
Chapter 507 KIDNAPPED

Chapter 507 KIDNAPPED

Hailee listened intently to what Apple had to say about how her son confessed his feelings and found the method very funny as it brought back memories of how she and Ramon got married.

Wasn\'t even Ramon full of calculations then? He even openly said that he was after her family\'s company.

Of course at that time Hailee did not mind it, she was in a very difficult and unimaginable situation, and moreover she also did not have the experience to manage a company.

So, having Ramon willing to help her, look after her and run her company, what else should Hailee consider?

Maybe at that time Ramon thought that he had benefited by marrying Hailee, even though it was actually Hailee who felt that way.

Ramon is full of calculations, just like what Jayden did to Apple.

Hailee never thought that her son would inherit talent from his father. Why did he have to pass down such a strange trait? Hailee had no idea.

"Doesn\'t that sound like a compromise?" Apple said at the end of the story.

However, Hailee actually laughed when she had finished hearing Apple\'s explanation of how her son had expressed his feelings.

"I think that\'s typical of men in the Tordoff family," Hailee said. "They usually start a relationship with a calculative attitude."

Apple frowned when she saw Hailee laughing, she didn\'t understand why Mrs. Tordoff found this to be amusing. Did she not look serious when she said this?

"I don\'t understand his way of thinking."

Hailee then reached out and grabbed Apple\'s hand and smiled very sweetly at the confused girl.

"I think even they themselves find it difficult to know about themselves. Even after decades of being married to Ramon, I still don\'t understand his way of thinking. But, sometimes surprises are good for a relationship right?"

Apple couldn\'t find any words to respond to this.

"I started a relationship with Ramon starting from his calculative attitude." Even now, Hailee still had their marriage contract which the two of them signed first and would tease him occasionally. "But believe me, you can count on the Tordoff men. When they\'ve decided on something, they\'ll really do it. Give Jayden a chance and you can judge for yourself."

However, Apple caught one sentence in Hailee\'s words that made her curious. "You also started a relationship in that kind of situation?"

Hailee\'s eyes lit up brightly when she saw how curious Apple was. "Would you like to hear my story?" she asked.

Apple grimaced and said shyly. "If you do not mind."

And in the end Hailee told the things that happened between the two of them and this really became an eye opener for Apple, where she didn\'t think that a relationship that started in an unusual way, could continue for decades...

Isn\'t that so incredible and hard to believe? If Hailee hadn\'t said it so directly as now, Apple probably wouldn\'t have believed that such a relationship would work.


In the end, an exhausted Apple fell asleep in the car while Hailee drove her home, but it seemed Mrs. Tordoff had other plans.

"Apple? She\'s not with me," Jayden said when he received a call from Pyro saying that Apple wasn\'t home. "He was shopping with my mom and I think she brought her home."

"No, Apple hasn\'t come home at all."

"Didn\'t you try to call my mother?"

"I\'ve tried but the calls are always being diverted," Pyro replied.

At this point Jayden sensed that something was not right. He knew her mother very well and she could be very unreasonable at times.

"I\'ll find out about it, I\'ll let you know once I know of her whereabouts." After hearing Pyro say he would wait to hear from Jayden, they ended the conversation.

Pyro may not be the perfect dad, but he is one of those panicky daddies, and this time he says he will report missing Apple if they don\'t find her by morning.

After hanging up the call, Jayden then called his mother and it took a while for Hailee to pick up the call.

"Mom, where did you hide Apple?" Jayden asked, even without further ado, for he knew very well what his mother was doing.

Hailee laughed when she heard the accusing tone of her son and then waved her hand lightly.

"Don\'t worry, she\'s safe at home."

Jayden frowned and asked again in more detail. "Whose house are you referring to here?"

"The Tordoffs\' home," Hailee cheerfully replied and Jayden facepalmed himself. He had expected this to happen.

"Mom, you just kidnapped her and Pyro is really freaking out right now," Jayden grumbled. "He almost called the police to report his daughter\'s abduction."

Hailee grumbled back at him. "Apple came to this house without coercion."

On the other hand, Jayden really doubted that statement. His mother is very good at using and playing with her choice of words, so you don\'t feel forced, but willing to follow her wishes.

"Mom, I\'ve known you long enough to know it\'s not true."

"Jayden Tordoff, I\'ve known you long enough to say that you just hurt my feelings," Hailee said in a voice that sounded like she was hurt by Jayden\'s words.

Hearing that, Jayden couldn\'t help but sigh. "Can I talk to her?"

"Apple is asleep," Hailee replied.

"I\'m going home now."

And now Hailee\'s voice had changed to a more cheerful one in just a matter of seconds. "I guessed you would say that."

After that, Jayden hung up the phone and got rid of all the paperwork he had to complete. He was planning to sleep in the office, but it didn\'t seem like a good plan now.

Jayden knew why his mother brought Apple home. She wanted to talk to him face to face.

One of the reasons why Jayden chose to sleep in the office tonight was because he wanted to avoid his mother\'s interrogation.

Only, his mother was already two steps ahead of him.

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