
Chapter 427

Dan-Han furrowed his brows as he listened to Tae-Ho’s report. A hospital?

“And she didn’t say what this invitation was about or what she was going to do at a hospital?” Dan-Han inquired, his tone grave and his eyes, calculative.


Dan-Han fell silent for a while. A number of thoughts going through his head.

“Keep looking for her. I want to know if she’a been to any hospital recently. Ji-Tae will communicate to her somehow, and if he has some plan with her, she’ll soon be on the move. With Ji-Tae gone, there has to be some slip, so keep an eye out.” He ordered.

“And take good care of the kid. I don’t want any surprises. Take her and the mother to the Su family house and not her place. Her disappearance will be the first announcement to Ji-Tae that I’m unto him.”


Tae-Ho peered at Dan-Han, who caught his gaze, and asked, “What?”

Tae-Ho hesitated for a bit, but he quickly made up his mind to ask. “Boss, why are you being subtle with him?” It was unlike Dan-Han to play mouse and cat with anybody. If someone was playing on the border line of being dangerous, he never hesitated to have them handled, so he couldn’t help but wonder what was different now.

Dan-Han held his gaze in silence as he considered his question. The silence lingered a bit more before he replied, “There’s been enough death in the family.” He paused and looked towards the direction of the little girl was seated and sighed, “And I want to sow good karma for my children. Ji-Tae maybe mad, but I’m definitely not.”

Dan-Han scoffed when he saw the confused and unsettling look in Tae-Ho’s eyes. The man had been by his side long before he took over the Lee company, and they had done a lot together, so he guessed he wasn’t expecting him to say something like that.

Dan-Han put a hand on his shoulder and faintly tapped his fingers, “I think about the future now, Tae-Ho. Let’s put all these issues to rest, and try to have a better view of it.” He gazed at him, his ghost of a smile faintly touching his eyes, while Tae-Ho blankly stared at him.

Dan-Han didn’t know need to get his answer, but he knew what his silent look was. The man wasn’t interested in whatever he was talking about for himself, but he was going to work to ensure he has his.

Morning with Eun-sun as her sweet soft scent waft through his nose, her small body wrapped his arms as she playfully teased the hair on his chest with a gold band sitting on her ring finger; rounds of them taking showers together, and dinner with her and the little angels with dark brown hair and hazelnut eyes just like her, that she’d give him were all what he wanted. He wanted to wake up with her, knowing she was fully his and he’d was free to spend forever with her fully happy and fulfilled. That was the future he desired, and that was what he was going to get.

“Boss, what about the Mr Kim? Should we go as planned?” Tae-Ho dilligently inquired, snapping Dan-Han from his daylight reverie.

Dan-Han’s face instantly darkened as they regained the rigid look it always maintained. “Not, necessarily. He’d follow on his own. The ten days I gave him are long expired.” If he was precise, they expired over a month ago. Eun-sun’s incident had diversed his mind from the deadline he had given the man weeks ago, but not anymore.

“I should come with you, boss.” Tae-Ho told him. “That’s not our territory. You’re going to need me there.”

“It is a neutral ground. Just like me, he has no influence there. Whatever he resource he can get, I can also get. But I’m sure he won’t do anything stupid. He’d try to ruffle me up, and that’s why I need you back here.” Dan-Han told him, but Tae-Ho didn’t seem convinced.

Dan-Han clapped his back, good naturedly before strolling towards the Hee-Young once again. He gave her an assuring smile before leaving her with Tae-Ho.

He sauntered towards Eun-sun who was still waiting for him at the spot where he had left her. “Why are you still standing there?” He asked, with a displeased look on his face. He had barely given her some small freedom to use that leg of hers and she was already abusing the privilege. This was the very reason why had been very strict with her these past weeks.

“Where is he taking her?” Eun-sun asked a question of her own, not being able to stop herself from inquiring, despite the feeling of Dan-han not giving her an answer as usual.

Dan-Han sighed as he slipped his hand around her knee and scooped her up. “I’ll really break that other leg of yours, if that’s what it will take to keep you off the ground.” He mildly gruffed at her.

Eun-sun threw her hands around his neck, “You’ll be the one to suffer it, Mr Lee. You’ll die with both my legs broken.” Eun-sun boldly said, but her wit quickly dissipated and her cheeks flushed when Dan-Han gave her a darkened look. And as if it had been premeditated her finger slightly grazed his neck, making Dan-Han’s back slightly stiffen.

“You’re really asking for it.” He said with an annoyed glared which Eun-sun found amusing, as she snorted.

“Okay, tell me where is he taking her? And who is he?” She asked again.

Dan-Han signalled the driver to grab their luggages from the trunk and he started strolling towards the hangar.

“He works for me. You can call him my right hand man. And he’s taking her back to the city.” He told her, surprising Eun-sun who had almost not been expecting an answer. Having Dan-Han answer her, gave encouraged her to press for more.

“And who was she? You said she’s family.”

Dan-Han lowered his head and glanced at her face, her eyed were gleaming with intense curiousity.

“I thought you were thinking she’s mine. What happened to that thought?” He asked, and Eun-sun felt her ear slightly burn.

“I didn’t say that.” She sharply refuted, and Dan-Han scoffed.

“You didn’t have to say it out loud. Your eyes were judging.” He told her matter of factly, but Eun-sun was bent on denying that. She wasn’t going to admit to conjuring such a thought, even though she had, but only for a few seconds.

“I didn’t think such a thing!” She continued on denying.

Dan-Han cocked a daring brow at her, which she shamelessly ignored. “You’re such a liar. And just for your information, she’s indeed family. But mine and your friend’s.”

Eun-sun’s brow pulled together in confusion. She was about to ask more questions when a voices suddenly interrupted them.

“Good morning, President Lee. Young madam.” A male voice greeted and Eun-sun quickly snapped her head to the side to see a young man dressed in a pilot uniform bowing to them as well as two hostess.

Dan-Han regarded them with a terse nod while Eun-sun smiled and greeted back, but Dan-Han cut her short as he bee-lined his way into the plane.

Eun-sun returned her attention back to him as he placed her on one of the seats. “So what do you mean by she’s family as well as a friend’s? Which friend? Jae-Hyun?” She asked, even though she felt a sprout of doubt in her. There was something about that guy that made her think he leads a monkish life, and Dan-Han response only confirmed her thought weren’t misplaced.

“Jae-Hyun?” He asked with incredulity. “I doubt if that one is ever going to father a child.”

“So, what do you mean?” She pressed, settling into in her chair and adjusting the belt which Dan-Han had strapper in for her. His eyes lingered on her flesh beneath her corners bone, and she saw him bite his lips with some sort of tension.

Dan-Han received the glass of water he had been served and dismissed the hostess who had served him, and had announced they would be on air soon.

Dan-Han took a sip from his glass before whipping out his phone. “It’s Ms Su’s.”

“Hei-Ran?!” Eun-sun sharply asked, her voicing rising in shock, making Dan-Han slightly glare at her.

“Sorry.” She quickly apologized when she realized how loudly she had just shouted, but the look of shock was still etched on her face.

Dan-Han sighed when he met her gaze and saw the curiousity twirling in it. “No, it’s not Ms. Hei-Ran’s child, but her cousin’s, Ms A-Yeong.”

He told her, and he glared at her once again when she loudly exclaimed.

“A-Yeong had a child? How did that happen?” Eun-sun asked in shock surprise. She couldn’t believe it. Was this the secret A-Yeong had been hiding? It had to be.

“Then how is the girl related to you? Wait don’t tell me-” Her eyes widened and Dan-Han almost feared they’d pop out, when she suddenly gasped and blinked rapidly as she put two and two together.

“Is this why they had both associated together? Why there has being so much going on about them?” She inquired.

“Kind of, but there’s more to it than just the girl. And I’ll tell you later, but for now can you pull that skirt down a bit, it’s messing with my head.” Dan-Han said, his eyes lowering to the skirt which was resting on her thigh.

Eun-sun innocently looked at her, before glancing back at him. She bit her lips when she saw the way his eyes were hungrily gazing at her thighs. Her skirt had moved up a bit when he placed her on the seat, and he was currently sitting opposite her.

Eun-sun didn’t know why but her throat went dry at Dan-Han’s unsettling gaze. She had no where the boldness came from as she hitched the skirt a few inches higher and slightly pushed one long on front of the other, her eyes mischievously staring at Dan-Han.

“And if I don’t?” She coyly asked back, her voice slightly daring.

Her face flushed when he’s jaw clenched and he pushed a hand through his hair, frustration clear on his face.

Eun-sun knew if they weren’t about to take off in to the air right now, Dan-Han would yank off the seat right now and toss her against some hard surface, and the fact that he couldn’t do that was what encouraged her brazen act.

“You’ll pay for this, Eun-sun. Injury or not.” He drawled, and the tone at which he said those words made a chill run down her spine, as she feared he’d actually carry out to his threat.

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