
Chapter 125

“Alright, I assume you know about Henry’s reassignment?” Asked Jason to his brother while he handed him a drink.

Justice took a sip and looks at Jason tentatively. “I am aware that you’ve given him some ridiculous reassignment mission, and I wanted to know about the mission.”

“Actually, the mission request came from the chief of the main hospital, chief Hale to be exact,” Jason said to his brother while they were enjoying the drink, an attempt from Jason to calm his brother for a bit, “There’s a new form of a disease that becomes a major headache on the main hospital, after trying immensely to get a cure, there’s an information came from a traveling circus staff about a kind healer that cures people with the same disease... A healer... With a striking purple color hair.”

As soon as Jason finished the sentence, Justice’s eyes went bigger, and his hand begin to shake, “You... Gave a reassignment mission to Henry that involving that girl? Are you insane Jason?!”

Chuckling at his drink, Jason looks at his brother and said, “Insane? By what? I am not the one who put my private matter affecting my duty here?!”

“That’s enough, brother!” Justice warned his brother with gritted teeth.

“Look, brother, whatever happened with the four of you and miss Anne will need to be solved by the four of you,” Jason said to his brother with a firm tone.

Justice rustled his hair in frustration. “You don’t know what she was done to me, she... She lied to us, and that makes us angry.”


“Oh, so the four of you were disappointed because of the lied, but not because the four of you already lost your feelings for her?!” Jason smirked at the frustrated Justice, giving Jason a flaring glare from his brother, he raised his hand, showed that it was enough for the sarcastic remarks, “Joking aside, there’s nothing you can do about it. Whether or not you like it, Anne would come back to the capital, so be prepared.”

Thinking hard for a moment on the sofa, Justice couldn’t conjure appropriate words for his brother. They were drinking in silence for a while. For Justice, what Jason had said has some truth in it. They prepare for it. Whenever Anne decided to go back as the healer in the main hospital, she has the certification after all.

From the looks of it, what happened in the main hospital was something that the healers need to handle carefully. Even chief Hale needs to ask for Anne’s help. In Justice’s mind, the healers in the main hospital were desperate.

Before he excused himself from Jason’s study, Justice turn his attention to his brother. “I have a request then.”

“What is it?” Asked Jason, curious per his request.

“Please tell me her answer, whether she will be back in the capital or not.” Justice pleaded with his brother, who then gave him his approval.

He went out of the study room, where Jason looks at him and gave out a long sigh of relief. Justice goes to the glasshouse, the place where they always take a breather after a hard day of work. Xavier, Xander, and Vale were already waiting for him and demanded an explanation.

“What happened? How come you just go outside?” Xavier looks at Justice. He was surprised by his sudden walk away earlier.

Without telling them anything, Justice prefers to drop into the plush sofa and looked into the greenery from the upper deck of the glasshouse, the beautiful plants and flowers dominating the space, he knows one girl that she would love to be on the upper deck, and admiring the flowers.

“Justice... What happened? Why you went quiet?” This time it was Vale who asked him.

He took a deep breath, and said to the two of them, “Henry’s reassignment mission, I know all about it now.”

Xavier and Vale share a glance, and then Xavier asked him further, “So, what is it? What makes Henry so angry?”

“They want Henry to take Anne back to the capital.” Muttered Justice. His head lay on the headrest, and his eyes were closed, telling him that he really need some rest after this headache.

“What?! That is madness! What the f*ck that Jason was thinking?!” Xavier was practically yelling while Xander put his book on the table.

“Wow, so prince Jason gave a reassignment mission to bring back the purple girl, huh?” Said Xander, he chuckles and looks at the three of them, “I guess your brother just wants to have some kind of drama going on around you, your majesty.”

“F*ck him...” Gruntled Justice prefers to stay quiet and shut his eyes.

“What should we do?” Xavier desperately asked Vale.

Vale shook his head, “There’s nothing we should do, this mission is for Henry, not us,” Vale gave his point and another opinion, “Although, all of us will need to think a way when Anne is here.”

“What? do you think she will be here? I doubt it.” Said Xavier full of doubts.

“Well, we just need to wait and see, aren’t we.” Justice talks to them with his eyes stay closed.

One day has gone by, and Henry, David, and Horden continued their journey after a good rest in one of the inns. Through the glassmap, David already pinpoints the location of our heroine. She was helping people in a small village named Quaker. It is actually a traveling circus group that built the village to cater to their growing family and elders in one place.

“So, the whole people in the village are the extended family of the traveling circus group?” Asked Horden to David. They took time to rest in the meadow, where the horses will drink and eat grass.

David nodded his head. “Yes, the elders who can’t perform anymore and also the wife and the children. They come twice a year to take a month of rest before going back on the road.”

“Fascinating life that they lived in, but how about guards and clinic, or any grocers?” Horden seems fascinated by Quaker village life.

“They have a moomilk and moobull farm for their need, and they plant their veggies. I never saw guards, though. That’s why Anne was settled for a while there. They were in desperate need of a healer back then,” David explained to Horden everything about the Quaker village, and even gave him the reason Anne was there.

“How long she was there?” Surprisingly, the question came from Henry, making David and Horden a bit surprised.

A bit nervous, David answered the question. “Three months, give or take. We even celebrated her twenty birthday in the village.”

Henry turns his head to David. “Twenty? But Anne was gone two years ago, and she was seventeen back then.”

“Actually, at the time of the exam results back then, it was also her eighteen birthday.” Muttered David, remembering how she need to face her parent’s demised not long after.

“The poor girl.” Said Horden.

Henry just went quiet and stared at the meadow. Horden looks at his grandson and wonders about what is inside his mind. Stands up, Henry decided to go back to their journey. He told the other two, so they shouldn’t waste any time. Don’t want to make Henry grumpy for the rest of the journey. The other two just followed suit, even though they wanted to admire the meadow a bit longer.

Galloping the horses, Henry looks a bit hesitant to go to Quaker village. Horden felt he could never guess what was inside his grandson’s mind. They were almost at the village when they noticed something was wrong. People were screaming around. The three of them stopped before reaching the front gate.

“Intruders! Something hostile was inside the village!” David screamed while he look around, a bit panicking.

Not going to waste any time, Henry call for his crystal sword and go inside the front gate, while Horden and David followed. They saw a group of robbers taking valuables with their weapons in their hands, threatening the villagers. The children were crying, while the woman and the elders tried to calm them down.

Henry charge recklessly at the group, he managed to scatter them, and even incapacitated a large number of them, until a huge people with a big hammer came into him and smash the ground beside him, he was fallen from his horse, blood coming from his temple, a bit dizzy, he fought the huge man with good precision, the huge man once again smashes the ground and almost smashed Henry. The huge man needs some time to stable himself. Henry saw the opportunity and slash the back of the giant, and then stab his neck.

The huge man fall to death with a loud thud, Henry looks around and saw that the rest of the robbers already run away, he laughed, satisfied with his handiwork, until he saw someone close to him, a young woman with a simple dress and a basket of plants on her hand. A young woman with beautiful purple hair color, looking directly at Henry. His eyes widen and all the memories flood in.

“Anne?” After saying the word, Henry dropped his weapon and fall unconscious to the ground.

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