
Chapter 100

Hearing these words spoken to him, there was a slight hesitance in Robus’ heart on whether he should follow Blake’s command or listen to his own instinct to help his little friend fight off the enemies.

Robus had always trusted Blake’s decision, as at least 98% of the time, Blake’s plan was working very well for the both of them.

But this time, Robus doubted that he should really go off on his own, leaving Blake behind alone.

Feeling the hesitation in his friend’s heart, Blake quickly spoke, “Trust me, Robus. I will go in and out in a matter of seconds.”

Finally, after Blake convinced him, Robus then gave a hesitant nod before taking another huge leap forward, leaving Blake behind with the four humanoid demons.

With Robus out of the picture, Blake could finally ease his heart as he could finally put all his focus on dealing with his pursuers before putting his heart and soul to run away from the other humanoid demons and tell Vera about his findings.

His two hands already had two different spells on hold, ready to be fired at any given moment, at the best timing that Blake could find.

And of course, to get that opportunity and perfect timing, Blake had to do a little work on his part other than just waiting for the four pursuers to actually catch up to him.


He didn’t know whether they had some kind of skill or certain strategy that was capable of incapacitating him once all four of them had surrounded him.

And from the looks of things how they were very proficient in chasing after him and following his tail, Blake assumed that it was not their first time doing something like this.

Which means that the chance of them having said method to have a certain surefire way to catch their enemies was not small.

Hence why Blake wouldn’t want to risk himself getting caught 100% by their pace.

Instead of turning his body 180 degrees backward, straight in the four humanoid demons’ direction, Blake decided to run his nether through his wings instead and took a sharp turn behind a large boulder that could hide his whole body.

And just like before, the four humanoid demons were able to catch his movements and soon followed Blake’s direction.

They were ready to take another huge leap forward after the sharp turn as they wanted to make sure that their target didn’t go outside of their eyesight, but once they took the sharp turn, they were caught off guard by an unexpected situation.

Their target so far had been running and only running away, so it was safe for them to assume that that would be the case until they were finally able to catch up to their target.

However, right after they took the sharp turn behind the huge boulder, they didn’t see their target running off at a distance.

Instead, they saw a humanoid demon waiting for them right behind the boulder, looking at all four of them with its black eyes that had a brown tinge to them and its whole body covered in dark brown rock armor.

And instead of running away once all their eyes met, the fully armored humanoid demon took a leap forward, went right into the middle of the four humanoid demons, before he finally slammed his left hand to the ground below.

The moment the dark earth armored humanoid demon’s left hand slammed against the ground and one set of runes had been activated, the nether in the surroundings began to stir as they were converted to an abundant amount of darkness element that burst out from the middle of his palm.

Blake was confident in dealing with the four pursuers without Robus’ help was exactly because of this.

Before, Blake was powerless when the five humanoid demons circled around him as he needed to take time to properly mark them, or attack them one by one.

And doing so while being surrounded was definitely not easy.

However, now that he had a spell that could benefit instead if he was closely surrounded, his condition changes drastically as he now even benefits from being surrounded closely.

The moment his left hand slammed against the ground and the mass marking spell took effect, marking his four pursuers, Blake quickly activated the other sets of runes he held in his right hand.

Instead of slamming it to the ground like when he activated the mass marking spell, Blake just let go of the hold that he had on the set of runes before the runes flashed and disappeared.

Just when the four humanoid demons thought the first spell brought so much nether and darkness element from the surroundings, once the second spell was activated, the four humanoid demons were stunted just from realizing how much nether had actually gathered around them.

The myriad of darkness tendril spells, as its name suggests, manifested so many darkness tendrils in a place that the amount of nether and darkness element needed to manifest it was simply massive.

And the four humanoid demons, albeit they were already trained by their experience, suddenly went back to their factory settings once they sensed the incredible amount of nether and darkness element gathering in their surroundings.

And out of the four, there was only one of them who was cowardly enough to instantly scrap the discipline that it has been taught and abandon the thoughts of catching onto the target and made an instant decision to run away the second it felt the overwhelming amount of darkness element.

The other three had their lessons more ingrained in their minds and were hesitant to just run away and abandon their target.

And out of the two cases that happened in just a short second, the result of their actions and decisions was soon evident.

The one that didn’t hesitate to run away had already several steps away from Blake while the other three haven’t even lifted a finger.

So when the thousands of darkness tendrils came out from all directions, heading to the mark that had been placed priorly on the four humanoid demons’ bodies, only one of the four was lucky enough to not instantly be turned into a porcupine.

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