
Chapter 110 - A Sensual Night

Chapter 110 - A Sensual Night

"Nice bra," I complimented the black bra hiding her supple breasts from the world.

"Thanks, it\'s my favourite colour," she replied with a slightly reserved smile.

As she took that piece of lingerie off, her soft mounds bounced slightly, as if sexily inviting me in their embrace.

"Please lie there," I pointed to my bed.

Her eyes shook ever so slightly as she obeyed my command and laid down on my bed.

"Please be gentle," she asked abashedly. "It\'s my first time."

"Just leave everything to me; tonight is going to be the best night you\'ve ever had."

She nodded a bit nervously, and so did her breasts.


Alright, it\'s time to stop talking like I\'m a male author writing a woman.

Like seriously, \'sexily inviting me in their embrace?\'

Jesus, that\'s a new low, even for me.

"Should I knock you out or…"

"No, I\'d like to see everything."


"I learned it from you," she smirked.

"Fair enough," I also smiled in response.

Then, like the responsible citizen I am, I took off my own shirt.

Then I donned a robe, along with a pair of gloves, a mask and a cap.

I took the scalpel and asked, "Ready?"

"Like I have any other choice."

"Oh, but you do. You\'re free to stand up and walk out of that door."

It\'s not like she\'s bound to the bed with ropes or some shit.

"And then I\'ll have to face the consequences."

"That will be a result born out of your choice."

Like Clementine said, everyone has a choice, even if only technically speaking.

"Whatever, just get on with it."

"As you wish, my lady. I\'ll numb your pain receptors first."

"Why? I can handle the pain."

"Maybe, but I can\'t risk you going into shock. I can\'t have you die on me, now can I?"

"You are the expert here."

I put down the scalpel (picking it up earlier was not the most tactical decision), took a syringe, filled it with my homemade concoction, and injected it into her body.

"Feel anything?" I asked as I pinched her stomach.

Unlike normal, pathetic anaesthetics, the one I made should act instantly.


"Perfect. Let\'s do it."

And so, I took the scalpel and made an incision on her chest.

Now, some might wonder; how exactly did I get into this situation?

For that, we\'ll have to go back in time a bit.


The party was raging on, by which I mean the 8 party members (excluding me) were engaging in humorous banter while enjoying their delicacies.

Well, except Lecia, who was sticking close to Azell and the female members. In other words, she was staying the fuck away from me and Antonio.

I welcome such a development, but I hope Antonio is not too traumatised by her ignorance.

Seriously though, the food here really is average. I need to speed up the process of hiring Neia as a minimum wage chef.

Well, I\'ve already passed the first hurdle towards that goal; I\'ve made her indebted to me.

I mean, not only does she still feel guilty about doing those horrible things she did to me, she also owes me for helping her lie about it.

A few more manipulations and she\'ll become my personal chef.

Besides, I don\'t think she would be that opposed to the idea. After all, she would get someone who genuinely loves her cooking.

Anyway, just like a guy who had just climaxed (the only difference being that the party lasted way longer than 27 seconds), the party came to an end.

The night was still young, but to my surprise, everyone had a lot of things to do, so we ended the party early so that each of us could get our recommended 8 hours of sleep.

"Once again, thank you everyone," I thanked them for their services like the socially adept lad I am.

"You earned it," Noelle replied with a smile.

"I\'ll be expecting similar achievements from you in the future," Azell put an unnecessary burden on me.

The rest of them also made some similar remarks and left. It would seem Noelle and Azell intended to stay behind and clean up.

"Ah, Arteria, can you spare me a minute?"

"Sure. Anything for the party boy," her lips curled into an amused smile.

Heh, let\'s speedrun erasing that smile off her face.

"I\'ve done it," I said as I walked towards the corner of the room.

"Done what?" She followed me.

I beckoned her to bring her ear closer to me, and like an unsuspecting deer crossing a busy street, she did.

"I made a new heart for you," I whispered.


"You\'re welcome."

While highly unlikely, let\'s just assume that she\'s so happy that she\'s speechless.

"...You did what?"

"I created a new heart for you."

And it\'s not just any heart; it\'s a motherfucking Dragon-Vampire-Shadowlord Hybrid heart, tailor made specifically for Arteria.

Unlike the last one, this one only took me a few hours, thanks to my DVH heart.

It\'s kinda disappointing that Arteria would have a better heart than me because I would no longer be the special one, but that\'s a small price to pay for a little bit of amusement.



"W-why would you do that?" Even though she was whispering, she was clearly agitated.

"To show my gratitude for your services last time."

She really helped me out by turning into my puppet and transplanting my heart.

And like a good boi, it\'s time I returned that favour.

"I, uh, appreciate the sentiment, but I don\'t need it."

"What? What am I going to do with it if you don\'t need it?"

"You can use it for yourself."

"It\'s made only for you, however."

"You\'re smart, so I know you\'ll figure something out."

Wow, I\'m hurt.

Has she any idea how hard it was creating it? Sitting back on my chair and watching the magical formations do their work required exceptional skill and patience.

And she\'s brushing it off like it was nothing?

No, I can\'t have that. I won\'t have that.

"I see. Well, if you don\'t need it, then I guess I\'ll just ask someone else, like Azell."

"Yeah, do just that."

"However, I\'m sure he\'ll doubt my qualifications in performing a heart transplant surgery. When he does, I\'ll be forced to show him proof that I indeed am the best man to give him a new heart."

"...Where are you getting with this?" She frowned.

"Oh, me? I\'m not getting at anything. I\'m just asking for your understanding; if someone furiously knocks at your door tomorrow morning, just know that I didn\'t have a choice."

"Are you seriously blackmailing me?"

"Of course not. I\'m just listing out the future possibilities."

How could I even think of something as nefarious as blackmailing her? No way, I\'m such a good boy.

I\'m hurt that she thinks so low of me.

"That\'s basically the same thing!" With impressive control, she managed to shout at me while still keeping her voice low.

However, she forgot that everyone here is a monster in their own right.

"Is something the matter?" Azell, who was helping with the clean-up, asked.

"Oh, we were just talking about-"

"It\'s nothing, it\'s nothing. Carry on." Arteria swiftly cut me off.

"Oh, okay," Azell went back to his work.

"This is not the right place to discuss. Let\'s go to your room."


And so, we left for my room.

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