
Chapter 125 - Don’t Be Silly, Zichen (1)

One month later.

Li Chuntao had once again visited the orphanage but this time she came bringing only Su Ling with her. Mu Jianyu was quite busy preparing for her move into his apartment and reluctantly allowed her to go for a visit without him. 

She was sipping a warm tea inside the director's office at the orphanage, talking with Qin Linfeng. After receiving the report on his profile, Li Chuntao managed to learn that the man wasn't lying or hiding ill intent against her twin sister, Ying. In fact, he was one of her closest confidants when she was still alive. 

Li Chuntao didn't find it weird at all, considering that Qin Linfeng's personality was very good and friendly. The only flaw that she'd seen on him so far was him being disorganized, something she loathed with irritation. 

As a doctor, Li Chuntao prided herself for being capable and ready at any time. She could adapt to the sudden changes and events easily but she still didn't like sudden change of plans when everything she'd set was already in place. 

Right now, she was watching the man, reviewing the children's health records, making sure he wasn't forgetting something. 

"I think that's all. The thing you need to check next is the supply of medicines." She pointed out. The dark gray clouds outside impending a heavy rainfall. 

Qin Linfeng hummed his agreement, thankful that Li Chuntao was here to help him check the medical supplies the orphanage was lacking. Not like the orphanage was really lacking in funds, given that Li Chuntao had decided to keep the support the Li Corporation was giving to the institution. 

Suddenly, two children came barging into the room they were in, both looking terrified. The girl was already in tears and the boy looked disgruntled. The two doctors didn't need to be told that something wrong had happened to the children outside. 

"Sister Ying!" The girl cried out. She immediately ran towards Li Chuntao and wrapped her arms around Chuntao's waist. 

"Doctor Qin, please help Tangtang. He is hurt!" The boy hurriedly called for the doctor. 

Qin Linfeng and Li Chuntao were alerted at once. They stood at the same time wondering could have happened. The children should be tidying the garden now, before the rain started. 

"Where's Tangtang now?" Qin Linfeng demanded. 

"He's still at the garden, Doctor Qin," 

The man hurriedly left the room and sprinted towards the garden while Li Chuntao was left behind, trying to find out what had happened from the two scared children. 

"Su Mei insisted on joining Tangtang and me to trim off the thick bushes but she accidentally hurt Tangtang's hand." The boy explained, a worry expression plastered in his face. "Sister Ying, would he be alright? He's bleeding too much when we left him." 

Li Chuntao didn't know how to answer him since she didn't know how bad Tangtang's injury was but it didn't take too long for her to see his situation as Qin Linfeng came back with the boy beside him, a shirt crumpled to cover the boy's bleeding right hand. 

Tangtang was a twelve year old orphaned boy who'd been staying at the orphanage since he lost his family in a fire. The boy's face was blanched with fear as his wound continued to bleed under the shirt that covered his hand.

"You go and wait outside. Tell the other children to go back to their rooms. It's about to rain and we wouldn't want any of you getting sick from it." Doctor Qin told the two children who listened and went away after bidding goodbye to Li Chuntao. 

Once they were gone, Doctor Qin immediately removed the cover of the boy's hand and started to stop the bleeding but failed. He'd wasted several medical gauzes and bandages but it remained the same. He considered calling the nearest hospital so he could drive Tangtang to the ER but heavy rain started to pour. 

Seeing him distraught over the matter, Li Chuntao tapped his shoulder to get his attention. She couldn't let this be dragged for too long or the boy would suffer blood loss or infection if he wasn't treated immediately.

"Let me see it. You go prepare the things and tools I would need for this." She told him and passed a paper with medicines and supplies she would need. 

"Miss Li, what are you planning to do?" Qin Linfeng asked but when it dawned to him that Li Chuntao was a surgeon herself, he berated himself mentally. 

Qin Linfeng vacated his seat at once and let Li Chuntao overtake Tangtang's treatment. 

"Tangtang, Sister Ying is about to do something. Do you trust me?" She asked the boy with a soft voice. 

The boy's lips quivered, his eyes misty as he nodded his head at Li Chuntao. 

"Alright, then listen to what Sister Ying will say…" 

Li Chuntao then explained that she could stop the bleeding and would need to stitch his wound herself. However, he must promise her that he should never mention to anyone that she was the one who treated his injury. 

"But Sister Ying… lying is bad." Tangtang said worriedly. He couldn't understand why he couldn't tell everyone about it. Shouldn't he be proud that the one who helped him was their Sister Ying? 

Li Chuntao couldn't help but smile at his innocence but she needed to protect her identity so other people wouldn't be able to use it as an advantage against her. 

"You will not lie, Tangtang. Not until someone asked you who stitched and treated your wounds. You see, this is your Sister Ying's secret. If people found out I could treat them, they wouldn't leave your Sister Ying in peace. That also means I would have less time visiting any of you." 

"Then I'll keep your secret, Sister Ying!" Tangtang made a motion of zipping his mouth and raising his uninjured hand to promise Li Chuntao. 

"Ah, you're really a good boy, Tangtang," Li Chuntao patted his cheek gently before turning her head when Qin Linfeng arrived with a tray filled with the items Li Chuntao listed. 

With Qin Linfeng's help, Li Chuntao was able to stop the bleeding at first try, disinfecting the wound before stitching it up. The boy and Qin Linfeng were both entranced when she started her magic using the needles. 

Qin Linfeng didn't dare to look away as Li Chuntao stitched the long, deep wound close and was amazed at how clean she was able to do it. He'd never met a doctor who had an insane precision like her. 

No wonder Li Xiuying was praising her to the heavens because she was really that good. He also remembered Ying telling him that Li Chuntao was the top of her class, so technically, he shouldn't be surprised at all. 

After some time, Tangtang felt better and thanked Li Chuntao and Doctor Qin for their help. He also promised not to tell anyone of what transpired here. 

Qin Linfeng released a sigh of relief. It was a good thing that Li Chuntao was here and saved his ass from this problem. While he was a good pediatrician, he wasn't confident with his hand stitching the boy's wound on his own. 

"Miss Li, thank you. I owe you this time," 

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