
Chapter 402

“What are ye two doin’ here?!” Skye asked as Celestia came to a steady flutter next to her.

Celestia grinned; “Long story short: we just got back from the Fae Nation. I felt a subtle amount of Dark magic, so we were out checking the perimeter of the forest when we both felt a massive surge. I take it that it’s coming from that idiot?”

Skye nodded; “Aye. Long story short: he was meant ta duel one of me friends, but violated the rules by tryin’ ta shoot him. He must’ve felt pretty desperate ta go fer the Ethereal Spear..”

Celestia’s eyes bulged; “Is That it?! By the gods! Why would you not leave it in the north?! It was there for a reason! THIS situation being one of them!”

Skye narrowed her eyes; “Magnus ordered us ta bring it back! We had to!”

Celestia’s expression deflated as she took in a breath, but lost her chance to speak. Connor had been standing in one place just watching them, but suddenly rushed her and Skye. He moved at Tank-level speeds, and almost got the jump on them..

The Fae Queen had been building up her magic since she had first felt the Dark. Celestia was naturally cautious, and knew that her Light magic would be needed. It was the natural counter to Dark magic, and wouldn’t damage her to use like Skye’s powers did to her..

Her powers as the Catalyst weren’t fully developed since she had yet to unlocked the rest of her traits. Tapping into the Source of all Magic without her body being adapted to the massive amount had damaged her on a molecular level. Celestia wasn’t sure if Skye knew it or not, but her cells weren’t completely stable anymore.


‘I’ll have to treat her after we deal with this monstrosity..’

As the thought passed, Celestia raised her hand right as Connor came within inches of her and Skye. A binding light shot out of it, making everyone but her and Aero shield their eyes. After centuries together, he was used to her powers.

Connor shrank back and screeched similarly to how Richard had. Many of the soldiers froze as they recalled the heinous beings birthed from black ooze that dropped off of the fallen prince. As they readied themselves for another bloody battle, the servants and regular guards that had been helping with the search cried out in terror.

Lucas Moonstone stood behind several people in utter shock. The thing before them looked like it had crawled out of the bowels of hell, and was there to drag them down. As the initial aghast had passed, Lucas realized that Skye was standing in front of the thing with the Fae Queen..

“No! Skye! Get back!” he started to yell as he trudged forward, but Wallace placed his hand on Lucas’ shoulder.

“I know yer instinct as her Da is ta try and protect her, but ye need ta understand somethin’: She protects Us.”

As Wallace finished speaking, he gestured to the now three standing before Connor. Amara stood to the side of Skye while Tidas ran around to his other side. Celestia was still blasting him with an intense ray of Light magic, but he was starting to recover from the initial attack.

When Connor finally turned back to them, Amara hit him with her Fire magic. He howled in pain as the soldiers shifted and fanned out, ready to jump in at any time. Tidas ran behind him with his long sword, and cut the tendons in one of his legs.

As he fell to one knee, Tidas tossed his long sword to Skye. She used her Earth magic to raise the ground beneath her feet, caught Tidas’ sword, then jumped to stab Connor in one blow. The sword didn’t go in as deeply as she wanted it to, but it was enough to incapacitate him for the time they needed.

Connor desperately grabbed at the sword lodged within his collarbone, but it was too far in to simply pull out. He wasn’t completely assimilated to the Dark and Ether magic yet, so the blade could damage his internal organs if he wasn’t careful. As he stuggled to get a grip with the black ooze coating his hands, several large rocks shot up out of the ground..

Skye used the remainder of her Earth magic to pin Connor the best that she could without crushing him. When he started to struggle, Celestia fluttered over to him, her eyes filled with pity. After she raised her hand up, Celestia spoke with sincerity in her tone; “I’m sorry, but this is going to hurt...a lot.”

As Celestia strained her fingers, a light that rivaled the sun shined from her hand. Even Aero had to look away due to it’s intensity. While Skye and Amara backed away, Celestia inched closer and closer to Connor..

He clawed at her with his free hand, but Celestia’s power was too overwhelming. The Dark and Ether magic began to crack and break; turning into a smoke-like ash as it fell away, and disintegrated into nothing. As layer after layer turned to dust, Connor was slowly revealed.

Grey, ashy patches were heavily dotted all over his skin, and a large strip along the side of his face looked like charred wood. His appearance kind of reminded Skye of the northern Highlands, before she had healed it. She tried for fifteen minutes to heal him, but the damage was irreversible.

“This is why humans shouldn’t touch ancient, ominous things! Why would the Alconian King want the Spear brought to him?! Tis an object of Calamity!” Aero yelled as he checked over his wife for injuries.

“That’s probably why Magnus wants it. To lock it away,” Skye replied, which earned her a mocking expression.

“I know that your still slightly na?ve when it comes to the world-”

“Hey?! Ima quite well versed in the ways of the world, thank ye,” Skye had cut Aero off mid-sentence.

Ignoring her interruption, he continued; “But not to the dark side of high society. You’re aware of the fact that slaves are sold to someone? That people are left to starve while others throw away their excess? Who do you think those people are? The nobles and royalty-”

“Aero! You promised that you would behave if we came here. Don’t go back on your word,” Celestia had chided her husband with a gentle, but firm tone.

Turning her attention to Skye, the Fae Queen smiled broadly at her, then flew into her arms for a hug. Skye gently squeezed her back, then Celestia asked what had happened. Skye quickly told the two of Connor’s unwanted pursuit of Kari, her relationship with Klaus, his challenge, then the subsequent situation that had evolved from the chaos.

As she finished the tale, Celestia felt compelled to ask; “Who was the Dark mage?”

Skye stared at Celestia with a confused expression; “Dark mage? What are you talking about? The only Dark magic user alive is in the Fire Nation...Isn’t he?”

Celestia shook her head; “No, I know I sensed someone with Dark magic. I’m extra sensitive to their wavelength because it’s my polar opposite. And they headed off towards the capital as we arrived. I’m sure of it.”

“Great.. So we have another enemy to worry about,” Tidas commented as she strode over.

Something at the back of Skye’s mind screamed at her, but she pushed it to the side for now. Connor was still trapped in between the rocks, and was beginning to stir. As he came to with a groggy expression, Skye lowered the rocks quick enough for him to lose his balance.

Tidas walked over to his side, then knelt down to Connor’s level. Grabbing the front of his armor, the prince pulled him upright, then flashed the small gun in his face. Connor tried to jolt back due to the close proximity, but didn’t have the option..

Tightening his grip to the point of denting the metal, Tidas asked in a hard tone; “Where did you get this?”

Connor stared at it for a moment, shook his head, then mumbled something about where he was. Tidas took a deep breath to calm himself, but Klaus was on a warpath..

“The Fuck were you thinking?! Do realize what you could’ve done?! How many lives were lost because of that thing?! How many more could’ve been?!”

Amara and Kari moved in front of Klaus as he ranted, making sure that he couldn’t go near Connor for the moment. He seemed beyond disoriented, which made sense considering he was nearly turned into a monster. But there was more to it than that...

“What’s wrong wit his skin?” Ronnie asked as he came to stand next to his irate best friend.

Skye shook her head; “Tis beyond me.. It feels like Dark magic residue, or somethin’ skin. It’s not strong, but it might be what’s foggin’em up. He might just need some time fer the magic ta fade on it’s own.”

Tidas flashed her an unnerved expression; “Are you sure about that, love? When has leavin’ Dark, Ether, or both ta fester ever turned out well?”

Skye smiled impishly; “Maybe yer right.. Look at yer brother..”

“What was that?” Tidas asked as he gave her a chiding stare.

“....Nothin’,” Skye cleared her throat; “So: where did he get the gun from? Could he have stolen it from a shop in the Highlands?”

Petrie took in the scene as he walked over, and replied; “Na, the Moonstone and Reinbolt reinforcements never went into the city. And I would be the one ta know: I had ta do the paperwork fer the gold ye guys used.”

Skye nodded, then turned her attention back to Connor; “What’s the last thing that ye remember?”

Connor looked off into the tree line, then turned back to Skye and said; “I recall the fight with the monster.. I also remember leaving the Highlands. There’s more, but it’s fuzzy.”

Klaus maneuvered around Amara, and nearly walked into Skye as he yelled; “How convenient for you! Not being able to remember trying to Murder me! Fuckin’ coward! Well, guess what? You lost the duel, and had better leave Kari alone from now on! Understand?!”

Connor stared at him in a daze for a moment before he smirked arrogantly; “I made no such agreement! What are you-”

“Actually, yeah...ya did. And we all heard it. And watched ya try ta shoot Klaus,” Murdoc had cut Connor off as he walked up with Wallace and Lucas in tow.

Lucas ran over to Skye, then started to check her similarly to how Aero had with Celestia. He was relieved to see her unharmed, but wanted to scream at her for being so reckless. Before he could start in, however, Connor got to his feet, and started to snap at Murdoc.

The first time that Connor tried to puff his chest, Murdoc held up his hand, and said; “Now, before ye say anythin’ stupid, I must warn ya: Ima the King of the Highlands. And I will kill ya if yer breath so much as tickles me nostrils in an offensive manner..”

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