
Chapter 112 Border Skirmish

A Merchant from the western Roman empire sat on his wagon, which was being pulled by two horses. The goods in the back of the wagon were just some of many of the luxuries coming out of the west. He had grouped together with other traders to form a caravan which was protected by mercenaries. However, while in the borders of the Western Roman Empire, at least in the southern diocese, this was an unnecessary action.

With the rise of the military dictatorship under Marcellus’ banner, criminals and brigands were arrested and executed, with only the slightest evidence being used against them. Though some men were wrongfully accused, the sheer level of crucifixions that were taking place was enough to deter even the most foolish of men from attempting to rob someone in blind daylight.

These mercenaries were not hired to protect the caravan while in the borders of the West, but for when they finally made their way to the East, whose control over the eastern portion of the Balkans was not the most secure at the moment.

Thus, as the Caravan passed through the borders of the Eastern Roman Empire, this particular merchant whose name was Sextus Mamilius Pilatus felt particularly anxious. He instinctively gazed to his left and right to ensure that there were no barbarians or brigands who would dare to harm him and his wares.

Unfortunately, the Barbarians and Brigands were the least of the man’s worry as someone far more sinister had set their gaze upon the Merchant Caravan. In the distance, a small patrol of Eastern Roman limitanei gazed upon the caravan that was heading straight for them with greed in their eyes.

Though it had not been explicitly declared, every Eastern Roman soldier knew that they were currently in a cold war with their western counterparts. Marcellus’s name was cursed in Constantinople as a usurper, a rapist, and a godless heathen. Word had spread of the dictator’s radiate crown, which was a symbol used by those past emperors who worshipped the unconquered sun. Needless to say, the Eastern Romans were far from pleased by this news.

These part-time soldiers gazed upon the western roman caravan which was crossing through their border and immediately decided to intercept them. At the very least, they would force these traders to pay a special tax for entering the east..

It was not just the fact that Marcellus was a pagan despot that caused the eastern roman soldiers to be hostile to their western counterparts. There was a considerable degree of envy among the eastern army. The recent economic upturn ensured that even the lowliest of western Roman soldiers could work full time and provide for their families as soldiers. Something that was not the case in the East.

Many of the eastern Roman soldiers, especially those stationed at the border, had to work in the fields as common farmers throughout most of the day in order to support their families. This had been normal for decades, but to see the west, which had previously been so destitute, not only pay their soldiers a living wage but also give them significant political power based upon their merit. This was simply unacceptable.

Marcellus had honestly not expected there to be such animosity among the ranks of the eastern Roman army and because of that, he had not anticipated what was about to happen. The commander over the eastern roman limitanei gazed upon the western roman caravan and ordered the unthinkable.

“Intercept those merchants. If they dare to enter the east, they better be prepared to pay a toll!”

Immediately, an officer among his ranks gazed at him with confusion before expressing his disbelief.

“But sir, there is no such law requiring that. Would we not just be brigands at this point?”

The commander immediately backhanded his officer across the face before scolding him.

“You will do what I command you to do. It is not your place to worry about the morality behind my orders. Do you understand me?”

In response to this, the officer could only bow his head and accept what was commanded of him.

“Yes, sir…”

After saying this, the orders were spread to the eastern roman limitanei, and they diverted from their patrol to intercept the western roman caravan. Pilatus gazed upon the approaching forces and halted his wagon. He was at the head of the caravan, and thus when he stopped, so did the rest of the wagons. He gazed over towards the mercenaries they had hired to protect them and called out to their leader.

“I thought you said this path was safe? Why is there an army approaching us?”

The Mercenary leader gazed upon the banners of the eastern roman forces and persuaded Pilatus to continue forward. He could tell that they were soldiers of Constantinople, and thus would not hinder their path, or so he thought.

“Ignore them. They’re soldiers of the east. They won’t bother us!”

Upon hearing this, Pilatus sighed before snapping his reins and continuing forward. However, after about three hundred feet, the limitanei blocked the path, and he was forced to come to a stop once more.

These actions confused both the caravan and the mercenaries alike. However, before they could request why they were being stopped, the eastern roman commander spoke up in a voice so loud that everyone could hear.

“There is a toll for crossing the border. Pay us a hundred solidii and you are free to move forward. Refuse to do so, and you will be forced back from whence you came!”

It outraged Pilatus when he heard this. He had crossed into Constantinople to sell his goods many times, and he had never heard of a toll before. It was clear that these men were holding them hostage. He was quick to voice his discontent as he yelled at the eastern roman commander.

“This is robbery. There is no toll to enter the east! Since when have the soldiers of Constantinople acted as mere highwaymen? If you do not let us pass, I will inform your superior about your actions here, and they will have your heads for this blatant act of robbery!”

The threat of being reported to their Dux for this crime immediately caused the soldiers in this force of limitanei to become threatened. Some of them were already uneasy about this criminal act, but they still followed their orders. However, if they were to be reported to their superiors, they would be punished severely. A hundred gold coins were not worth the risk. Thus, they were quick to voice their disagreement with their orders.

“Sir, maybe this isn’t the best idea. We’re supposed to be patrolling for barbarians and thieves. We should just let these merchants pass. It’s clear they’re not up to anything illegal…”

However, the Commander was not convinced. These westerners were getting rich off of the wealthy elite in Constantinople while he worked the fields, and played at being a soldier in his spae time. He would not tolerate it any longer, thus he unsheathed his sword and pointed it towards Pilatus before giving him one last warning.

“If you resist the toll, then we will confiscate your goods by force. This is your last warning. Hand over the price to be paid, or we will attack!”

The Mercenaries quickly unsheathed their blades in response to this threat, they were paid handsomely to protect this caravan, and a few part-time soldiers acting as brigands were not going to get in the way of their pay day. It became clear that this standoff was about to turn bloody as both sides brandished their weapons boldly.

Ultimately, Pilatus escalated the conflict as he spat upon the face of the eastern roman commander and chastised him for his actions.

“Eat shit! If you were in the west, you would be crucified for what you are doing! It’s a shame that such criminals are welcomed into the ranks of the eastern army!”

Having been shamed in front of his men, the commander went into a frenzy and thus his blade into the neck of the western merchant before giving the command to attack.

“Kill them all and plunder the goods they have!”

The moment this order was given, the western mercenaries attacked the eastern roman army, and bloodshed occurred. There was no time to think about what was right or wrong. The westerners had begun their attack, and even those among the eastern romans who dissented against this toll in the first place were forced to defend themselves.

In the end, the fact that the mercenaries were veterans of Marcellus’ army, and were equipped with superior arms and armor, proved to be the undoing of the eastern patrol. The commander was killed in the ensuing conflict, and his forces routed. However, more than a few merchants died in the chaos, and their goods were scattered about.

This event would become a major diplomatic incident between the western and eastern roman empires, bringing them one step closer to war. If Marcellus could not skilfully navigate this border dispute, then he would be forced to fight the eastern Empire before his own realm could fully recover from the many threats which plagued it.

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