
Chapter 195 - Three Demon GodKings!

Chapter 195

Du Chan slowly tried to turn his head, his body has a special power, nothing can hole him with any technique or aura, he can more freely once he got used to it, he learned that in the Time Trap, even time couldn't stop him from moving for long! He just needs to use some force, that all!

"Oh, good, good" Du Chan saw a middle-aged man which a big smile on his face, he was bare top and another person was standing beside him, he doesn't know them…and they know his name then…These guys are the one who gave him the Heavens Swallow!

Long Lin don't recognize them! And their aura was something smiler to her dad!

That middle-aged man came beside Du Chan sat on the bed.

"Haha, looks like you already recognized me!" that man laughed after seeing Du Chan's graze. And Du Chan nodded slowly.

"I didn't expect to meet you this fast, but it's good" that man

"Oh" Du Chan can feel the pressure on him was gone.

"My name is Yuan Zhang, and this Shen" that man said and Du Chan looked at Shen and nodded

Long Lin closed her month with her hand, it seems she heard this name before…

"I wanted to meet you later, but also don't want to miss this chance" that man said with a smile, he wanted to meet Du Chan later when he came with his own power but there was some feeling that he won't meet him later…so he came to him and meet him.

Du Chan nodded, he was also not expected this to happen, how can someone who live in 4 worlds come to 9th heaven.

"Can you talk to me alone?" he asked Du Chan and Du Chan nodded, he felt he can trust this man, and both of them vanished from there.

Long Lin looked at Shen

"Hey, do you know Du Chan?" she asked Shen but Shen was silent

"Give me the answer!" Long Lin asked him in loud voice, she don't like people who ignore her at the most!

Shen opened his eyes and looked at Long Lin and said "Annoying"

"Ahh?? Who are you calling annoying?" Long Lin asked him

"Who do you think?" Shen said to her and closed his eyes, Long Lin stood up and walked to him close

"I don't think you know me, even though you are that Legendry Shen I don't care! Don't act so highly in front of me" she said in angry voice! Why can't he answer normally!?

Shen was calm and not even opened his eyes, he ignored her totally


"You are weak, you can't fight me so shut up! I don't like to talk with weak people" Shen said to her in calm voice while his eyes were still closed

Long Lin was beyond angry now

"You old bastard, how old are you? Calling me weak? I'm far stronger than you when you were my age! So, you shut up!!" Long Lin shouted at him but Shen was silent and not even gave him the reply.

Long Lin also calmed down a little and she also ignored him, this bastard has so much pride…calling her weak, she was stronger than many people who are at her age! and even surpassed many old people in the 9th heaven! And he still calling her weak…tsk, this all started because of that question, if she knew that this guy's attitude is shiit, she would just not even ask him anything! what a pain…

Shen stood there without even making a single move.



"Senior Yuan, why you gave me Heavens Swallow?" Du Chan asked that man, they were sitting on top of a rock which was floating in air.

"Good question, but Let's skip that" Yuan said with a smile, as they arrived here this was the first thing Du Chan spoke. And he refused to answer this…

"Anyway, how you been using the technique? It is wonderful technique, right?" Yuan said with a smile

"Yes it is, but it's been some time since I used it" Du Chan said, he didn't use Heavens Swallow after he came out of the Pill King's inheritance.

"Oh…Well, you at least used it once, so that means you know how it works" Yuan said to him

"Yes, this technique helped me very much in my journey! Without this it, I think I wouldn't able to reach this place!" Du Chan said to him thankfully, it was indeed true, after getting the Heavens Swallow, he was able to reach the things he was not able to imagine, when he was a kid, he used to think about flying in air, but he had a fuking curse! But now…because of Undying Physique and Heavens Swallow he was able to reach this place! A Xiantian realm!

"Good, can you show me yours Qi Crusher?" Yuan asked him

"Qi Crusher?" Du Chan never heard of this before…

"Yes, the thing which look like a cyclone when you try to use Heavens Swallow" Yuan said

"Oh, that one, yeah sure" Du Chan stood up and took some steps back. He raised his right hand and closed his eyes, he didn't use this for a long time now… Some Qi started to appear on top of his hand but just as the Qi came out of his body the Immortal Qi outside destroyed it and that Qi was completely smashed to nothing and mixed with Immortal Qi

"Haha, I don't know this would happen" Yuan laughed when he saw that, he doesn't now or forgot the thing. Normal Qi wont work for a long time here, especially when it comes of the host's body!

Du Chan looked at him confusion, this guy…

"Sorry, I forgot this thing" Yuan said with a smile

"And I have been in closed door cultivation for so long…"

Du Chan came back to his seat. The seat was nothing by a rock which Yuan prepared.

"Senior Yun, I have a question" Du Chan asked

"What is it?"

"You, Kim and Buddha are friends?"

"Yeah" he said normally.

"Oh…then why both Buddha and Kim don't talk about it?" Du Chan asked, he was with Buddha for so long but he never said to him that this old man was his friend, even Kim too

"Hmm, it has a reason, I would also not talk about it until it's important, but after you asking this, you already know about us, did that little girl said this to you?"


"When we there were at our prime, we were crazy! Nothing in this world stopped us, not even heavens opposed us! But once because of Kim's craziness he makes almost everyone his enemy, at some point he just destroyed a Transcended Clan! But that not stopped there, Buddha also went crazy, then me, we three totally shook the Heavens, and killed our way to the XXXX. But nothing went good for long, we eventually need to take a break and now you can see, it's already been many billion years since that happened…" Yuan said

"Oh…this might sound bad, but Kim destroyed the Clan because of his wife?" Du Chan asked him.

"Hmm, something like that, but yeah, she was also involved in that thing" Yuan said.

"And how did that little girl know about this? not many people know this, only some of old monsters and our generation people know…" Yuan was kind of surprised how the hell did that little girl know so many things.

"I don't know, but you guys' stories were interesting, Three Demon GodKings! This sounds good!" Du Chan said with a smile

"hahaha, that name 'Three Demon GodKings' what a nostalgia name" Yuan laughed when he heard that

"We got this name when we destroyed a GodKing's place, and we were not even GodKing at that time, even many realms lower than him!"

Du Chan nodded with a smile.

"You made me remember thing I long forgotten, since I'm in good mood I will give you one thing" Yuan said

"You would have given me that even if I didn't do anything"

"Keke, true, here take it! this will help you in your way up to here after going back to 4 worlds" Yuan said and a small box appeared in his hands.

"?" Du Chan didn't understand that, help his way here? Is that a map or something?

"indeed, this was the map I found when I was looking for a treasure, but nobody wanted because no one goes out of this 9th heaven!" Yuan said with a sigh

"Oh…Then this have map of lower heaven to 8th heaven?" Du Chan asked

"Yes!" Yuan nodded and opened the top of the small box and channeled some Qi into it…

"Wait! That need Immortal Qi!?" Du Chan asked, if it need Immortal Qi how would he able to use it once he goes out of here!

"Don't worry, this takes Qi, it doesn't matter if it's Immortal Qi or Normal Qi" Yuan said and the small space in the box started to glow…

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