
Chapter 129 - Secret Place (1)

"Ying, are you paying attention?" 

Li Chuntao jerked out from her reverie and blinked at Mu Jianyu's scowling face, who was looking at her strangely. What was he talking about again? Ah, right. He said he was going back to work, but not at the Li Corporation but as the new CEO of Redux Entertainment. 

"But isn't it better if you work with Li Corporation?" She said as she picked up her tea cup and took a sip. "I'm sure Uncle Yuren wouldn't mind if you join us," 

Mu Jianyu shivered at her suggestion and LI Chuntao hid the smile on her cup seeing his reaction. 'Ah, how amusing.' She thought. 

Now that he'd step down from his position in their family business, he was scouted by Lan Jinyao's sister to manage Redux Entertainment. As the CEO of the company, he would be able to push Lin Meirong's career as a priority even though she was now on a short break because of her pregnancy. 

With her pregnancy progressing, Lin Meirong wasn't actively working at the moment and had to rely on Mu Jianyu for financial support. There were times when Li Chuntao had overheard the argument of the two over the phone and couldn't believe how shameless the other woman was to demand more money from him. 

"Ying, you might not know this. I'm not even sure why your family hasn't told you yet but I already resigned from your company." He informed her, looking away as he was reminded of the day when he gave her his resignation letter. 

Li Xiuying's takeover of the management of Li Corporation allowed the company to get back on the right track and placed him at a disadvantage. His ever perfect wife, how could he not know how capable she was? 

Before becoming his wife, Li Xiuying was a great businesswoman in her field. Something he initially found amazing, but over time her brightness cast a dark shadow over his person. 

Mu Jianyu shook the thought out of his mind. How can he think this way about Ying who accepted everything that he was? But every passing day Ying looked at him innocently like this, he couldn't stop the guilt that was eating him inside. 

Not only did he betray her, but he also conspired to destroy her family. 

"Is that so?" Li Chuntao sighed dejectedly, pretending to lose her appetite over her breakfast. 

"I won't have to report for work until this weekend so why don't we go on a date?" Mu Jianyu suggested. Since they were going out in public frequently, his image to the public was starting to improve. Of course, Li Chuntao was also aware of this. 

She hummed in response since she had nothing to do and it wouldn't hurt her to make him fall madly in love with the 'Ying' she was portraying. 

"Our first date? What was it like?" She asked as she placed her chin on her hand. 

Mu Jianyu was stunned for a moment before smiling brightly, much to Li Chuntao's disgust. The man seated across her was good looking and charming. However, even if she hadn't known about his lies and betrayal towards her twin sister, Li Chuntao would still not see him as a decent man. 

"I brought you to a festival since you said you hadn't been to one for years." 

Hmm, a festival. That sounded exactly like what Ying would do, unlike Chuntao, who would rather stay at home and do something productive in her spare time. Going out on dates, she did in the past, but it could be counted with her fingers. The only time she'd been intimate with a man was when she was with Shen Zichen. 

The thought of him suddenly makes her cheeks flushed red, remembering their indecent encounters back at her penthouse. 

The sight of her blushing caught Mu Jianyu off-guard. Did she remember something? He mistakenly assumed that she was starting to catch some feelings for him, and he couldn't help but be thrilled with this development. 

After weeks of trying, he finally saw positive progress from his efforts. He initially thought that with Shen Zichen around, it wouldn't be easy to win her heart. Oh, how wrong he was; because the person who made Li Chuntao blush wasn't him but his sworn enemy. 

These days, Mu Jianyu found himself enjoying Li Chuntao's company more and more, although she was still reserved and rarely responded to his questions. Of course, he did all the talking while Ying kept most of her emotions in check, only asking him a few questions once in a while. 

He became aware that in his spare time, he would sit near her, wherever she was, whether she was outside tending to her plants or painting. 

Sometimes, he also joined her in silence as they each read a book during lazy afternoons. It was as if they were slowly returning to what they were before his affair started before she lost her memories. This was the wife he was accustomed to. 

Today's lunch and afternoon were spent outside, and just when Li Chuntao thought they were about to go back home, Mu Jianyu took a different turn, obviously not in the direction of his place. 

Li Chuntao looked at him confused. 

"Jianyu? Why are we going in the opposite direction?" Her tone was filled with concern. Not only was she left alone without Yu Lou, she also had no idea where this man was taking her. 

"We'll have to visit someone first," was all Mu Jianyu said. He felt her eyes on him for a moment before she sat back in her seat and stared out the window without further questions. 

He knew she was worried, but he wouldn't let it get the better of him. He knew where they were going and he was hoping Ying would be thrilled seeing the same place they hadn't visited for months. 

Half an hour later, they were sitting inside a restaurant with Li Chuntao looking around, confused as to why he brought her here. They were sitting across each other with a small barbeque grill between them. 

The restaurant was small and old. The chairs were lowly but comfy and the atmosphere inside wasn't bad at all. Li Chuntao also couldn't deny that the aroma of the grilled meat was enough to awaken her appetite. 

When was the last time she had a barbeque? Ah, during her last visit with the Shens. 

"This is our secret place, Ying," Mu Jianyu said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I remember you also looked like this when I first brought you here, but I promise, you'll love their barbeque here just like you did before." 

An older man came to their table to take their orders and as soon as his eyes landed on Li Chuntao, he'd to do double-take to make sure he wasn't seeing it wrong. His eyes then shifted to Mu Jianyu whom he recognized at once. 

"Miss Ying?" The old man called Li Chuntao. His tone was a little confused as he looked at her face. 

"Y-yes?" Li Chuntao felt uncomfortable on her seat. Was this old man seeing things he shouldn't? Had he recognized that she wasn't Li Xiuying? 

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