
Chapter 79 - Night Attack

                                                            While Zaos saw many arrows falling on the walls, only two soldiers lost their lives that day after the numerous attacks started by the mercenaries. They approached the walls while using their shields to protect them, and then a group of archers hidden behind would rain down arrows until their quivers were empty. It didn't look like a wise tactic since it only caused two casualties. Still, the number of wounded increased by ten. Those were the veteran soldiers, the only ones that actually could fight in a melee.

"It is also weird that they didn't try to attack the gate…" Zaos thought. "Maybe they are afraid of the number of archers we have. Our first attack caused some mental damage on them it seems."

                      Although Zaos focused on recovering his mana, even after sunset, he still was meditating. He could use a decent number of spells, so it was no surprise that he would need some time to recover all his mana. However, it looked like he wouldn't have that chance… when the soldiers were about to have dinner, the guards in the wall shouted that the enemies were coming. It was a night raid.

"Shit, they really aren't making it easier for us," Zaos said while he was getting up.

                      Several of the squads were stopped by Elius. While they still climbed the walls, Zaos noticed them moving toward other sides. Zaos understood why he was doing that… visibility was terrible at night, so the mercenaries could make some group invade by using an unexpected route. Even the North and Westside were options as long as they brought a ladder.

"Zaos's squad is to guard the Western side of the wall," Elius said. "If something happens there, you need to send of your squad and inform me and fight back with bows."

                      In the end, Zaos saw no reason to question those orders. While they were heading to their post, Zaos saw that the mercenaries were making a lot of noise, but he couldn't see many of them, aside from those near the walls. There was a chance that they weren't using all of their soldiers, which was just a diversion.

"As expected,… it looks like these guys have a lot of wicked plans," Zaos said and then sighed. "No wonder they come from a country that is always at war."

                      Once they arrived there, Zaos took a good look at the steep slope on the other side of the wall. The wall was just too big for a single group guard in a single place, so Zaos decided to split his squad into smaller groups. They wouldn't fall that easily to a sneaky attack that way.

"Split in groups of five and began to walk around the walls to check all spots," Zaos said. "Keep your shields ready to use and shout if you notice anything out of place."

                    His squad readily obeyed him, and that left him alone in the middle of the Western wall. At that point in time, he was starting to feel bad since his squad members were obeying his commands, and he didn't remember the name of a single one of them. He should have done that since they will work together for the next three years, and it looked like those would be three very long years. 

                      Although Zaos made sure to keep his eyes and ears open to protect the western side of the wall and to make sure that his squad won't be attacked, Zaos also would look like the other side of the wall and see how things were going there. Despite the torches illuminating the place, it was difficult to see if his allies were doing well.

"Squad leader!"

                      Zaos suddenly heard the voice of one of his squad members, and when he looked at him, he saw the kid pointing toward the forest at the base of that steep slope. In that same direction, Zaos saw several shadows leaving the forest.

"Shit… they really came," Zaos said after he clenched his teeth. "You, go inform the lieutenant. The rest of you prepare your bow and arrows."

                The kid left in a hurry, but Zaos knew that he might have to give the order to attack if the number of shadows increased. Fortunately, only ten or so shadows began to climb the steep slope, and they were strangely fast.

"I guess it can't be helped…" Zaos muttered. "Prepare. Aim. Loose!"

                  All the members of his squad had assumed positions nearby him, so twenty or so arrows flew toward those individuals. In the end, only ten arrows hit the targets. That was rather impressive given that they were newbies and the shadows were fifty meters away. Regardless, Zaos frowned when the targets. Only trembled slightly for a moment and then began to climb again.

"What the…" Zaos opened his eyes widely.

"What are you spacing out for?" Elius shouted.

"Sir… our arrows hit them, but…" Zaos had a hard time finding words to describe the situation.

"... archers, prepare another volley of attacks," Elius said.

              Elius had no idea as to why Zaos looked so shocked, but in the end, he quickly saw the same thing happening again. Since they were closer, the shadows got hit by several arrows. That made them slide in the slope for a few meters, but only that. They soon began to climb again, and from that distance, Zaos and Elius recognized that the shadows were using those dark cloaks.

"They again…" Elius clicked his tongue. "It looks like they also have a new trick up their sleeve as well."

            It was the first time Elius saw the demon god followers getting hit by arrows and not dying on the stop by the look of things. No… they didn't have bows with them, so they probably were brainwashed people from his country. Still, that wasn't enough to explain how they could ignore being hit by arrows and just shrug at it. Not only Zaos and the others were going to face some difficult times, but they will also experience things that the veterans never imagined or experienced.

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