
Chapter 445: Grip

Chapter 445: Grip

Zaos found the traces of battle while he looked around, but while he could see some corpses, he couldn’t see that many considering the amount of blood around. Most likely, the battle took place one five to four days ago, and despite the fact that he could see some people carrying corpses, it seemed that half of the town’s people didn’t want to get involved with that for one reason or the other…

In the center of the town, Zaos could see a huge curtain of smoke rising in the sky… his base had been burned down, and the mercenaries made sure to destroy every single thing. That kind of thing was normal in wars, so Zaos didn’t mind the material losses… however, his mercenaries… their deaths, he couldn’t forgive that. If Aleni died in the attack… Zaos didn’t want to even think about it, but he already could feel that he would force the people of the world to summon the demon god to defeat him… because he would be worse… much worse.

“Boss?” Nakin asked.

While Zaos imagined the worst while seeing the remains on the battlefield, Nakin appeared and approached. He probably felt his presence approaching and decided to check it. Regardless, Nakin hesitated in approaching while his head was down. Instead of waiting, Zaos approached since he saw his friend covered in bandages.

“… tell me what happened in detail,” Zaos said, and then he began to heal Nakin.

“I am Sorry, boss… I should have noticed it sooner,” Nakin said while trembling.

“I am the one at fault here… we lost many of our allies because I didn’t notice the lies of those three sooner,” Zaos said. “Guide me to where the wounded are, and I will treat them.”

Nakin nodded, and then he guided Zaos to one of the houses of the town. Some people decided to help the survivors after the battle. Still, half of the town didn’t want to get involved because it would be the same as opposing Elkim, Helen, and Perkis… Zaos understood that much. Still, he needed answers sooner, but Nakin was still quiet. Eventually, Zaos understood why he was so quiet… he guided him to the house where he found Aleni unconscious and completely covered in wounds. She was so pale that she looked like she could die at any moment due to the blood loss. Fortunately, Zaos approached and checked her pulse… she was alive… at least with that, Zaos won’t have to join the competition to become the greatest asshole on that planet.

Zaos quickly healed Aleni’s wounds, but she didn’t wake up… he couldn’t restore the blood that she lost. Only a lot of rest could help with that… Zaos wanted to stay with her for a while longer. Still, he knew that other mercenaries needed treatment, so he asked Nakin to guide him to the other places where he could find them.

Eventually, while he was healing everyone, Zaos learned that around four hundred of the five hundred mercenaries that stayed in the base lost their lives. Aleni fought until she couldn’t even stand… the mercenaries left her alive because she was so wounded that they didn’t believe she would survive. Still, the fifteen hundred enemies also lost eight hundred in the battle, and two hundred more got heavily wounded.

After the battle, the mercenaries room Milliendra and all the other kids and head south. At least they had the dignity of not killing the kids… in any case, once the former assassins noticed what happened, they followed the mercenaries and tried to free Milliendra. Still, even while they took the lives of three hundred more mercenaries, they lost forty of them and were forced to retreat… they only saw Milliendra and the other kids leaving on ships that came from Vezar… it was impossible to follow them through sea since they had the best ships. In the end, they returned to the camp to tend their wounds and wait for Zaos to return.

“You guys did well. You tried your best… I am sorry for not being able to keep my promise,” Zaos said.

“No, boss… we decided to fight our own volition,” Nakin said. “We couldn’t let others come and destroy our home and take our families hostage. Once we recover, I swear to you that we will make up for this failure.”

  Zaos nodded… he didn’t want to make anyone else die because of him. Still, in the end, when he tried to protect Milliendra alone, he failed, and now she was heading to who knows where and her power was bound to be found out. After failing once by trying to stop the war by himself, Zaos couldn’t do the same thing again…

  In the end, without the supplies that he had accumulated over the years, Zaos had to work for three days nonstop to completely heal the survivors. In the meantime, the mercenaries that were guarding other towns in the region and managed to escape the attack regrouped where Zaos was and waited for new orders. To be honest, Zaos didn’t have more trust in his judgment. Still, he couldn’t keep going while doubting himself… he had to rescue Milliendra before something happened, and that gave the demon god the chance to manipulate her. 

  Moving as a group when Zaos had more than a thousand men under his command might give him some power, but it won’t be enough. He had to use his skills more efficiently while his mercenaries would do other work. They will have more chances to succeed if Zaos keeps the attention of everyone on himself.

While Zaos was wondering about what he should do and walking in circles, Aleni finally left the house where she had been resting for the last few days, and he put her hands on his shoulders. She still was weakened, but the power of her grip made Zaos lose his hesitation. Nothing more would make him held back… it was time for Zaos to show his determination to the world.

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