
Chapter 265 - Forgiveness And Partnership.

"What\'re you waiting for?" Asked Master Sylvia as her voice came out from near the bottom of the stair-case she had walked down. 

Everyone exchanged glances for a moment until John took the first step forward. 

"If you\'re afraid, you guys can stay back. You don\'t have to force yourself to come, I\'ll be back soon." Said John as he gave them a smile 

He began walking until two voices called out to him. 

"Wait, we\'re coming." Said Ariel 

"What\'s the rush? We were just surprised." Said Serena 

Lydia who saw this, also nodded. 

"I\'m working for you now, so I\'ll follow you anywhere." She said with a determined look 

Seeing this, the forced smile John had forced, became slightly less strained and more genuine. 

"Is that so..." John muttered 

He then looked at the three who were heading towards him as he said 

"Haha, my party sure is nosy, not that I mind." John whispered to himself 


The sounds of footsteps resounded throughout the quiet staircase as they walked down it. The stair case seemed to be made out of old rock which was clearling away but the footing was clear. 

It was unexpectedly dark, but they could manage with light spells. 

John stared at Master Sylvia as they continued to descend the stairs. She hadn\'t explained anything to them or told them anything. But it was fine, John she was the quiet type and, John himself trusted her. 

[It\'s Master Sylvia, after all... Just trust her like usual, you idiot.] John thought to himself 

But despite thinking that, he couldn\'t get the words that person had said out of his mind. 

[Beware of the ones you trust] 

The more John thought about it, the more anxious it made him, he needed something to distract him, something to take his mind off his worries. 

It was then that he noticed, Ariel descending the stairs behind Master Sylvia, she had gotten ahead of him before he had even realised it. 

John turned back to see where Serena was and noticed her next to Lydia, offering a bit of assistance with carrying the kids. John thought of this as a perfect opportunity to sort things out with Ariel. 

He increased his pace before reaching Ariel\'s side. 

"Ariel, can we-" 

John\'s eyes widened as he noticed the dark air around Ariel. He was so shaken that he didn\'t bother to finish what he was going to say. 

The air around Ariel, there was no mistaking it, it was a cold, dark air. One which he recognised. It was just like his, but only... Far darker. 

Ariel seemed to be staring into empty space as her body moved on it\'s own. An emotionless expression was displayed on her face as her dark eyes seemed to grow ever so darker. 

"Ariel...?" John called out to Ariel once more 

His voice, slightly shaking in worry and hope for the possibility of it all being part of his head. It was then that Ariel snapped out, and quickly turned her head to John. 

"Eh? Wha- Did you call me just now?" Ariel asked 

[She didn\'t notice?] 

John could tell from the look on Ariel\'s face that there was something bothering her. 

[She did...?] 

"You... Is everything okay?" John asked 

As she heard this, for a moment, Ariel hesitated to say something. John saw it clearly. She then forced a smile on her face as she said. 

"O-Of course... Y-You mean if I\'m still mad at you for ignoring me before, d-don\'t you? Y-Yeah, I\'m still mad..." Said Ariel as she avoided eye contact. 

[She\'s lying.] 

John could easily tell, the only question which remained in his mind was why? Was she being threatened? Did she not want to talk about it? Or was she just uncapable of saying it? 

John then glanced at Master Sylvia and wondered if she knew that about Ariel\'s case. There was no doubt that Ariel had the same air around her as they did. 

[No... Not the same... Hers is different... Darker...] 

John had noticed this dark air around Ariel before but he had assumed it as the spirit inside him, messing up his senses. But now, John had felt it clearly. 

"Hey... Ariel... I have something to say..." 

"Yes?! Ah-Uhm, I mean... Yes?" Asked serena with glittering eyes. 

[That reaction, She already knows what I\'m going to say? Looks like she really wanted us to make up!] John thought to himself 

"I\'m sorry! Ignoring you was very rude of me, even if we\'re a party!" John said loudly 

Hearing this, not only Ariel, but Serena and Lydia were surprised. 

"Did you have to shout?!" Serena shouted 

"Says you..." John muttered before turning back over to Ariel 

Ariel was surprised, John didn\'t expect her to react that way. Maybe he had misunderstood what her reaction had meant? He wondered. 


"Pfft." Ariel unintentionally let out 


Ariel covered her mouth as her body began to tremble. She stopped descending the stairs before she eventually burst out laughing. 

"Aha-Ahaha- W-What\'s with that- pff-" Ariel let out 

She didn\'t hold anything back on that laugh, she let it out all, but as she noticed everyone\'s surprised look, she slowly calmed down. Eventually, Ariel took in a deep breath before letting it out. 

"...S-Sorry, I thought you were going to ask something else... Then i realised how silly i was to think that you\'d ever say that!" Said Ariel before she crouched down and covered her face 

Despite that, everyone could see that her face was bright red from embarrassment. 

John then crouched down next to her, before giving her a head pat and saying. 

"It\'s been a while since I\'ve seen you laugh, so I was surprised, but honestly, I was more surprised by how happy it made me. The same probably goes for her." Said John as he looked over at Serena. 

Seeing this, Serena gave Ariel a thumbs up with a smile as she said. 

"Ariel\'s smile is what keeps this party going." 

"So is yours." Ariel muttered before getting up 

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