
Chapter 125 - Past Subconscious Origin

In the middle of a populated district, a young blonde boy with light green eyes, could be seen staggering around. 

The clothes he wore were ragged, and slightly torn. Anyone could tell that he was an orphan. 

The boy couldn't recall when was the last time he ate something, but continued to move on, scavenging, looking for something to eat. 

As he stood in front of a food stall, the man was selling grilled chicken. As the boy watched him grill it, drool started to come out of his mouth 

"Huh? Oi, Brat, move aside. This place is for people with money only." Said the man as he glared at him 

The boy who saw this glare acted frightened and ran off 

"Tch, kids." said the man as he turned his back to grill his meat 

In that moment, while the man was focused on grilling the meat, the kid ran up to it and snatched two pieces of meat 

The man quickly turned and noticed this, however it was too late, the kid was already running off with the meat on his hands 

"OI! SOMEONE STOP THAT THIEF!" The man shouted as he tried to chase after the boy 

The kid who saw this took a turn and the man lost sight of him 

"Sorry..." muttered the boy as he continued to run 

He looked back to see if the man was still on to him, but he was gone. The boy then faced forward and said 

"Even though I promised to doctor that I wouldn't steal... But it's his fault for disapp-" 

The boy's words were cut off as he bumped into the giant grown man in front of him. The man didn't even budge, but the boy bounced back and dropped the meat which he had stole 

"Sorry!" Said the boy as he quickly tried to grab the meat and get out of there 

But before he could, the man grabbed him by the colour and lifted him to the air 

"Oi, that's not how it works here." Said the guy next to the big man 

"Your dirty self touched the most renown bear killer, and you think an apology is going to cut it?" Said another guy 

"Hey boss, how about we teach this kid a lesson?" Asked the first guy 

The giant man then started to walk towards an alleyway with his minions as he carried the boy by the collar 

"H-HELP!" The boy shouted 

The people who watched, whispered amongst each other, but no one dared to step in. After all, it would be extra trouble and no one wanted that. Especially for some homeless kid that they didn't know 

Although he cried out for help, he knew that no one would help him. So all that he could do was accept his punishment 

"Screw that..." The boy muttered 

Right as he was about to enter the alley, the boy raised his hands, and slipped through the shirt, which the man had grabbed on to 

As he fell on to the ground, he began to run as fast as he could. The giant was big but with a frame like his, there's no way he'd be able to catch a kid, he could get away 

Or so he thought. 

"Oi, where do you think you're going kid?" Asked one of the mans followers as he grabbed on to him 

The boy then threw a punch at his face, causing him to let go. He took that moment to try and run again, but another guy grabbed on to him. 

He tried punching the guy but it didn't work 

"You little s***" 

The guy who he had punched suddenly kicked the boy on his stomach, it was painful, he hadn't eaten anything in 2 days, so the pain was even worse. 

"GAAH!" The boy cried out in pain as he dropped to his knees 

"You think you're hotstuff? Huh?" Asked the guy as he kicked the boy in the face 

The boy tried to avoid the kick but wasn't fast enough. It hit him straight on the side of his head, and made his thoughts feel shaky 

He could no longer think straight an collapsed on to the ground 

"That's enough, everyone's watching" Said an aquaintance of the guy 

"Huh? Weren't we going to give him an even worse punishment?" 

"Yeah, until you decided to beat him in public" 

The man who heard this wasn't satisfied, but had no choice but to call it off. He looked at the kid and felt disgusted. 

Even while collapsed, he stretching his small arms towards the piece of grilled meat which he had dropped 

"Tch, trash." Said the man as he stepped on the piece of meat 

The kid had no idea where the other piece of meat went, the one the man had stepped on the was only one he would have been able to eat 

As he laid helplessly on the floor with a burning pain on his stomach and face, tears started to form on his eyes. 

The big guy who saw this, picked the kid up and threw him into the alleyway, before walking away with his companions 

The man who had kicked the boy and stepped on the only food he had, looked at him with hate before following behind them 

The boy who saw this chuckled a little before struggling to get up 

"Hehe... I was lucky... I managed to avoid getting pulled in here with them. They would have killed me..." He said as he finally stood up 

With pain passing through his whole body, the only thing that kept it running right now, was his desire for food. 

But even if he could bare the pain, he still hated it. 

"Damn it!" He shouted as tears started to stream down his eyes 

After he finally managed to get something to eat, it was just stepped on, not only that, but he was beaten up. 

"There's nothing I could do, damn it... Why did doctor have to disappear..." 

As he staggered while walking to the exit of the alley, he suddenly lost his centre of balance after leaving it 


He suddenly collapsed to the ground around the houses, slightly in front of the alley 

[Ahh... I'm tired... First my parents and now doctor... everyone leaves... I can't even feel my legs anymore] 

"It's cold..." The boy muttered with a broken and trembling voice 

[I'll go look for food later... I'm going... to sleep... a little...] the boy thought to himself 

Shortly after, his eyes shut they opened again, the air around him changed 

He slowly got up and looked around 

"W-What the hell..." He quietly muttered 


John opened his eyes 

[So, now you know what happened.] 

He placed his palm on his forehead which was felt like it was throbbing. There was too much pain 

"Let me get something straight." Said john as he let out a sigh 


'You showed me an entire vision of what happened in an instant, if you could have done it before, why do it now?' John asked in his mind 

[You weren't ready] 

'Alright, here's another question. You said he was dead, yet according to what I heard, he hadn't been starved for that long, so starvation couldn't have been the cause of death. Sure he might have been kicked too hard, but in most cases, you don't die that fast from a kick to the stomach.' 


'And it couldn't have been a disease as I don't have any, and this is his body. So I'll ask this now, What really happened, and how do you know all of this?' 


'Well I guess there's no point in getting stronger, I'll just spend the rest of my life lazing around.' 

[He didn't exactly die... He fell into a slumber, and at the same moment, your soul entered his body. Along with mine] 

When john heard this, his heart nearly skipped a beat. Images started to flash by his head. 

The images contained 2 blue lights floating around in the sky, and being pulled to the ground. 

An intense headache followed after these images and john fainted. 


John opened his eyes once again, he was in his subconscious. He easily recognised it as it was a giant white room with a quarter of it, painted in black. 

At least that's what it was supposed to be last time, it looks like the quarter became one third of the room, john wasn't sure why. But before he could ask a voice next to him called out to him 

"So are there any more questions?" She asked 

"Just one" 

She let out a sigh before giving the go ahead sign 

"You said your soul entered at the same time as mine right? How do you know what happened with the previous owner then?" John asked 

"I saw through his memories, he's in a deep slumber right now so it was rather easy" 

When john heard that, he became wary 

"I can't see your memories, you're not in a slumber, and you didn't give me permission to." 

"He gave you permission?" 

"He didn't say no" 

"That's because he's asleep..." 


"When will he wake up?" John asked 

"You said one question." She replied 


The feeling of water being splashed on his face, made john spring up 

"Oh, it worked" Said Serena with a satisfied smile 

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