
Chapter 85 - Another Idiot Encounter

Joon-won was w even more confused at the kid who was walking towards him. The guy seemed to only be a few years older than him, probably 24 or 25, and wanted people to respect him. He wondered if this guy would be another Hae Yongsun, and honestly, he didn't want to deal with another arrogant young master. 

Joon-won looked at him and said, "Why should respect you? I mean, I do not even know you and when I came into this drama house a few days ago, the boss San Min did not tell me to be respectful towards anyone specific. She even told me there was no need for me to be respectful to one if I didn't want to. So what's your deal?" He decided to use San Min's name to make the guy back off a little. 

But instead of backing off, that guy almost blew off and said, "Why you little piece of-" and before he could finish that sentence, the doors opened and another voice interrupted him. 

"What are you going to do, Dokgo Ki? Are you going around throwing your shitty attitude around everywhere once again. I already told you that if you do it once again, you'll get thrown out of this place last time. And why are you trying to pick on him? I told him that he doesn't need to be respectful towards anyone, including me. You got a problem with how I run things now?" It was San Min who came in along with Kar Jung and her assistant behind her. She looked serious as she looked at the guy, Dokgo Ki, in the eye.

Before the guy could even try to explain himself, she cut him off and continued, "Remember, if it wasn't for your father asking me to get you in, you won't even be here. So do not go around throwing your empty weight here. If I see this shit again, I will throw you out and make sure you won't go to any other drama house in this country." 

The guy hung his head low and replied, "I am sorry, boss. I stepped over the line. I won't do it again."

"Just go take a seat, we need to get over this quickly." She waved her hand and excused him. Dokgo Ki nodded and glanced at Joon-won as if he was blaming everything that transpired, was his fault before going to the opposite side of the room. Joon-won ignored him and looked at San Min, waiting for the script.

San Min looked at everyone and nodded before looking at her watch. She clapped her hands and said, "Alright it's 3, close the doors and don't allow anyone else to get in. People should be on time if they want roles in the drama. We don't need actors without time sense." she ordered her assistant. The assistant nodded and went outside, closing the door behind her. Kar Jung walked towards Joon-won and took a seat beside him. 

"How are you, kiddo? I saw you drinking bottles and bottles of alcohol yesterday. It's fantastic that you even made it here on time." 

Joon-won shook his head and said, "Do not mention anything about the party. Even thinking of last night makes my head hurt. I never wanted to drink that much in the first place." making Kar Jung laugh. 

"It's alright kiddo. Once in a while drinking like that isn't that bad. So take it easy." 

Before Joon-won could respond to that comment, heard San Min clap again and turned towards her. San Min looked at everyone and said, "Alright, this is the number of people who will be participating in Wednesday's audition. This time the drama house decided to go modern setting for the story as you will see in the scripts in a while, unlike the previous historic ones. So we will also evaluate the audition stricter than usual. So be ready and do your best. Now come to the front one by one and write your name on the blank sheet of paper before taking a script from here." She pointed at a blank paper on the table and the stack of papers on the chair next to the table.

Everyone nodded and one by one people went up to the desk to write their name and take the script. Joon-won also walked up to the desk and as he was writing his name, he could feel a stare on his back, which didn't move. He knew it was the dumb guy from before and ignored it. He took the script and flipped through it. 

He could instantly tell this was a good story from the few lines he read. The story was a love tragedy this time with the villain successfully killing both the hero and heroine in the drama. It was a very interesting and different turn from all the normal dramas out there which make the hero invincible like even their last drama with the prince almost invincible. 

Kar Jung who got back in his seat after him also nodded and said, "She did a good job writing this script. It will be interesting to act in it. I already know which role I am going for. You kiddo?" turning towards Joon-won was still going through the script. 

"Even me. I know which role I am going for. And who is she?" He asked back. 

"Oh, I was talking about the drama house's secret writer. That girl doesn't enjoy being around people much and only meets San Min when San Min goes to her house to talk and get the script. Even I met her only a handful of times. That girl is really talented. She also watches the group practices and advises, San Min, from her point of view. San Min also told me she comes in person to watch the dramas Sunday. But I never caught her outside her house."

Joon-won nodded hearing him. He turned towards Kar Jung and asked, "Are all the scripts written by this one woman?" 

Kar Jung shook his head and said, "Of course not. We have 3 or 4 writers and this girl gives the least amount of scripts than everyone else. But every time she gives a script it would be the best one among the group"

Joon-won nodded and understood how the place works better. It was obvious for the drama house, which performances every week to have a team of writers working for them. He was more curious about the writer of the scribe had in hand and wondered if it was the same writer who wrote the drama he saw in Gah Soo's phone, the one about the poor girl pursuing her dreams. 

After everyone took their scripts, San Min nodded and said, "Alright guys, that's all for today. You guys can use the facility here or go home to practice on your own." before giving an eye towards Dokgo Ki and moving out of the room. 

As soon as she exited, most of the people exhaled in relief. It was like they were under microscope observation whenever she was in the room and everyone would tense up. Dokgo Ki stood up and as he went towards the door, he looked at Joon-won.

He said, "Boy, let's see how you get the role you want." and went out. Joon-won was confused as to why he said that but didn't put much thought into an idiot whose mouth was loose and brain had lost a few screws. 

Kar Jung looked at Joon-won and said, "You should completely ignore that brainless idiot. He acts like that because he has a few acting skills and got a few roles in movies. That's why he thinks he is above the people here who are still trying to get roles in movies." 

Joon-won shook his head and said, "Do you think I'm a brainless teenager who would blow his top off because of a child's provocation? I'll just crush that guy's confidence in his skills completely so that he won't even talk like that with anyone again. It will be fun to see his expression at that time."

Kar Jung looked at him and said, "Woah kid, looks like you are a scheming one. I should be more careful around you. Who knows when you will eat me up too." making Joon-won roll his eyes at the exaggerating old man.

Joon-won changed the entire conversation and asked, "So, what role are going for?" 

"Well, I am mainly going for the villain's butler. That role looks interesting and suits my age too. If not him, I'll go for the hero's father role, but that role is too minor for my liking." 

Joon-won nodded and said, "Well If you are going for that role, then get ready to be my butler, old man." he grinned. 

"Oh, we are confident, aren't we? Let's see if you get that role. Many people will aim for it. Also, choose another role as backup, you can audition for two." Kar Jung laughed. 

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