
Chapter 320 - John's Retribution And Punishment / Zestari's Return

Once he realized it was all back to normal, he was about to cancel out his spell and descend, when suddenly.


Mountains of unthinkable pain, followed after a single heart beat, surged into John\'s body.


Everyone watched as small shape of the Hero who saved them, started to descend at a an increasingly fast rate. The way he was falling, didn\'t seem like it was intentional. Especially when he was heading head-first down.

Satire who saw this, quickly acted. She ran before leaping off of the floating platform, quickly chanting as she did so.

"King-Class Summoning Magic: Wind Griffin." She muttered

A surge of wind began to pile up in the air in the air beneath her, As she quickly fell, she landed on the wind which was now shaped exactly like a Griffin.

She didn\'t waste any time, and charged straight diagonally down in the area where John was falling towards.

Lucky for her, she was close to him, and he was at an even greater latitude than her, so it would take time before he reached the floor. However, with each passing second, he\'d fall faster, making it harder to save him.

\'Come on… Make it in time…!\' She begged herself 

With the griffin moving at an incredibly fast speed, just as she had hoped. She had reached it in time. 

As she stood right beneath the area, John was about to fall. She noticed that his eyes were closed, he was most likely unconscious. 

\'No matter how strong he was, heading head first into a rock hard ground, would definitely kill him. Probably.\'

She quickly started her chants after reaching the ground, the earth beneath her, started to soften and began muddy. The wind in the area in front of her, began to rotate uncontrollably at fast speeds. 

A tornado was forming, and a pool of water could be seen forming inside of the earth, as it dug it\'s way down. A 10 meter deep pool of clean water surrounded by soft rock which appeared to be mud.

Once the tornado was formed above the pool, a small vortex could be seen forming on the water due to all the winds and rotation, however Satire managed to stabilize it.

She was completely focused, her mouth wouldn\'t stop chanting. John\'s life, rested on her hands and after everything he had done for them. There was no way she wasn\'t going to repay him.


Like some sort of missile, John plummeted into the spiral of wind, slowing down the acceleration of his fall by a lot as he did so. 


As his body sunk into the water, John blacked out.


He opened his eyes, only to find himself inside of complete emptiness. He couldn\'t hear anything, feel anything, or smell anything. 

He could only see two doors, in front of him. It wasn\'t the first time he had been put inside of such a situation, it was a mind game being played by a certain thing in his head.

In any case, he had to choose the right door, otherwise he\'d suffer great consequences.

Without a hint of hesitation, John walked up to the right door and placed his hand on the doorknob, before turning it and walking inside.

The instant he did, he was greeted by a blinding light and found himself inside of brightly lit blank room. 

It would have been completely empty, if not for the person standing a few meters away, with her back turned to the young man.

The young man walked towards her, and she turned to greet him.

"Welcome back, John." She said with a smile

A brightly lit lady whose body shape and hairstyle was the only thing he could use to discern her from another. Her facial features were easier to see than before, but her face was still too bright making it harder to make out. Not even her hair color. 

However, he could tell that she was indeed smiling.

"I\'m back, Zestari." John replied with a small smile on his face.

After greeting him, the smile quickly faded from Zestari\'s face before she asked. "How long has it been? A year maybe?"

John nodded his head in response, and he could clearly feel that she was unsatisfied by this.

"I believe I told you about the consequences. Why did you remove the first seal?" Zestari asked.

"Sorry… I had no choice, I wanted to save them even if it means, tolerating all that pain." Said John. He then placed his hand on his chest, above his heart before he muttered. "It all disappears after time, anyways." 

Zestari didn\'t know what to say, she couldn\'t find herself to be mad at him, especially with the sorrow in his voice.

"I understand wanting to save them, but don\'t forget, your magic power is too much for your body to handle but there\'s more to it… Something I haven\'t told you." She said seriously

John curiously stared at Zestari, waiting for the answer, 

"As you know, I\'m an angel. Your magic power merged with mine making it divine…" She said

Seeing how, John was paying close attention, she carried on.

"If a human uses divine magic power from the heavens, there will be a great burden cast upon his body. The burden will be much much greater, if his body contains any demonic power or dark magic." She said 

She then took a step closer to him, before saying it clearly. "I don\'t know how you did it, but in the fight you were able to perfectly balance that, incredibly dense amount of darkness along with the angelic power inside of you."

Because of this, John had acquired great strength, which both of them knew, however, it would come at a much greater price, than simply using one of the forms on their own, without balancing them. 

Even without saying it, John already knew what Zestari meant. However, what sort of price would he have to pay?

This was unfair in a way as John had done it subconsciously, he had planned to only use his angel form, However that demon managed to get in his way again and brought out his demon form. It knew, and did it on purpose.

"What\'s going to happen to me?" John asked

He didn\'t use any dark spells and mainly used Light, However he was partly in his demonic form, so there was no way he was getting out of this lightly.

"I don\'t know… You\'ll definitely be facing, a type of Divine Retribution of your own and it will be painful. There\'s a high chance that it could kill you, however even if you\'re lucky enough to survive, things won\'t end there."

Confused, John asked her clearly. "What do you mean?" 

At first, Zestari was hesitant to reply, unsure of whether or not she should say it, but decided to go with it, as it wasn\'t something she could keep from John. 

"You\'re human, but at the same time you\'re not. You\'ve become a Hybrid between a Human, A demon and An Angel. The Gods don\'t know of your existence and You\'ve come from a different world, so that makes you an anomaly."

John listened in closely without muttering a word.

"However, now that you\'ve become a hybrid. You\'ve become an even greater anomaly. If the heavens were to discover of this, they would in no doubt try to get rid of you. I\'m not sure if this fell within the expectations of the God which brought you here, but he\'s done a great job at keeping it under wraps till now." She continued.

It was a lot to take in. Finally discovering that it was indeed a god that had brought you over to this world and how you would be chased and executed for existing. It wasn\'t something that John had expected to hear so suddenly.

"I see…" He muttered

"Huh? Just that?" Zestari asked, surprised.

"Thank you for telling me this." Added John

"Again? That\'s it? You\'re not mad at me for making you a potential target?" 

John shook his head before he replied. "I had already expected something like this. You probably merged your magic power with mine to save me. If it weren\'t for you, I\'d still be possessed, which would be no different than being dead. Besides…"

John then took a step closer and stared at Zestari straight in the face with unwavering eyes as he as said.

"Until I find what I\'m searching for… Even if I have to go against, The heavens, or hell even. I also have that promise I made to you to keep, so don\'t worry." 

Zestari was speechless. Ever since she had first seen him, There was something strange about John, which she couldn\'t put into words. She had always felt a sort of superficiality in the things which he did or said.

However, whenever he talked to her, most of the words which would come out of his mouth was genuine. He didn\'t think badly of her at all. At first she assumed he was just easy to manipulate or someone who was too trusting, but as she grew up, she realized it was nothing like that.

"Is that so… You truly are strange… I thought you had lost your ambition but apparently it\'s still here. Very well, don\'t say I didn\'t warn you." She said with a smile

After that, John disappeared, leaving her alone in the empty room.

"The promise, huh… So he hasn\'t forgot… A strange one he is…" She muttered to herself, still smiling. However, the smile disappeared from her face as she remembered how truly grave his situation was

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