
Chapter 202 - 202 Rise of the dead

” My queen,” he did not want to startle Liu Hui Ying, he caught hold of her arm gingerly making sure that he would not touch her skin. He did not know how to deal with Liu Hui Ying’s allergy, a part of him was still shocked at the fact that Liu Hui Ying was allergic to men but the other part was really curious because it wanted to understand why she was allergic to men.

But he was not close enough to trespass the boundary which was why he has never asked her this question.

” You have drunk a lot, you should let go——” Zhai Tianyu opened his mouth to ask Liu Hui Ying to leave the jug of wine but before he could finish speaking, he felt Liu Hui Ying move as soon as she moved, he tried to let go of her but before he could let go of her, he felt her hands reach for his throat. ” My Queen——”

He yelled but his words collapsed under the rustling winds as Li Hui Ying choked the air out of his lungs.

” You… are you happy now that you have killed me, huh?” Her voice was no longer slurry but coarse and cruel like it has been blowing over blocks of ice carrying the coldness of those blocks with it. Zhai Tianyu tried to pry her hands off his throat but he realised that Liu Hui Ying’s body was cold, terrible cold like she wasn’t even alive.

” You think that I will let you go just because I am dead?” Her words were already shocking enough for him to lose the trail of his thoughts but when he heard her say that she was dead, he was sure that he misheard but he did not get another chance to say anything or ask anything because the grip on his throat tightened even more.

His eyes were almost going to roll back in their sockets as he tried to take Liu Hui Ying’s claws that have an iron grip on his throat and then swallowed hard as he looked her in the eyes, in his panic he did not notice but her eyes seemed to have gone darker and that darkness was spreading all over the whites slowly.

His pupils quivered as he looked at Liu Hui Ying and choked out, ” Who are you?”


” Hehe, after killing me you think that you can pretend that you do not know anything?” Liu Hui Ying snickered coldly as she pressed her fingers even more into the skin of his throat, her nails were not long but they were long enough for her to draw blood as she pressed her nails in his throat causing Zhai Tianyu’s lungs to almost collapse as his air supply was cut off. ” You are a murderer! You killed an innocent woman!”

As she spoke the smile vanished from her lips and her eyes turned red while big drops of tears rolled down from the corner of her eyes, dropping straight on his lips such that he would taste the salted liquid. a heartbroken expression etched on Liu Hui Ying’s face as she looked down at him and she murmured, ” I had so many dreams I wanted to bring my sister to the city, I wanted her to live a wonderful life. I had dreams, I had feelings …I wanted to get married, find someone who loved me …and live my life to the fullest…but you… you ruined it for me——-”

Her heartbroken expression morphed into something malevolent as she went for the kill but because she was lost in her thoughts for a few minutes, her grip on his throat was loosened. Zhai Tianyu took advantage of that opportunity and overturned the situation by pushing Liu Hui Ying off him as he pressed on the artery in Liu Hui Ying’s neck causing her to go slump against the floor.

” I thought I was going to die,” Zhai Tianyu coughed out loud as he rubbed his throat, just now he would be lying if he said that he wasn’t scared. Liu Hui Ying’s grip was so tight that he was sure that if he wasn’t fortunate the others would have found his corpse in the morning, for two seconds he literally saw the light of heaven!

He coughed as he tried to get up from the floor but because of the scare that he just received Zhai Tianyu was feeling rather weak, his entire body was yet to get used to the feeling of being able to breathe with ease as he shook his head and tried to take as much air in his lungs as possible.

Just now what happened? He wanted to ask someone about this but when he looked around he did not see anyone even the three ghosts who followed Liu Hui Ying were gone.

” They have to leave when I wanted to ask them something,” Zhai Tianyu muttered angrily, he did not know where the ghosts went but most probably they went to the fourth concubine’s palace, he has heard that the fourth concubine was very much attracted by the new dramas that were playing on the streets these days and would always call the drama troupe from the streets to play for her.

He also heard that there was a rumour of ghost sightings going around in the fourth concubine’s palace. And being the one who knew where these ghosts were coming from, Zhai Tianyu knew that it was most probably the ghosts of Liu Hui Ying.

” Uh…” Liu Hui Ying moaned from the side and Zhai Tianyu was so scared that he scampered to his feet and went for the sword that was lying next to his cushion, he was worried that he will be put in a chokehold as he turned to look at Liu Hui Ying whose eyes has gone completely black at this point, she was having trouble opening them as she looked at him with a panicked look on her face and muttered, ” Please …I want to live.”


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