
Chapter 96

Skye ran her hand along the smooth shell like she was petting an animal instead of an egg. Celestia had fluttered over to the egg along with Nicolas, leaving Maevis and Aero alone. She studied the king as he watched his wife pet the egg just as Skye had. She beamed in delight at the smooth, uneven surface as she and the group chatted about the baby dragon named Zazzy.

Aero was beyond shocked that Skye, of all humans, had a dragon’s egg. Nicolas and Maevis believed wholeheartedly that the princess was the Catalyst. The scene before him left little room for doubt any longer. The legend stated that the Catalyst would ‘Tame the Guardian of Nightmares’.

Most humans didn’t know that in Fae culture; the name of the Underworld Palace was called Nightmare’s Dreamscape. Few tomes were recovered that stated as much, and the ones that were, weren’t regarded as anything scholarly. Most Fae-related things were ignorantly written off as fairytales.

Aero silently wondered if human academics would begin studying them seriously; once they held a cup or shirt made by an elf or brownie in their hands. The imagined reactions made Aero smirk, causing Maevis’ to ask; “Does the scene before you make you reconsider your position on our plan?”

Aero straightened his back and took in a sharp breath; startled by the elder’s voice. He cleared his throat and looked to her with his standard, stern expression. Maevis gave off an almost cocky aura, even though her face was poker-straight. Aero could sense her magic, and the impression he got from it irritated him nearly to his limit.

Clenching his jaw, Aero spoke in a low tone; “I see nothing in the human Child, that assures me that she can follow through.. If not for you two accompanying her, she’d probably forget about us as she popped out princes..”

Hostility radiated from Maevis, and she knew it. She didn’t care that she irritated the king, in fact; she kind of loved the fact that he didn’t like her. Usually they could ignore their differences and work together, but this was Not one of those times.

Maevis had understood his aversion to humans. She’d even sided with him on several issues over the centuries. However, their levels of anger towards humans were vastly different. Maevis made it a point to use her anger as caution, whereas Aero used his as a guide. But Skye was nothing like the others; past or present.


Much to the dislike of many of the nobles; the ancient tomes and artifacts were quickly and drastically altering the perceptions of the current humans. From the everyday things like clothes and recipes, to the very understanding of their planet and universe. Although much of it was still debated over; as the artifacts matched up with the tomes, most commoners ran with the idea that most of it had to be true.

Things like people being able to fly without dragons or wyverns weren’t acceptable, even two hundred years ago. A giant metal ‘skeleton’ that was found in a farmer’s field around one-hundred and eighty years ago, had matched up with several tomes. From then on; the human scholars had dubbed themselves within the ‘Age of Discovery’; or so they called it.

Maevis frequently left the Sanctuary to check on human development; every twenty to thirty years or so. She’d seen the rapid development of the humans, and had told Nicolas about it upon each return. He’d attempted to bring the Fae out into the world multiple times, but Maevis had never fully backed him; until now.

Skye Moonstone was the key to peace with the humans; Maevis felt it. Not just because she believed her to be the Catalyst, but the lass herself had inspired her. From her kindness to her stubbornness; the princess was genuine in every aspect of herself and her actions. It drew people to her, making her far more influential than she realized.

The king himself doted upon her, but rarely did so to others like he did to her. From a child, Magnus had favored Skye for her intelligence and wit. She was smarter than many of the adults that the king was forced to interact with, even at the age of seven. Albeit false; the king loved to take credit for having a ‘strong hand in the lass’ intellect’.

Skye played along in front of others, but often chided the king in private for putting her on the spot like he did. He knew how much she hated to lie, and had nearly quit doing it to her over the years(in front of her, anyways). But the fact that the king was so attached to Skye would greatly benefit the Fae now.

With humans having a more accepting nature, and Skye very nearly guaranteeing security for them; now was not the time for the king’s baggage. Maevis knew he would attempt to sabotage any treaties. It was the driving factor behind Maevis and Nicolas insisting on being the representatives. The king’s title would’ve afforded more consideration during the negotiations, but the risk of his biases ruining all their work was too high.

Maevis squared her shoulders, but kept her voice low as she challenged the king; “And what would You know of that lass? You haven’t even truly spoken to her, how could you possibly have an opinion of her?!”

“I don’t need to; it’s obvious she’s just a pretty little princess who is indulging in a childhood fantasy.. How could I possibly put my faith, in a bloody child, to save our race?!” Aero’s tone had caught the attention of his wife momentarily, but she returned to her conversation after shooting him a glare.

Maevis stood before politely asking the king to accompany her to the fountain, several feet from the group. He agreed; not wanting to cause a scene, and anger his wife further. After landing on the fountain, Maevis tore into the king in as quiet of a voice as she could maintain.

“Now you listen here, you pompous, fearful little gremlin! Skye is the most stubborn..Anything, I have ever met! She’s highly intelligent, talented, and genuinely cares about everything around her. I won’t sit there and listen to you badmouth a good person like her just because she’s Human!”

Aero looked to the elder indigenously; “How Dare you speak to your King in such a manner?!”

“Oh, if we weren’t here; I’d Show you how I Dare to Punch the king CONSORT!” Maevis strained her voice not to yell, but nearly lost it towards the end.

“How Dare-” Aero began to threaten Maevis, but she cut him off.

“Aye! I dare! I’ve had it with your attitude! And it seems I’m not the only one..” the elder Fae motioned to the group, where Celestia periodically glanced from.

The queen most likely couldn’t hear them, but it wasn’t hard to tell that the two were arguing. It was commonplace for them, but it still upset Celestia that they would do it now, and so blatantly. She took a small comfort from the fact that they had moved away, so as not to be heard. At least, by most..

“I know you resent humans for the death of of your family, but can’t you see how Wrong it is to blame an Entire race for the actions of a few individuals?! They’re long dead anyways! Why must ye hold anything against the Moonstones?!”

“Because kindness does Not equal compassion! Kindness is simply a tool for those with a wolf’s intentions to dawn a sheepskin,” Aero’s gaze narrowed on Skye as she held her dragon egg.

When the king had met her in the woods, Skye’s presence had had an almost soothing effect on him. It had unnerved him greatly, once he’d had time to reflect upon the encounter. His magic was screaming at him to listen to Maevis, but his heart wrenched in his chest at the thought.

The king had survived off of his pain after the loss of his family. Celestia had mostly healed his heart, but the subject of humans wasn’t something she could fix. While she’d repaired his heart enough to accept certain possibilities, it would take a great change in him to go as far as trusting a human again.

“Does that lass look life a wolf to you?!” Maevis’ tone was stern as she asked.

“Human, wolf; both bare their fangs at you eventually..” sadness touched Aero’s voice as he replied.

“You watched the girl spare a man who had just tried to kill her. You watched her heal your Wife without foreknowledge of her second trait. Aero.. Do you fear her for what she is, or because she’s nothing like you thought she’d be? You don’t have to be honest with me, but at least be honest with yourself,” Maevis’ tone had softened upon a realization.

Hating humans had been away for Aero to protect himself for centuries. To suddenly be confronted with one that defies all known definitions of what you thought they were; Maevis felt she would react similarly to how the king had. She quite nearly became as bitter as he was, but Nicolas had saved her from it. As well as the memories of many loved ones that were human.

“She is a child, Maevis.. How could she possibly have the will and integrity required?” Aero inquired sincerely; surprising the elder Fae.

Maevis told the king of Skye’s stories from Dragonhorn. From healing the townspeople, to establishing peace with the Cu Sith. Aero had asked if she had seen any of it. When she said no, it was all second hand from Skye; he’d begun making snide comments about how easy it was for humans to lie.

At her wits end with the king, Maevis added; “Fine, then I will tell you about what I have Seen that ‘little girl’ has accomplish,” before telling Aero of how they made the dragon armor.

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