
Chapter 142

Robus wasn’t able to come up with details of a plan as he had never done something like that before.

The only type of planning that he could do was to think about what next move he would dish out to his opponents.

Hence why when Blake presented Robus with the plan, the huge gorilla readily complied and trusted Blake’s decision and judgment completely.

The plan that Blake had come up with might not give them a huge amount of souls in a short amount of time, but considering that they were right beside a hornet’s nest, they should avoid kicking the whole hornet’s nest and just do with picking up the hornets that came out of the nest.

So then Blake began his preparations before going through with his plan.

Blake actually had the capabilities to start his plan right away with the current resources that he got in his arsenal. He just needed to patiently wait for the humanoid demon hunters to go out of the base and ambush them while they were quite a distance away from the base.

He had made sure that the humanoid demon hunters didn’t have any means to call for help from the base, which was why he caught and not killed the 5 humanoid demons right away.

He was making sure that the humanoid demons wouldn’t be able to call for any kind of help other than by using their voices.


Hence why it means that he only needed to make sure that the humanoid demons that he would hunt would not be able to run away and report back to the base, and if possible, make an isolation zone that would prevent any kinds of sounds from passing through while keeping the humanoid demons there while he dealt with them.

Blake could simply use the former option and hunt the humanoid demon hunters that went far away from the base and chose a relatively isolated place where there weren’t any other humanoid demons around to make sure that he and Robus weren’t detected by the humanoid demons.

However, doing that would mean that he and Robus needed to spend a lot of time searching for the right target and waiting for the right circumstances, which wasn’t possible, but would take longer to do.

While the latter option, creating a trap where the humanoid demons were isolated from the area, would make his and Robus’ job easier and they didn’t have to really find for the very perfect circumstances as they could make those circumstances on their own.

And with Blake’s knowledge in making rune formations, he knew of a way that would make it possible for him to isolate the voices of the humanoid demons and trap them in an area.

And that was why Blake was currently cutting off thick tree branches, making them into tinier pieces, ranging from cube-shaped to ball-shaped, but not creating any triangular ones since he thought that it would waste too much of his time.

Then with new wooden cubes and balls from the thick tree branch, Blake began to use his rarely used claws to carve demonic runes onto their surfaces.

With his new plan, some adjustments needed to be made to his rune formations and he even needed to create new ones to accommodate his plan better.

So Blake then spent a few hours of his time creating the rune formations vessels, testing out new rune combinations, before finally settling on the fixed version of the rune formations and began making them en masse.

While Blake was busy with himself, he reminded Robus to get some sleep instead of just standing absentmindedly or walking around in circles so that his mental capabilities would be on top of the game when it was their time to hunt.

Then after Blake finished inscribing the new rune formations onto the wooden balls and cubes, Blake woke Robus up, and found himself a nice patch of grass to lay on before closing his eyes.

It was his turn to sleep as he also wanted his body and mind to be fully rejuvenated for his first test hunt with the new rune formations.


A few hours later.

In a part of the forest that was quite a distance away from the humanoid demons’ base, about 20 minutes of walking to be more precise, another group of humanoid demon hunters were currently chasing after a bear-type demonic beast.

Just like their regular animal counterparts back on earth, the demonic bear was huge even by the demons’ standard, standing about 4 meters tall if it were to stand on its two feet.

And judging from its strength that was barely able to roughly break a sizable chunk of a tree trunk, it was still not the strongest the demonic bear’s species was capable of.

Hence why despite having no mages in their team, the humanoid demons were able to slowly yet surely wound the bear and got the beaker weaker and weaker as more time passed.

Fighting the bear head-on was impossible for the humanoid demons that were currently hunting it as their own strength was not anything worth mentioning in comparison to the bear.

They didn’t have any wings that they could use to lighten their bodies and perform a powerful charge like the skeletal wing demon nor did they have very sharp claws that could easily tear through tree trunks, let alone the muscles and bones of a demonic beast.

With only minor physical ‘deformities’ in their bodies that didn’t translate to a tremendous boost of strength, even 3 out of the 5 humanoid demons were using some type of bone spear to complement their weak fighting capabilities.

And their effort would bear fruit soon as the huge bear began to realize its impending doom and started abandoning its defense to focus on attacking in an attempt to finish off its enemies before itself was defeated, which gave the humanoid demons more chance to use their surroundings and used the thick tree trunks as a means of defense while they shot more attacks towards the reckless bear.

And they all began to breathe a sigh of relief when they saw the bear suddenly lose all of its strength, and just like a puppet string that got its strings cut loose, the bear fell down and crashed head first to the dirt ground and its soul leaving its body.

The leader of the group then came closer to the huge bear’s body, only focusing on the soul that floated above its huge body, not realizing the hole that was present on the back of the Bear’s head that was not made by any of their attacks.

The leader of the group was about to grab the soul and swallow it for himself, but thudding noises were suddenly heard around the group of humanoid demons that had gathered closely around the bear’s body.

And before their surroundings turned to complete darkness, head-sized wooden balls that were placed in 4 different opposite directions around them were the last things that the humanoid demons could see before their fate was sealed.

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