I like it,” Eira was in denial. Secretly, she enjoyed dressing up and looking pretty.

“You two have grown close,” the tone neutral, Staxius spoke.

“...” no response, only smiles, the prediction was true, in no time, Eira and Shanna got along.

“I’m glad,” the voice shifted to one serious.

“What’s the matter, Staxius?” the queen sensed it.

“I’ll be gone for a few days, now that the shop is built and all preparation is complete. I’ll have to move to the capital and stay there for a while.”

“Is that so,” both lady’s eyes lowered, “-good luck,” they smiled. Being away from Staxius grew to be a habit, both were used to it.

“Thank you both,” he stood and rushed over.

“No need to get emotional,” Shanna asked with a tear forming. “It’s fine, dad,” Eira hugged tighter, they all embraced. A scene forever etched into his heart, the smiling faces of two of the people he cared most. The queen’s schedule was lessened – Staxius proposed a day out into the capital to which she agreed.

From the magical academy to the training grounds, Eira was shown all the wonders of Arda. The people were oblivious to their identity; the trio strolled around town nonchalantly. From the lower-level to the top, they walked and visited all that fancied Eira’s attention. Gifts, mini-games, they did everything possible. Entertainment wasn’t anywhere on par with Vlaiwia, but he didn’t care.

The day ended on a high note. “Here,” Staxius handed over the sword he got back in the capital, “-may this serve you in battle,” he smiled.

“It’s beautiful,” she admired the blade and all its beauty, it felt alive as if it had a voice. Refine, elegant, and sharp, the perfect weapon for the ice-princess. “Thanks, father,” they hugged. A few changes were made, Staxius personally enchanted the blade, it was twice as strong if not stronger.

‘Time has come to depart,’ Staxius sat inside Void. The windows rolled, “-I’ll be back in two to three days, make sure to not cause your mother any trouble, Princess Eira,” the car drove straight into a solid wall.

“What did he mean by Princess?” Eira turned for she sought answers.

“You heard your father, Eira, have you not realized it?” the tone shocked but affectionate. The Royal Ardanian blood-line began with Shanna. Since she was a fairy, the normal blood relation didn’t matter. Staxius was first-in-line. If by chance the royal couple bore a child – the little fellow would have become the second-in-line, since both parties had no family. In Staxius’s case, it didn’t matter for the sister was married to someone else. Axius had no claim to the throne, neither did his mother nor grandmother. This all made Eira involuntarily the princess. Each kingdom had its own way of seeing who would ascend to the throne. Being relatively new, Arda didn’t have any of those formalities readied yet. A single fact remained that anyone relating to Shanna Islegust would have a right to the throne. Since the family line consisted of only Staxius and Eira, no other heir from either side would interfere.

“Do you mean to say I’m an heir to the Ardanian throne?” she asked, the eyes filled with doubt and confusion.

“There’s no need to worry, in case of Staxius and I die, you’ll be the heir. But let’s be honest, who is powerful enough to defeat your father or me,” the voice filled with confidence, she could not but laugh at the idea. “Either way, you’re the Princess of Arda,” they held hands.

“Is my life going to change?” the eyes shuddered, Eira wasn’t willing to be bound by something she didn’t want.

“Not really, life will go on as normal. The populous isn’t aware of the title yet. It shall stay that way until further notice. We had that talk earlier on, Staxius decided that it would be best for you to not be included with the throne’s affair.”

A sense of relief set her mind at ease, “-thank you both for being considerate.”

‘Now then,’ the moment Void reappeared in Oxshield, the phone given by Cake vibrated. ‘-what’s all this,’ confused, he checked to see a lot of miscalls and call for help. Messages vaguely described an assault. The date and time indicated yesterday. ‘So much for being an ally,’ in a moment of need, Staxius was out in Arda relaxing whilst Sprinkles were fighting. No further information was given, only a location – one in the slums at the western side of the capital.

“We’ve got trouble,” the day prior, Cake got a call. A deal had turned sour, the man on the phone panted erratically. “-It w-was a s-set-up,” gunshots, cries, and yells.

“God damn it,” sat in an office surrounded by gun-powder and weapons, she yelled. The phone furiously tried to get a hold of Staxius, not out of powerlessness but out of necessity. She needed to inform what was going on, immediate action had to be taken.

Without any response nor reply, she took charge. Back-up was sent without care, she remained at the office trying to figure out what had happened. Back-up that was sent never returned, out of the forty-men, ten died and five went missing. “GOD FUCKING DAMN IT,”

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